In the late years of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25--220),because of the corruption of the state administrationexacerbatedby years of famine, the ordinary people lived a veryhard life. InJulu county, local man Zhang Jue, together with hisbrothersZhang Liang, and Zhang Bao, managed to enlist some500,000people from today's Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Hubei andJiangsuprovinces, into a rebel force and they launched a jointattack upongovernment troops. Several days later, from every sidepeoplejoined the army of the rebel Zhang Jue. The rebel army begantowrap yellow scarves around their heads and this quicklybecametheir signature. As the strength of the rebel army increased,theimperial troops became less and less able to control them.
China’S 1ast eunuch Sun Yaoting died in December 1996 at age 94.He took with him intimate stories of the last vestiges of Imperial China and was himself the 1ast in the line of eunuchs who had served the royal family for more than 2,000 years.His personal iourney from poor farmboy to revered servant to PU Yi and Wanrong.China’S last emperor and empress,iS an amazing iourney which also chronicles nearly one century of turbulence and upheavalin Chinese history and culture. This engrossing biography by Chinese historian Jia Yinghua fcatures first.hand accounts by Sun Yaoting of his adventures in the Forbidden City.his reunion with Pu Yi in Japanese—held Manchukuo in the 1 930s.his return to“normal”1ifc as a community organizer in the Buddhist temple where he 1ivcd out the rest of his lifc. Beginning in the early 1 900s.Sun’S story follows events in China such as Pu Yi’S abdication of lmperial rule.the Japanese occupation 0f China which ended with the conclusion
《约翰-克利斯朵夫》是罗曼·罗兰的长篇小说代表作,通过约翰-克利斯朵夫一生经历去反映现实社会一系列矛盾冲突,宣扬人道主义和英雄主义。小说描写了约翰-克利斯朵夫奋斗的一生,从儿时音乐才能的觉醒,到青年时代对权贵的蔑视和反抗,再到成年后在事业上的追求和成功,最后达到精神宁静的崇高境界。1915年罗曼·罗兰凭借《约翰-克利斯朵夫》获诺贝尔文学奖。 此次收入“丛书”,特为中小学生课外阅读制作,书前配有“导读”,书后有“知识链接”,以给青少年朋友以必要阅读指引和知识积累。
The Peach Blossom Fam is a greatmasterpiece of Kun opera and has been a favorite of Chineseaudiences for more than300 years, it takes the love story betweenthe Revival Society poet Hou Fanyu and the beautiful rivercourtesan Li Xiangiun as its basis; but as a historical epic, itreflects the brief splendor and fall of the short-lived SouthernMing dynasty. This book, with plain words, intends to help foreignreaders understand the story and appreciate classic Chineseopera.
《契诃夫短篇小说精选》 契诃夫著,汝龙译的《契诃夫短篇小说精选(经典名著口碑版本)/阅读丛书》收入了《变色龙》《苦恼》《万卡》《套中人》等契诃夫很为经典的短篇小说。所收入的这些小说都是具有很高艺术成就,不仅是作家的代表作,也是十九世纪末俄国文学的杰作。契诃夫作品很突出的艺术特点是:真实、朴素、幽默。他把文体的简朴和语言的洗练看作是艺术的优选标准。他的作品取材于平凡的生活,表现的却是重大的社会问题,内容深邃,文笔精练,形象鲜明,语调舒缓,读者在掩卷之余,总有余味无穷之感。 《欧·亨利短篇小说精选》 欧·亨利被全世界读者认可为20世纪初优选的短篇小说家,直到今天,故事结局的精彩转折依然被称为“欧·亨利式结尾”。他的故事展现出令人啼笑皆非的悲悯、独特的幽默和不到很后一秒保证猜不到的结局。它们
Since the appeance of this play TheRomance of the Western Chamber in the thirteenth century, it hasenjoyed unparalleled popularity. The play has given rise toinnumerable sequels, parodies, and rewritings; it has influencedcountless later plays, short stories, and novels and has played acrucial role in the development of drama crilicism. The theme ofthe drama is an attack on feudal mores, supporting the longing ofyoung people in those days for freedom of marriage, although itfollows the timeworn pattern of a gifted scholar and a beautifullady falling in love at first sight. This book, with plain words,intends to help foreign readers understand the story and appreciateclassic Chinese opera.
丛书译者为许渊冲先生,其从事翻译工作70年,2010年12月荣获 中国翻译文化终身成就奖 ;2014年8月荣获由国际译联颁发的文学翻译领域*奖项 北极光 杰出文学翻译奖,成为首位获该奖的亚洲翻译家。经许先生的妙手,许多中国经典诗文被译成出色的英文韵语。这套汉英对照版 许译中国经典诗文集 荟萃许先生*代表性的英文译作14种,汉语部分采用中华书局版本。这些作品包括多种体裁,上起先秦,下至清代,既是联接所有中国人思想、情感的文化纽带,也是中国文化走向世界的重要桥梁。阅读和了解这些作品,即可尽览中国文化的 源头活水 。相信这套许氏译本能使英语读者分享孔子、老子的智慧,分享唐诗、宋词、中国古典戏曲的优美,并以此促进东西方文化的交流。2015年2月2日,由中国出版协会举办的第五届中华优秀出版物奖在京揭晓, 许译中国经典诗文集
丛书译者为许渊冲先生,其从事翻译工作70年,2010年12月荣获 中国翻译文化终身成就奖 ;2014年8月荣获由国际译联颁发的文学翻译领域*奖项 北极光 杰出文学翻译奖,成为首位获该奖的亚洲翻译家。经许先生的妙手,许多中国经典诗文被译成出色的英文韵语。这套汉英对照版 许译中国经典诗文集 荟萃许先生*代表性的英文译作14种,汉语部分采用中华书局版本。这些作品包括多种体裁,上起先秦,下至清代,既是联接所有中国人思想、情感的文化纽带,也是中国文化走向世界的重要桥梁。阅读和了解这些作品,即可尽览中国文化的 源头活水 。相信这套许氏译本能使英语读者分享孔子、老子的智慧,分享唐诗、宋词、中国古典戏曲的优美,并以此促进东西方文化的交流。2015年2月2日,由中国出版协会举办的第五届中华优秀出版物奖在京揭晓, 许译中国经典诗文集
The Peony pavilion is one of Tang's"Four Dreams" and has traditionally been performed as a Kun opera.The opera tells a romantic love story of Du Liniang and LiuMengmei, with its focuses on love, beauty, relationship, andmarriage.This passionate story has always been considered a Chinesenalional treasure, and continues to resonate with audienceeverywhere, even in this modern day and age. This book, with plainwords, intends to help foreign readers understand the story andappreciate classic Chinese opera.
The Palace of Eternal Youth is one ofthe most important classic repertory pieces of Knn Opera. It'sabout the tragic love sloty of Tahng Emperor Li Longji and hisimperial concubine Yang Yuhuan one of the most inspiring beautiesin Chinese history. Their legend conveys the universal value thattrue love will transcend the boundaries of time and overcome alldiMculuies. This book with plain words; intends to help foreignreaders understand the story and appreeiate classic Chineseopera.