
  • 4星以上
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  • 5折-6折
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • 西游记故事(英文版) journey to the west with the stone monkey
    •   ( 3232 条评论 )
    • (加)Pan Yun-chong 潘允中 /2010-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • THE HISTORICAL I4-YEAR QUEST OF THE 7TH CENTURY CHINESE MONK, XUANZANG, TO OBTAIN BUDDHIST SUTRAS TRAVELLING THROUGH XINJIANG, AFGHANISTAN, PAKISTAN AND INDIA. Yun-Chong Pans retelling of the story, originally crafted by the Ming Dynasty story-teller, Wu Chengen, will captivate children with its fantasy, and delight young and old with its layers of reality and satire grounded in Chinese, Indian, Greek, and Old Testament mythology.

    • ¥44 ¥88 折扣:5折
    • 中国历史著述(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 521 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇朱晨蕾 绘 /2020-05-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 在中国的历史长河中,经典著述对国家的形成、人民日常生活的影响起到了至关重要的作用。本书每篇短文介绍一本经典著述,时间跨度3000余年,内容包含了医学、数学、军事谋略、宗教、文学以及艺术、游记等。 Throughout China s long history, classic texts have played a vital role in shaping the country and influencing the daily lives of its people. In this series of short articles, we introduce classic texts spanning more than 3,000 years and covering everything from medicine, mathematics and military strategy to religion, literature, arts and travel.

    • ¥34 ¥68 折扣:5折
    • 中国历史人物(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 677 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇朱晨蕾 绘 /2020-05-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 了解一个国家,必先了解此国的人。在本书中,你将一览中国历史长河,认识曾在哲学、艺术、文学、宗教、科技和政治等领域留下深深烙印的88位重要人物。 To understand a country is to understand its people. In this book, we will take you on a tour through the long history of China to recall the life stories of 88 important figures who left their personal marks in philosophy, art and literature, religion, science and technology and political movements.

    • ¥42.5 ¥85 折扣:5折
    • 德伯家的苔丝 一个纯洁的女人 人民文学出版社
    •   ( 137 条评论 )
    • (英)托马斯·哈代 /1970-01-01/ 人民文学出版社
    • 《德伯家的苔丝:一个纯洁的女人》是托马斯·哈代的长篇小说。小说主人公苔丝这一形象是哈代对人类世界的伟大贡献,她已成为世界文学长廊中很优美迷人的女性形象之一。生活贫困的苔丝因貌美而被地主少爷亚利克玷污了贞节。因此,苔丝曾一度精神不振。后来,经过时间的洗涤,苔丝重振精神开始新的人生。她遇上了年轻、英俊的克莱尔,两人情投意合。然而,就在结婚的当天,克莱尔知道了苔丝的过去……

    • ¥34.5 ¥69 折扣:5折
    • 幻灭 人民文学出版社
    •   ( 107 条评论 )
    • (法)巴尔扎克 /1978-03-01/ 人民文学出版社
    • 《幻灭》揭露了文坛和新闻界内幕,集中了作者主要的生活经历和深切的生活感受,是《人间喜剧》中有价值的作品之一。小说讲述了两个有才能、有抱负的青年奋斗失败、理想破灭的故事:一个颇有才华的青年,梦想凭生花之笔博取文坛上的荣名,但在文学已沦为商品的社会中堕落成出卖灵魂的无耻文奴,在文坛倾轧和党派斗争中身败名裂;另一个青年是埋头苦干的发明家,因心地善良,敌不过同行的阴险算计,被迫放弃发明专利,埋葬了科学研究的理想。作品反映了法国大革命后整整一代青年的社会处境和精神状态。

    • ¥34.5 ¥69 折扣:5折
    • 精选唐诗与唐画(法汉对照)
    •   ( 394 条评论 )
    • 许渊冲 译诗 /2008-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 本书为中国传统文化精粹书系中的一本。宋词韵律优美,意境幽远,意味深长,具有独特的魅力。本书精选部分宋词,英汉对照,注有拼音,并用宋代的艺术绘画与之相配,相得益彰,形成了中国诗歌与绘画艺术的优良传统,反映了在华民族独特的审美理想和文化精神,它将成为未来诗画艺术创作与鉴赏的典范,向世界读者展示中华民族的诗画交融的独特艺术成就,让世界读者共享宋词与宋画之美。

    • ¥44 ¥88 折扣:5折
    • 红与黑 人民文学出版社
    •   ( 144 条评论 )
    • (法)司汤达 /1999-01-01/ 人民文学出版社
    • 《红与黑》是十九世纪法国乃至欧洲文学的一座丰碑。个人与社会间的对抗是《红与黑》的中心主题。该书向传统习俗挑战,谴责了社会价值的虚伪。小说围绕主人公于连个人奋斗的经历与最终失败,尤其是他的两次爱情的描写,展现了19世纪初30年间法国的社会风气。小说以于连的爱情生活作为主线,但不是爱情小说,而是一部反映政治小说。《红与黑》开创了“意识流小说”和“心理小说”的先河,形成了一种“司汤达文体”,使小说创作发展到注重心理描写与情绪抒发。人们因此称司汤达为“现代小说之父”。

    • ¥34.5 ¥69 折扣:5折
    • 末代太监孙耀庭(英文)
    •   ( 269 条评论 )
    • 贾英华 著;孙海晨 译 /2008-10-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • China’S 1ast eunuch Sun Yaoting died in December 1996 at age 94.He took with him intimate stories of the last vestiges of Imperial China and was himself the 1ast in the line of eunuchs who had served the royal family for more than 2,000 years.His personal iourney from poor farmboy to revered servant to PU Yi and Wanrong.China’S last emperor and empress,iS an amazing iourney which also chronicles nearly one century of turbulence and upheavalin Chinese history and culture. This engrossing biography by Chinese historian Jia Yinghua fcatures first.hand accounts by Sun Yaoting of his adventures in the Forbidden City.his reunion with Pu Yi in Japanese—held Manchukuo in the 1 930s.his return to“normal”1ifc as a community organizer in the Buddhist temple where he 1ivcd out the rest of his lifc. Beginning in the early 1 900s.Sun’S story follows events in China such as Pu Yi’S abdication of lmperial rule.the Japanese occupation 0f China which ended with the conclusion

    • ¥46 ¥92 折扣:5折
    • 中国经典故事系列--三国演义故事(英)
    •   ( 382 条评论 )
    • 王国振 编著 /2012-02-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • In the late years of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25--220),because of the corruption of the state administrationexacerbatedby years of famine, the ordinary people lived a veryhard life. InJulu county, local man Zhang Jue, together with hisbrothersZhang Liang, and Zhang Bao, managed to enlist some500,000people from today's Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Hubei andJiangsuprovinces, into a rebel force and they launched a jointattack upongovernment troops. Several days later, from every sidepeoplejoined the army of the rebel Zhang Jue. The rebel army begantowrap yellow scarves around their heads and this quicklybecametheir signature. As the strength of the rebel army increased,theimperial troops became less and less able to control them.

    • ¥44 ¥88 折扣:5折
    • 中国历代绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 428 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇 陈洁 著 /2020-05-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 《中国历代著名绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)》介绍了38幅国画,从风格、技巧、视角等方面来引导读者领略国画艺术的美,同时也讲述了画家的创作背景和审美理念。 Chinese painting, also known as brush painting or ink-wash painting, is one of the oldest art forms in the world. However, the unique styles, techniques and perspectives of Chinese painting are often unfamiliar to readers and art lovers in other parts of the world. This book aims to expound the aesthetic concepts behind some famous Chinese paintings and tell interesting stories about their creation and their creators. It may serve as a helpful guide in exploring the fabulous yet mysterious treasure house of great Chinese paintings.

    • ¥31 ¥62 折扣:5折
    • 精选宋词与宋画(法汉对照)
    •   ( 320 条评论 )
    • 许渊冲 译词 /2008-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 本书为中国传统文化精粹书系中的一本。宋词韵律优美,意境幽远,意味深长,具有独特的魅力。本书精选部分宋词,英汉对照,注有拼音,并用宋代的艺术绘画与之相配,相得益彰,形成了中国诗歌与绘画艺术的优良传统,反映了在华民族独特的审美理想和文化精神,它将成为未来诗画艺术创作与鉴赏的典范,向世界读者展示中华民族的诗画交融的独特艺术成就,让世界读者共享宋词与宋画之美。

    • ¥44 ¥88 折扣:5折
    • 中国博物馆(英文版) CHINA'S Museums
    •   ( 128 条评论 )
    • 黎先耀罗哲文 著,(美)艾梅霞 译 /2010-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • China has an ancient civilization with a very long history. Understanding its olely through the study of documents is clearly inadequate. A wealth of objects and remains has been preserved on China's vast territory and underground; much of which has been collected and is exhibited in various kinds of museums. This raw material of history can, in a certain sense, be considered more valuable for our understanding of the past of China than documents and historical records. Among the sixty-one museums selected for this book, many have been designated as key protected cultural sites by China. Some have been included in the UNESCO List of World Cultural Heritage Sites. We hope that this volume can serve visitors as a guide to understanding these museums.

    • ¥49.5 ¥99 折扣:5折
    • 中国政治制度(英文版) China's Political System
    •   ( 140 条评论 )
    • 尹中卿 /2010-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • The political system covers many fields, and the political systems of different countries vary greatly. The political system of contemporary China includes the form of state structure, the electoral system, the system of people's congresses, the system of the state presidency, the system of administration, the judiciary system, the military system, the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation, and the system of grass-roots democracy

    • ¥48 ¥96 折扣:5折
    • 自然之旅:英文
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • 刘莹 著,周效政 译 /2007-08-01/
    • China is located in east Eurasia and on the Pacific west coast,covering 9.6 million sq.km of land and 3 million sq.km of sea.It stretches across four time zones east to west and covers 5,500 km north to south,while the elevation gap between its highest peak and lowest point reaches nearly 9,000meters.The great geographical differences and contrasts have made this land both dynamic and magnificent.There are snow-capped mountains,glaciers,evergreen rain forests,desolate gobis and deserts,vibrant lakes and coasts,spectacular valleys and waterfalls,and boundless grasslands and wetlands.In China,almost all types of natural scenery that exist in the world can be found,and this book intends to help you learn something about its beauty.

    • ¥48 ¥96 折扣:5折
    • 普洱茶:英文
    •   ( 359 条评论 )
    • 王缉东 著,陈铸芬刘清伶 译 /2010-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 中国茶对于中国人来说,已经不仅仅是一种饮品,经过几千年的传承,茶已经演变成为具有浓郁中国风情的文化。品饮中国茶,即是体味中国文化。本系列图书图文并茂地介绍了茶与茶具、烹茶技艺、普洱茶、绿茶和乌龙茶,介绍中国名茶的基础知识,并回答与茶与茶具有关的一些常识性问题,引导外国读者认识中国茶,具有很强的实用性和可操作性。 中国茶对于中国人来说,已经不仅仅是一种饮品,经过几千年的传承,茶已经演变成为具有浓郁中国风情的文化。品饮中国茶,即是体味中国文化。对于来中国学习、工作的外国人,不了解中国茶文化,便相当于没来过中国。本系列图书图文并茂地介绍了茶与茶具、烹茶技艺、普洱茶、绿茶和乌龙茶,介绍中国名茶的基础知识,并回答与茶与茶具有关的一些常识性问题,引导外国读者认识中国茶,具有很强的实用性和

    • ¥39.9 ¥79.8 折扣:5折
    • 儿子与情人 人民文学出版社
    •   ( 84 条评论 )
    • (英)D.H.劳伦斯 /1987-04-01/ 人民文学出版社
    • 《儿子与情人》被评为二十世纪百佳小说之一。通常人们把《儿子与情人》看做是一部带有自传性质的长篇小说,因为故事内容取材于劳伦斯的早年生活。本书贯穿了劳伦斯三点主要思想:一是哀叹和抗议由于工业发展造成自然环境的污染;二是对社会地位的强列自卑感,决心挣脱所属阶级的枷锁;三是因不能正确对待婚姻与性生活的矛盾而感到苦闷。

    • ¥34.5 ¥69 折扣:5折
    • 烹茶技艺:英文
    •   ( 171 条评论 )
    • 李洪 著,(新加坡)罗宇思 译 /2010-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 中国茶对于中国人来说,已经不仅仅是一种饮品,经过几千年的传承,茶已经演变成为具有浓郁中国风情的文化。品饮中国茶,即是体味中国文化。本系列图书图文并茂地介绍了茶与茶具、烹茶技艺、普洱茶、绿茶和乌龙茶,介绍中国名茶的基础知识,并回答与茶与茶具有关的一些常识性问题,引导外国读者认识中国茶,具有很强的实用性和可操作性。 中国茶对于中国人来说,已经不仅仅是一种饮品,经过几千年的传承,茶已经演变成为具有浓郁中国风情的文化。品饮中国茶,即是体味中国文化。对于来中国学习、工作的外国人,不了解中国茶文化,便相当于没来过中国。本系列图书图文并茂地介绍了茶与茶具、烹茶技艺、普洱茶、绿茶和乌龙茶,介绍中国名茶的基础知识,并回答与茶与茶具有关的一些常识性问题,引导外国读者认识中国茶,具有很强的实用性和

    • ¥39.9 ¥79.8 折扣:5折
    • 精选诗经与诗意画(法汉对照)
    •   ( 259 条评论 )
    • 许渊冲 译持 /2008-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 《诗经》是中国部诗歌总集,分为“风”、“雅”、“颂”三部分,共计160篇。作品以抒情诗为主流,兼有叙事诗、讽刺诗、歌谣等形式。运用了赋、比、兴表现手法,具有很高的艺术成就,对后世文学创作产生了深远的影响。本书取了《诗经》里的51首诗歌,都是《诗经》中具有代表性的作品。加以拼音注释和英文翻译版,让中外诗歌爱好者都能感受它的魅力。书中所选的绘画作品大多出自历代画师名家之手,是不可多得的艺术珍品,对于理解《诗经》的内容,体会作品的意境有非常大的帮助。

    • ¥44 ¥88 折扣:5折
    • 安徒生童话选 人民文学出版社
    •   ( 60 条评论 )
    • (丹)安徒生 /1970-01-01/ 人民文学出版社
    • 《安徒生童话选》精选了丹麦作家安徒生的69篇童话故事。安徒生的童话具有丰富的幻想,天真烂漫的构思和朴素的幽默感。他以满腔热情表达了他对人间的爱,对人间的关怀,对人的尊严的重视,对人类进步的赞颂。安徒生童话作为世界经典,伴随着许多代人度过了难忘的童年。

    • ¥44 ¥88 折扣:5折
    • 中国戏剧(英文版) china's drama
    •   ( 81 条评论 )
    • 傅谨 著,王文亮 等译 /2010-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • China is a country with multiple theatrical activities spread over its largearea. Chinese traditional opera, an integration of singing and performance, is the most common, unique and representative form of Chinese theater. Over more than 800 years, it has maintained its basic form .In the beginning of the 20th century, subject to the impact of the West, the modern drama without singing appeared in China. The development and prosperity of modern drama has added a new landscape for Chinese the ater, which, as a whole, has become more diversified.

    • ¥47 ¥94 折扣:5折
    • 我心中的少林
    •   ( 246 条评论 )
    • 释永信 著 /2013-05-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 《我心中的少林》(英文版)一书选取了近300幅珍贵图片,由少林寺方丈释永信亲自执笔,首度向公众讲述他与少林寺之间的深厚渊源。通过该书读者可以更加透彻地理解少林文化,并感知几代少林僧人为传承少林文化所做的不懈努力。

    • ¥44.5 ¥89 折扣:5折
    • 新版人文中国-中国神话传说(英)(新)
    •   ( 98 条评论 )
    • 陈连山 著,张凤茹 陈姗姗 译 /2016-05-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • The author believes that ancient Chinese myths and legends were gradually formed on the basis of those of the Huaxia (Han) and by absorbing from the Dongyi (ancient eastern tribes) and the Miaoman (ancient Southern tribes).The author sorted materials from various ancient Chinese books and records,and arranged the myths in order to aid readers' appreciation of the materials.In some chapters, he compares Chinese myths with western ones (especiallythe Greek). Full of fascinating material sand lucidly written, this book enables readers to enjoy the charm of Chinese myths and legends as well understand the spirit of traditional Chinese culture. In addition to the main Chinese traditions, the author includes reference to less well-known but equally fascinating stories.

    • ¥45 ¥90 折扣:5折
    • 中国茶(英文版) Chinese Tea
    •   ( 614 条评论 )
    • 本书编写组 /2010-01-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • China is the homeland of tea, taking a leading position in the planting, producing and drinking of tea. Because of their different producing techniques, Chinese tea is divided into six major types-green tea, black tea, oolong tea, dark tea, yellow tea and white tea. Some people say that green tea, simple and light, stands for the scholasticity of south China; black tea, mild and reserved, is quite ladylike; oolong tea, warm and persistent, resembles the perseverance of gymnosophists; dark tea, with lingering aftertaste, symbolizes the wisdom of the elderly, and so on and so forth.

    • ¥48 ¥96 折扣:5折