药方是中医药的精髓,蕴含着深厚的中医知识,而根据临床情况的辨证加减药方,更是凝结着医者丰富的临床经验,这是中药方能传世千年而经久不衰的原因。 本书中收集了自古以来的经典药方,将晦涩难懂的古方转换成更适合现代人使用的现代方。武老师根据实际情况,还对原方进行辨证加减,形成独特的对证药方,并对药方的变化做出解释,让你了解药方的来龙去脉。 “君、臣、佐、使”是药方的组成部分,更是方药配伍组成的基本原则,本书将药方的君、臣、佐、使用清晰直观的图表进行表示,佐以真实的药材图片。力图让读者读懂药方并学会使用药方。
本书凝结两位中医名家几十年的临床、教学经验和研究成果。系统介绍了全息经络刮痧法的理论基础、机理、优势与临床应用,以及全息经络刮痧的具体方法,重点介绍了114种常见病症的刮痧疗法,并配有彩色图解,简便易学。书中运用生物全息理论,指导刮痧疗法的选区配穴,将刮痧疗法的临床作用细化为诊断、治疗、美容、保健四个系列,并总结出各自的理法方术。书中首次提出减痛舒适的三级刮痧术,倡导精准辨证刮痧,更新了人们对传统刮痧疗法的认知。书中还介绍了保健刮痧法、快速易学的全息经络手诊法,使防病治病更有针对性。 本书为精装版的刮痧百科全书,内容全面具体,文字深入浅出,图片标注清晰,一目了然,便于查找。读者只要找到所患病症的刮拭图文,按图索骥,就能给自己和家人保健治病。
中国人是如何养生的?这不仅仅是本书的标题,也是许多外国朋友的疑惑。随着中外文化交流的不断深入,越来越多的外国朋友对中国传统医学也产生了浓厚兴趣。在5000年的文明发展过程中,中国人民逐渐形成了一套独具特色的医学体系,并以此指导生活起居,繁衍生息。王幼征所著的《中国人是如何养生的(西班牙文版)》旨在以通俗易懂的方式解读中医养生,通过对十余位中医名家的采访,清晰勾勒出中医的发展历史,同时,也介绍了食疗、穴位按摩等实用养生技巧,相信对于外国朋友了解中医文化大有裨益。 A lo largo de m sde 5 mil a os, los chinos han vivido y se han multiplicado apoy ndose, entreotras creaciones culturales milenarias, en su medicina tradicional. Este libro, adem s de tocar temas sobre laterapia alimentaria, de contar cuentos hist ricos y leyendas, de referiraspectos del tratamiento ps col gico de los antiguos c
The therapy of acupuncture and moxibustion stimutates certain points on thehuman body with metattic needtes and moxa, activating the meridians andcottaterats and regutating the function of the internal, organs, qi and brood, so asto prevent and treat disease. This book describes how to treat common diseaseswith acupuncture and moxibustion. Any student or practitioner or acupunctureneeds to know not only the meridians, col.l.aterats, points and maniputations butal.so the essentiats of traditiona[ Chinese medicine. Ctinicatty, it is important tofottow the treatment determined by the symptoms.
Ailments from computer use are on the increase as a result of the explosion in the use of computers throughout the world. What I have endeavoured to do in this book is to concentrate various methods from several Chinese sources to assist in the cure and prevention of ailments from computer use by natural self-help methods. This book brings information to you, the reader, of alternative health remedies to those that you may already be aware of. Although the author does not have any medical training or qualifications, he feels that the information provided in this book will be of positive benefit to those who accept it in the spirit with which it is given. As a gift handed down by the Chinese Qi Gong masters from ancient times. If in doubt as to whether you should use the methods described here, it is recommended that you consult your physician before trying any of the contents of this book. The author and the publisher specifically disclaim liability for any loss or risk incurred by the use or appl