
  • 30-50元
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    • 中国饮食 刘军茹 编著,高瑞风 译
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 刘军茹 编著,高瑞风 译 /2010-04-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 中国饮食特点中国是文明是国,亦是悠久饮食文化之境地。吾存于世,吃喝二十余年,有所心得有所感悟,现将饮食文化归纳出以下几个特点,望大家见教:风味多样。由于我国幅员辽阔,地大物博,各地气候、物产、风俗习惯都存在着差异,长期以来,在饮食上也就形成了许多风味。我国一直就有‘南米北面’的说法,口味上有‘南甜北咸东酸西辣’之分,主要是巴蜀、齐鲁、淮扬、粤闽风味。

    • ¥47.5 ¥144.5 折扣:3.3折
    • Best of Chinese Cuisine Home Style-上品中国菜-家常菜-英文 (新加坡)梁兆基 著 五
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • (新加坡)梁兆基 著 /2011-06-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • Widely acknowledged as a trendsetter inmodern Chinese cuisine and the man behind the creative dishesoffered at My Humble House and Space@ My Humble House, Sam Leong isnow also a familiar face on Singapore television. Known best as thestern chef-mentor on the cooking petition show, Star Chefs, andthen as the fun cook on another popular food show, Good Food FunCook, Sam has gained a loyal following for his practical and easycooking style, which is the theme of this cookbook. Best of ChineseCuisine: Home Style is a collection of recipes that will appeal notonly to the home cook because the dishes can be prepared easily,but also to the rest of the family with the range of wholesomesoups, quick stir-fries, convenient one-dish meals andmouth-watering desserts. The ingredients required for these dishesare readily available from local markets and supermarkets,and canalso be substituted to offer more dining options.

    • ¥31 ¥81.37 折扣:3.8折
    • Best of Chinese Cuisine Home Style-上品中国菜-家常菜-英文 (新加坡)梁兆基 著 五
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (新加坡)梁兆基 著 /2011-06-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • Widely acknowledged as a trendsetter inmodern Chinese cuisine and the man behind the creative dishesoffered at My Humble House and Space@ My Humble House, Sam Leong isnow also a familiar face on Singapore television. Known best as thestern chef-mentor on the cooking petition show, Star Chefs, andthen as the fun cook on another popular food show, Good Food FunCook, Sam has gained a loyal following for his practical and easycooking style, which is the theme of this cookbook. Best of ChineseCuisine: Home Style is a collection of recipes that will appeal notonly to the home cook because the dishes can be prepared easily,but also to the rest of the family with the range of wholesomesoups, quick stir-fries, convenient one-dish meals andmouth-watering desserts. The ingredients required for these dishesare readily available from local markets and supermarkets,and canalso be substituted to offer more dining options.

    • ¥42 ¥91 折扣:4.6折
    • 学做中国菜·米面类 《学做中国菜》编委会 编 外文出版社,【正版现货】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 学做中国菜》编委会 编 /2000-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 《学做中国菜》系列丛书共九册,包括水产类、肉菜类、菜蔬类、豆品类、汤菜类、冷菜类、面点类、禽蛋类和家宴类。本册为《学做中国菜》系列丛书之一,汇集了制作米面食品的方法四十种。 米面食品是中国人每餐都不可少的,它们同各种菜馔巧妙搭配,既丰富了饮食品种又符合膳食平衡原理。一块面团或米粉团,配以蔬菜瓜果,可以花样翻新制作出无数种不同口感、味道和形状的米面食品,这也是中国食品与西餐的又一个不同之处。

    • ¥30.1 ¥62.38 折扣:4.8折
    • Best of Chinese Cuisine Home Style-上品中国菜-家常菜-英文 (新加坡)梁兆基 著 五
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (新加坡)梁兆基 著 /2011-06-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • Widely acknowledged as a trendsetter inmodern Chinese cuisine and the man behind the creative dishesoffered at My Humble House and Space@ My Humble House, Sam Leong isnow also a familiar face on Singapore television. Known best as thestern chef-mentor on the cooking petition show, Star Chefs, andthen as the fun cook on another popular food show, Good Food FunCook, Sam has gained a loyal following for his practical and easycooking style, which is the theme of this cookbook. Best of ChineseCuisine: Home Style is a collection of recipes that will appeal notonly to the home cook because the dishes can be prepared easily,but also to the rest of the family with the range of wholesomesoups, quick stir-fries, convenient one-dish meals andmouth-watering desserts. The ingredients required for these dishesare readily available from local markets and supermarkets,and canalso be substituted to offer more dining options.

    • ¥42 ¥91 折扣:4.6折
    • Best of Chinese Cuisine Herbal Dish-上品中国菜-药膳-英文 (新加坡)陈特瑞 著 五
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (新加坡)陈特瑞 著 /2011-06-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • When thiook was first published in1983, little had been written in English about Chinese herbalcuisine and its health-promoting qualities. Terry Tan, at that timea consultant chef and lecturer at the School of Oriental Cooking inLondon, and prior to that a well-known writer and food consultantin Singapore, took on the formidable task of perating themystique that surrounded the intricacies of using Chinese herbs.Therecipes he piled made it possible for even the novice cook toserve up nourishing herbalstews and one-pot meals with confidence.Best of Chinese Cuisine: Herbal Dish has proven to be popular overalmost three decades, and this new edition haeen produced forthe twenty-first century, with updated herb information and 20brand new recipes. Reworked with contemporary tastes and lifestylesin mind, the new edition is poised to inform and endear itself toanother generation of readers.

    • ¥36.4 ¥77.98 折扣:4.7折
    • 学做中国菜 汤菜类 《学做中国菜》编委会 编 外文出版社【正版可开发票】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 学做中国菜》编委会 编 /2000-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 《学做中国菜》系列丛书共九册,包括水产类、肉菜类、菜蔬类、豆品类、汤菜类、冷菜类、面点类、禽蛋类和家宴类。本册为汤菜类,共收入40种汤菜的烹饪方法。 汤菜是餐桌上不可缺少的菜肴之一。中国厨师有句名言称:“唱戏的腔,厨师的汤。”可见中国厨师对于汤菜的制作是极为看重的。 中国菜中所谓的“汤”可分两类。一类是用作辅料的料汤,又称鲜汤,是一次加工,留待烹调过程中分次使用的。另一类汤本身就是菜肴,称为汤菜。 汤菜既是家庭便餐,又可开席宴客,其选料、调味、制作方法较多,制出的汤味、色各异。读者尽可通过实践烹制出适合自己和家人口味的汤菜。

    • ¥31 ¥119.37 折扣:2.6折
    • 名厨名菜-2 陈进万 著 外文出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 陈进万 著 /2007-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 中国幅员辽阔;物产丰富,在不同的地理环境和风土民情的孕育下,饮食文化勃勃生机,迅速发展,各地的美味佳肴不权、品种繁多,而且独具特色,其中又以江浙菜、粤菜、川湘菜、北京菜最为大众所熟悉。 本书简要介绍了上述菜系中84种名菜的传统配料、制作方法以及特色。这里介绍的菜肴原料易得,制作简便,读者按照彩色图片和文字的解说去做,便能轻松掌握烹调佳肴的方法和技巧。 吃饭不仅是为了吃饱,更是一种生活享受,亲自下厨,正是您个中情趣的具体体现。有了本书的帮助,相信您可以成为家中的名厨师,让家人和亲朋好友足不出屋,就能尝遍各地的美味佳肴,并对您的手艺啧啧称赞。 本书文字汉英对照,喜爱中国菜的外国朋友,拥有此书,潜心习练,定会成为中国菜的烹调的大师。

    • ¥40 ¥98 折扣:4.1折
    • 学做中国菜 汤菜类 《学做中国菜》编委会 编【正版保证】.
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 学做中国菜》编委会 编 /2000-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 《学做中国菜》系列丛书共九册,包括水产类、肉菜类、菜蔬类、豆品类、汤菜类、冷菜类、面点类、禽蛋类和家宴类。本册为汤菜类,共收入40种汤菜的烹饪方法。 汤菜是餐桌上不可缺少的菜肴之一。中国厨师有句名言称:“唱戏的腔,厨师的汤。”可见中国厨师对于汤菜的制作是极为看重的。 中国菜中所谓的“汤”可分两类。一类是用作辅料的料汤,又称鲜汤,是一次加工,留待烹调过程中分次使用的。另一类汤本身就是菜肴,称为汤菜。 汤菜既是家庭便餐,又可开席宴客,其选料、调味、制作方法较多,制出的汤味、色各异。读者尽可通过实践烹制出适合自己和家人口味的汤菜。

    • ¥31.8 ¥105 折扣:3折
    • Best of Chinese Cuisine Herbal Dish-上品中国菜-药膳-英文 (新加坡)陈特瑞 著 五
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (新加坡)陈特瑞 著 /2011-06-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • When thiook was first published in1983, little had been written in English about Chinese herbalcuisine and its health-promoting qualities. Terry Tan, at that timea consultant chef and lecturer at the School of Oriental Cooking inLondon, and prior to that a well-known writer and food consultantin Singapore, took on the formidable task of perating themystique that surrounded the intricacies of using Chinese herbs.Therecipes he piled made it possible for even the novice cook toserve up nourishing herbalstews and one-pot meals with confidence.Best of Chinese Cuisine: Herbal Dish has proven to be popular overalmost three decades, and this new edition haeen produced forthe twenty-first century, with updated herb information and 20brand new recipes. Reworked with contemporary tastes and lifestylesin mind, the new edition is poised to inform and endear itself toanother generation of readers.

    • ¥36.5 ¥89.89 折扣:4.1折
    • Best of Chinese Cuisine Home Style-上品中国菜-家常菜-英文 (新加坡)梁兆基 著【旧
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2011-06-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • Widely acknowledged as a trendsetter inmodern Chinese cuisine and the man behind the creative dishesoffered at My Humble House and Space@ My Humble House, Sam Leong isnow also a familiar face on Singapore television. Known best as thestern chef-mentor on the cooking petition show, Star Chefs, andthen as the fun cook on another popular food show, Good Food FunCook, Sam has gained a loyal following for his practical and easycooking style, which is the theme of this cookbook. Best of ChineseCuisine: Home Style is a collection of recipes that will appeal notonly to the home cook because the dishes can be prepared easily,but also to the rest of the family with the range of wholesomesoups, quick stir-fries, convenient one-dish meals andmouth-watering desserts. The ingredients required for these dishesare readily available from local markets and supermarkets,and canalso be substituted to offer more dining options.

    • ¥40.4 ¥141 折扣:2.9折
    • 中国饮食 刘军茹 编著,高瑞风 译【正版保证】.
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 刘军茹 编著,高瑞风 译 /2010-04-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 中国饮食特点中国是文明是国,亦是悠久饮食文化之境地。吾存于世,吃喝二十余年,有所心得有所感悟,现将饮食文化归纳出以下几个特点,望大家见教:风味多样。由于我国幅员辽阔,地大物博,各地气候、物产、风俗习惯都存在着差异,长期以来,在饮食上也就形成了许多风味。我国一直就有‘南米北面’的说法,口味上有‘南甜北咸东酸西辣’之分,主要是巴蜀、齐鲁、淮扬、粤闽风味。

    • ¥49.3 ¥188.7 折扣:2.6折
    • 正版图书 简易家常菜 外文出版社 9787119030814
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 林淑莲 著 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 本书精选了118道家常,配以560余幅精美的彩色图片,采用图示的方法分步骤讲解,使您减少摸索的时间,尽快享受到烹调美食的乐趣。 闲睱之余,去超市买些鱼肉,青菜、回到家中按图索“骥”,相信您会以愉快的心情,遨游于厨艺天地之间,让美味佳肴之香温暖全家人的心房与胃肠。 本书文字汉英对照,喜爱中国菜的外国朋友,拥有此书,潜心习练,定会成为中国菜的烹调大师。

    • ¥45.6 ¥244.71 折扣:1.9折
    • Best of Chinese Cuisine Herbal Dish-上品中国菜-药膳-英文 (新加坡)陈特瑞 著【正
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (新加坡)陈特瑞 著 /2011-06-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • When thiook was first published in1983, little had been written in English about Chinese herbalcuisine and its health-promoting qualities. Terry Tan, at that timea consultant chef and lecturer at the School of Oriental Cooking inLondon, and prior to that a well-known writer and food consultantin Singapore, took on the formidable task of perating themystique that surrounded the intricacies of using Chinese herbs.Therecipes he piled made it possible for even the novice cook toserve up nourishing herbalstews and one-pot meals with confidence.Best of Chinese Cuisine: Herbal Dish has proven to be popular overalmost three decades, and this new edition haeen produced forthe twenty-first century, with updated herb information and 20brand new recipes. Reworked with contemporary tastes and lifestylesin mind, the new edition is poised to inform and endear itself toanother generation of readers.

    • ¥32.5 ¥179.1 折扣:1.8折
    • Best of Chinese Cuisine Herbal Dish-上品中国菜-药膳-英文 (新加坡)陈特瑞 著【正
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (新加坡)陈特瑞 著 /2011-06-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • When thiook was first published in1983, little had been written in English about Chinese herbalcuisine and its health-promoting qualities. Terry Tan, at that timea consultant chef and lecturer at the School of Oriental Cooking inLondon, and prior to that a well-known writer and food consultantin Singapore, took on the formidable task of perating themystique that surrounded the intricacies of using Chinese herbs.Therecipes he piled made it possible for even the novice cook toserve up nourishing herbalstews and one-pot meals with confidence.Best of Chinese Cuisine: Herbal Dish has proven to be popular overalmost three decades, and this new edition haeen produced forthe twenty-first century, with updated herb information and 20brand new recipes. Reworked with contemporary tastes and lifestylesin mind, the new edition is poised to inform and endear itself toanother generation of readers.

    • ¥33.8 ¥179.1 折扣:1.9折
    • 学做中国菜 汤菜类 《学做中国菜》编委会 编【正版】.
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 学做中国菜》编委会 编 /2000-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 《学做中国菜》系列丛书共九册,包括水产类、肉菜类、菜蔬类、豆品类、汤菜类、冷菜类、面点类、禽蛋类和家宴类。本册为汤菜类,共收入40种汤菜的烹饪方法。 汤菜是餐桌上不可缺少的菜肴之一。中国厨师有句名言称:“唱戏的腔,厨师的汤。”可见中国厨师对于汤菜的制作是极为看重的。 中国菜中所谓的“汤”可分两类。一类是用作辅料的料汤,又称鲜汤,是一次加工,留待烹调过程中分次使用的。另一类汤本身就是菜肴,称为汤菜。 汤菜既是家庭便餐,又可开席宴客,其选料、调味、制作方法较多,制出的汤味、色各异。读者尽可通过实践烹制出适合自己和家人口味的汤菜。

    • ¥31.8 ¥105.3 折扣:3折