The guide is developed to unify technical requirements for the constructioof greecorridor for railways,for the purpose of stabilizing slopes,conserving water and soil,improving environment,preventing disasters and landscaping. The guide is applicable to the design,construction,quality inspectioand acceptance of greecorridor for new railway project and railway reconstructioproject.
This Standard is piled with a view to guiding the constructioand quality acceptance of railway natural disaster and foreigobject intrusiomonitoring system (hereafter referred to as "disaster monitoring system") and unifying relevant technical requirements. This Standard is applicable for the constructioand quality acceptance of the disaster monitoring system of railways to be constructed or reconstructed. The constructioand acceptance of the disaster monitoring system shall conform to relevant national and industry technical standards. The constructioshall be performed othe basis of desigdocuments, and the constructioquality shall meet the requirements of system functionality, safety and quality features specified ithis Standard. Standardized management concerning system construction, staffing9 site management and process controlling shall be strengthened during constructioof the disaster monitoring system. During constructioof the disaster monitoring system, proper constru
This Code is prepared on the basis of Code for Design of Water Supply and Sewerage of Railway (TB 102008) by summarizing the experience gained in the design, construction and operation of water supply and drainage works for railway project, incorporating relevant research achievements ,implementing national policies on resources conservation, energy conservation and environmental protection, and prehensively soliciting the opinions of relevant parties. Code for Design o f Wastewater Treatment o f Railway (TB 10079-2013) is incorporated into this Code according to the requirements of establishing a railway industry standard system This Code prises 17 chapters: General Provisions9 Terms, Basic Requirements, Water Supply Station and Domestic Water Supply Station (Point),Water Consumption, Water Quality and Water Pressure, Water Source9Water Supply Pumping Station, Water Supply and Distribution Pipe, Water Storage and Distribution Structure, Water Supply Plant
According to the requirements for establishing the railway construction standard system ofCHINA RAILWAY,this Specification is formulated on the basis of Technical Guide for Constructiono f Mixed Passenger and Freight Railway Signaling System(TZ 206-2007) and Technical Guide for Construction o f ZPW-2000 Track Circuit (Document JGBZ [2011] No. 86) by summarizingthe experience obtained in the construction,operation management and equipment maintenance ofChinese railway signaling projects9 learning from relevant research conclusions, and extensivelysoliciting opinions from construction and operation parties concernecL This Specification consists of 17 chapters:General Provisions9Terms and Abbreviations,BasicRequirement,Construction Preparation, Optical and Electrical Cables, Fixed Trackside Signal, Switching Equipment, Switch Snow-Melting Equipment, Track Circuit, Balise and Outdoor Line-side Electronic Unit (LEU) ,Indoor Equipment,Hump Signaling Equipment,lnstall
This Specificatiois one of CHINA RAILWAY standards iEnglish.The translatiois performed under-the organizatioof China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute authorized by CHINA RAILWAY as per relevant procedures and regulations. This Specificatiois the official English language versioof Q]CR 9230-2016. The Chinese versioof this Specificatiowas issued by CHINA RAILWAY and came into effect oNovember l9 2016.1case of discrepancies betweethe two versions, the Chinese versioshall prevail. CHINA RAILWAY owns the copyright of this English version. China Academy of Railway Sciences prepared the English version. China Railway Engineering Consulting Group Co. Ltd. provided great support during review of this English version. Your ments are invited and should be addressed to China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute,29B,Beifengwo Road,HaidiaDistrict,Beijing,100038,P. R. China. The translatiowas performed by CheMin,Tang Song,Zhang Yuchen The translatio
This standard stipulated the catalogue and coding, defect description, causes of defects,means of detectioand methods should be takeof various rail defects. This standard applies to the statistics of rail defects, Cause of defect and defect informatiotreatment. This standard doesn't apply to the following defects: a)The rail parts made from cutting and forging rails,such as switch rails(point rails,wing rails) ,guardrail,expansiojoint rails,etc.; b)Driving accidents caused by the non-rail defects or rails caused by the disaster; c)The few special rails made from the special experiment materials or with special cross sectioout of this standard.
This Specification was prepared based on Document TJS [2010] No. 241-TechnicaI Guide for Construction of High-speed Railway Track as per the requirements for establishing the engineering and construction standard system of CHINA RAILWAY,by summarizing the practical experience in high-speed railway projects that had been put into operation in earlier stage and the experience with CRTSIII slab track for Zhengzhou-Xuzhou High-speed Railway,Panjin-Yingkou High-speed Railway and Shenyang-Dandong High-speed Railway,absorbing the research results on CRTsrri slab track and extensively soliciting the opinions from different parties involved in construction and operationThis Specification prises 20 chapters, namely General Provisions, Terms, Basic Requirements, Construction Preparations, Setting-out of Construction Control Network,Construction of Ballastless Track Bed for CRTS I Slab Track,Construction of Ballastless Track Bed for CRTS II Slab Track, Construction of Ballastless Track Bed for CR
新版《船舶结构力学手册》共分三卷。 卷论述了应用于船舶结构力学的基本概念、原理和方法。主要内容包括:梁和杆的静力计算,杆系的静力计算,板的计算以及弹性力学的若干问题。 第二卷主要讨论非弹性系统的计算、结构稳定性和结构动力学。主要内容包括:塑性与蠕变理论的基本方程式,梁和板架的极限平衡,梁和板架的弹塑性弯曲,结构的稳定性理论,杆、薄板以及板架的稳定性计算方法,结构振动理论,具有有限个自由度的红性系统的振动计算,杆的横向振动,杆的纵向振动,杆的扭转振动,杆的弯曲—扭转振动的计算,刚架的振动,平板的振动,振动的特殊形式,以及流体中杆的振动等问题。 第三卷就环境与载荷、结构响应分析、船舶危险状态与强度衡准作了详尽论述,涉及的内容有:计算载荷—静力载荷和局部载荷,海洋环境与现代波
This Standard is piled with a view to guiding the constructioand quality acceptance of railway natural disaster and foreigobject intrusiomonitoring system (hereafter referred to as "disaster monitoring system") and unifying relevant technical requirements. This Standard is applicable for the constructioand quality acceptance of the disaster monitoring system of railways to be constructed or reconstructed. The constructioand acceptance of the disaster monitoring system shall conform to relevant national and industry technical standards. The constructioshall be performed othe basis of desigdocuments, and the constructioquality shall meet the requirements of system functionality, safety and quality features specified ithis Standard. Standardized management concerning system construction, staffing9 site management and process controlling shall be strengthened during constructioof the disaster monitoring system. During constructioof the disaster monitoring system, proper constru
This Specification is formulated with a view to standardizing the technical work of geological prediction of railway tunnels,improving the level of geological prediction and guaranteeing the tunnel construction quality and safety. This Specification is applicable to the geological prediction of new railway tunnels.
新版《船舶结构力学手册》共分三卷。 卷论述了应用于船舶结构力学的基本概念、原理和方法。主要内容包括:梁和杆的静力计算,杆系的静力计算,板的计算以及弹性力学的若干问题。 第二卷主要讨论非弹性系统的计算、结构稳定性和结构动力学。主要内容包括:塑性与蠕变理论的基本方程式,梁和板架的极限平衡,梁和板架的弹塑性弯曲,结构的稳定性理论,杆、薄板以及板架的稳定性计算方法,结构振动理论,具有有限个自由度的红性系统的振动计算,杆的横向振动,杆的纵向振动,杆的扭转振动,杆的弯曲—扭转振动的计算,刚架的振动,平板的振动,振动的特殊形式,以及流体中杆的振动等问题。 第三卷就环境与载荷、结构响应分析、船舶危险状态与强度衡准作了详尽论述,涉及的内容有:计算载荷—静力载荷和局部载荷,海洋环境与现代波
《汉语主题词表·工程技术卷(第4册):机械、仪表工业》由一系列语词库组成,可根据不同目的,用于切词、信息抽取、聚类、词频统计、情感分析等文本处理基础工作。 《汉语主题词表·工程技术卷(第4册):机械、仪表工业》通过英汉双语对照,可实现英汉双语检索功能等,利用其中英汉对应词库及词间关系,可以为英汉机器翻译系统的开发提供基础语料。同时,利用语词、术语、概念等语料词汇系统,可以开展研究热点领域监测、专业知识挖掘、领域知识聚类等相关的系列应用。
中国目前工程塑料的产量较低,大部分需要进口,这对中国工程塑料的开发和生产提出了严峻的挑战。加速工程塑料的发展,是从事工程塑料研制、生产、成型加工等人员所面临的重要任务。正是基于这种考虑,我们参照外有关资料并结合自己的工作实践,编写了这本手册,以期能对中国工程塑料的发展作些微薄的贡献。 全书共分三篇,即篇总论,第二篇通用工程塑料和第三篇特种工程塑料。篇介绍了工程塑料的发展简史、技术开发动向、性能特点及测试方法、成型加工和应用领域等;第二篇介绍ABS类树脂、聚酰胺、聚碳酸酯类树脂、聚甲醛和改性聚甲醛、聚苯醚和改性聚苯醚、热塑性聚酯,以及超高分子量聚乙烯等通用工程塑料品种;第三篇介绍聚砜类树脂、聚酰亚胺、聚苯硫醚和改性聚苯硫醚、聚芳酯和改性聚芳酯、聚苯酯和改性聚苯酯、聚芳醚酮、液晶
《中国轻工业标准汇编:化妆品卷》收录了截至2018年3月底批准发布的现行有效化妆品常用国家标准104项,国家计量技术规范1项。由基础标准与安全卫生标准、测定方法标准、卫生检验方法标准、产品质量标准、化妆品用原料和相关标准六部分组成。 《中国轻工业标准汇编:化妆品卷》可供化妆品生产企业、标准化研究单位、质检机构和销售单位使用。
The guide is developed to unify technical requirements for the constructioof greecorridor for railways,for the purpose of stabilizing slopes,conserving water and soil,improving environment,preventing disasters and landscaping. The guide is applicable to the design,construction,quality inspectioand acceptance of greecorridor for new railway project and railway reconstructioproject.
《IEC619686197062325CIM实践指南》主要介绍了CIM的发展综述、国际工程应用范围和CIM的基本应用案例。全书分两篇共8章,从CIM的基础、基本技术、IEC公共信息模型及其应用与实例、支持的工具等方面做了重点介绍。 《IEC619686197062325CIM实践指南》既可以为电气工程师提供EMS和智能电网中的商业IT部分的信息,又可以为计算机工程人员提供ICT技术在EMS和DMS系统中的应用信息。
This Specification is formulated with a view to standardizing the technical work of geological prediction of railway tunnels,improving the level of geological prediction and guaranteeing the tunnel construction quality and safety. This Specification is applicable to the geological prediction of new railway tunnels.