
  • 5折-6折
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    • 西方音乐史
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (美)格劳特(Grout,D.J.),帕利斯卡(Palisc /1996-01-01/ 人民音乐出版社
    • 修订一部深受读者欢迎的音乐通史,目的不是推倒重写,而是提高它的时代性。看惯前几版的读者,会觉得此书不论外貌或者内容改动甚大,但章次和范围基本未变。收名中加上“西方”一词,说明我们意识到西欧和南北美洲的音乐体系不过是世界文明的诸音乐体系之一。本书范围的又一局限在于只谈“艺术音乐”;而必须承认,“艺术音乐”这一概念本身便十分含糊。通俗音乐、爵士乐以及诸如此类的品种确已有相当高深的技巧,但不能期望本书同等对待西方音乐的这一广大支系(如今已成为独立的研究课题),常规的音乐史教程也未必能等同视之,而本书不过是一本常规音乐史的手册。

    • ¥102.01 ¥205.02 折扣:5折
    • 齐白石:鱼虫虾蟹
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 齐白石绘 /2009-06-01/ 湖南美术出版社
    • 水墨画鱼类,虽看似粗略几笔,齐白石对原物却观察得异常仔细,并抓住其主要特征进行刻画。他晚年曾对弟子胡絮青说:“鲫鱼腮旁有一条灰白的线,直通鱼尾,从这条线可以计算它身上有若干鳞片……画画的人如能这么仔细地去研究它,在画它时就不会马虎的了。”齐白石画虾享誉于世。他早期画虾,基本上是青虾(河虾)的造型,且多是游动的群虾,用小号羊毫笔,其质感和透明度不强,虾的腿和须画得短密且欠弹性,后腿呈排列状且多至八九条。为求神似,老人70岁后画虾,一改早年画法,加大并明确了虾身的起伏角度,同时对虾的游足也一删早年时的繁多,始而画游足五只,虾壳的质感和透明感也得到加强。80岁后他删繁就简,已不再画繁复的虾群,只为几只虾传神。画虾变化明显的是他把虾头前面的短须省去,仅画六条大须。虾须的简化,使得画幅的空

    • ¥90.9 ¥182.8 折扣:5折
    • 香港电影百年:19092008
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 看电影》编辑部 /2010-12-01/ 黑龙江美术出版社
    • 这是影人、影评家、影迷共同献给香港电影的一份厚礼,既有从上世纪到,电影工业每一年的忠实记录,也有邹文怀、徐克、许鞍华、王晶、王家卫等众多影人的私家记忆,更有名家力荐的百部电影香港电影。

    • ¥223 ¥447 折扣:5折
    • 西方音乐史
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • (美)格劳特(Grout,D.J.),帕利斯卡(Palisc /1996-01-01/ 人民音乐出版社
    • 修订一部深受读者欢迎的音乐通史,目的不是推倒重写,而是提高它的时代性。看惯前几版的读者,会觉得此书不论外貌或者内容改动甚大,但章次和范围基本未变。收名中加上“西方”一词,说明我们意识到西欧和南北美洲的音乐体系不过是世界文明的诸音乐体系之一。本书范围的又一局限在于只谈“艺术音乐”;而必须承认,“艺术音乐”这一概念本身便十分含糊。通俗音乐、爵士乐以及诸如此类的品种确已有相当高深的技巧,但不能期望本书同等对待西方音乐的这一广大支系(如今已成为独立的研究课题),常规的音乐史教程也未必能等同视之,而本书不过是一本常规音乐史的手册。

    • ¥313 ¥627 折扣:5折
    • 西藏面具艺术铜板彩色繁体字书衣已无插页4
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 张鹰编 /2001-05-01/ 重庆出版
    • 西藏面具是西藏特殊历史和文化背景下的精神产物。它既根源于原始宗教信仰,也依存于人的现实精神需要。这也就是面具在西藏长盛不衰的根基和原因。在西藏,无论是宗教祭祀,还是民间歌舞表演,乃至节日游园,婚丧嫁娶,儿童嬉戏等,都少不了面具的帮衬作用。或为弘扬佛法,解救众生;或为降伏鬼魔,降福人间;或为娱之于人,求食谋生;或为自娱自乐,解除苦闷与寂寥。作为一种社会意识形态,面具艺术已深入到西藏社会生活的各个层面。

    • ¥242 ¥485 折扣:5折
    • DAIMLER CHRONICLE 9783869309835
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Daimler AG 著 /2012-10-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the automobile, Daimler presents this comprehensive chronicle of the worlds oldest automotive manufacturer. The fascinating history of the car and its impact on society are here to be discovered in word and text: from Carl Benzs gas engine drive prototype of 1883, to the sleek Mercedes Benz racing cars of the 1930s, and todays progressive designs for the future. Whether luxury sedan, sports car, truck or bus, this book provides an in-depth overview of every make of car produced by Daimler. Beginning with historical portraits of the auto motive pioneers Carl Benz, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, the reader explores the evolution of the Mercedes Benz over time and how it has earned its place in our cultural imagination.

    • ¥226.8 折扣:6折
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Lewis BaltzStefan Gronert 著 /2012-06-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • This progressive book object combines twovolumes and covers the sweep and depth of Lewis Baltz's influentialoeuvre. Rule Without Exception is a re-issue of Baltz'saward-winning mid-career retrospective book which accompanied atravelling exhibition of the same name in 1991. The book surveysBaltz's work from "The Prototype Works" of 1967 through to "Sitesof Technology" of 1991, showing the range of his images ofindustrialised landscapes and technological sites. Each section ofthe book is accompanied by installation views as well as texts bydistinguished writers, some newly commissioned for this edition.Only Exceptions is a new book chronicling Baltz's work - nowusually site-generated commissioned works - from 1992 to thepresent and is published on the occasion of an exhibition organizedby the Kunstmuseum, Bonn. Only Exceptions includes Baltz's work inCalifornia, Leipzig's "Black Triangle", Reggio Emilia, Groningen,Rome, Venice, and two projects with Jean Nouvel in France andItaly.

    • ¥405 折扣:6折
    • Rinko Kawauchi: Illuminance(9781597111447)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • David ChandlerRinko Kawauchi 著 /2011-06-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • In 2001, Rinko Kawauchi launched her career with the simultaneous publication of three astonishing photobooks--Utatane, Hanabi and Hanako--firmly establishing herself as one of the most innovative newcomers to contemporary photography, not just in Japan, but across the globe. In the years that followed, she published other notable monographs, including Aila (2004), The Eyes, the Ear (2005) and Semear (2007). And now, ten years after her precipitous entry onto the international stage, Aperture has published Illuminance, the latest volume of Kawauchi's work and the first to be published outside of Japan. Kawauchi's photography has frequently been lauded for its nuanced palette and offhand compositional mastery, as well as

    • ¥324 折扣:6折
    • 乐学轨范唐部乐器图说之研究
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 徐海准著 /2015-12-01/ 华中师范大学出版社
    • 《乐学轨范唐部乐器图说之研究》以韩国、朝鲜15世纪官修乐书《乐学轨范》唐部乐器图说为研究对象,通过比较中、韩、日宫廷乐器,参考相关历史文献、考古资料,对传入朝鲜半岛的中国乐器的名称、形制、功能、演奏方式及韩围化过程,进行分门别类地考察,并结合朝鲜半岛对中国乐器的接受与习得过程,对朝鲜半岛三个历史时期的音乐机构的创设、发展沿革进行了细致的梳理。全书逻辑清晰、条理明畅、图文并茂,是一部较好的学术专著,它充实了韩围音乐史的内容,也丰富和深化了我们对东亚音乐文化交流史,中国古代音乐文化传播史的认识。

    • ¥266.67 ¥534.34 折扣:5折
    • 齐白石:鱼虫虾蟹
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 齐白石绘 /2009-06-01/ 湖南美术出版社
    • 水墨画鱼类,虽看似粗略几笔,齐白石对原物却观察得异常仔细,并抓住其主要特征进行刻画。他晚年曾对弟子胡絮青说:“鲫鱼腮旁有一条灰白的线,直通鱼尾,从这条线可以计算它身上有若干鳞片……画画的人如能这么仔细地去研究它,在画它时就不会马虎的了。”齐白石画虾享誉于世。他早期画虾,基本上是青虾(河虾)的造型,且多是游动的群虾,用小号羊毫笔,其质感和透明度不强,虾的腿和须画得短密且欠弹性,后腿呈排列状且多至八九条。为求神似,老人70岁后画虾,一改早年画法,加大并明确了虾身的起伏角度,同时对虾的游足也一删早年时的繁多,始而画游足五只,虾壳的质感和透明感也得到加强。80岁后他删繁就简,已不再画繁复的虾群,只为几只虾传神。画虾变化明显的是他把虾头前面的短须省去,仅画六条大须。虾须的简化,使得画幅的空

    • ¥91.4 ¥183.8 折扣:5折
    • Marilyn Monroe: Platinum Fox(ISBN=9780762431335)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Cindy De La Hoz 著 /2007-10-01/ Perseus
    • Sidestepping the tragic figure presented in other books,"Marilyn Monroe: Platinum Fox" provides a light-hearted andhumorous look at a legend like no other! Sixty years after herimage first flickered on the screen, Marilyn Monroe remains theultimate Hollywood star, a face and name more recognizable thancurrent performers. What remains to be explored about 'Marilyn'?Here we celebrate what first made her a star. Profusely illustratedwith colour and black and white stills from the 20th Century Foxarchives - some of which will be seen for the first time in thisbook - "Marilyn Monroe: Platinum Fox" focuses on quintessentialMarilyn in classics like "Gentleman Prefer Blondes", "The SevenYear Itch" and her other Fox films. The text is filled withbehind-the-scenes stories, memorable movie quotes, film facts,trivia, plotlines, character profiles and highlights of the mostMarilyn moments.

    • ¥129.5 折扣:5折
    • 101 Things I Learned (TM) in Film School(ISBN=9780446550277)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Neil Landau 著,Matthew Frederick 绘 /2010-05-01/ Hachette
    • How to set a scene? What's the best camera angle? How does thenew technology interact with scenes? And how does one even get thefinancing to make a movie? These basic questions and much more are all covered in thisexquisite packaged book on the film industry and making movies as aprofession. Written by Neil Landau, an experienced screenwriter and* consultant to the major movie studios, this is the perfectbook for anyone who wants to know about the inner-workings of thisindustry. Whether it's someone who wants to make movies as afull-timecareer, or just someone who is interested in film, thisbook covers it all.

    • ¥65 折扣:5折
    • 复频弹性律学:李曙明音律文集
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 李曙明著 /2012-12-01/ 人民音乐出版社
    • 《复频弹性律学:李曙明音律文集》收录了我国音乐美学家、律学家李曙明先生的七篇律学论文。《复频弹性律学:李曙明音律文集》的特色是从美学和哲学的高度来重新看待和审视律学问题,这无疑为律学的未来发展提供了一个崭新的视角。作者以2音分的“小微音差”和14音分的“弹律音差”为工具,运用传统文化中的“和律”智慧将五度相生律、纯律和十二平均律融合为一个自洽的完整体系,使得三律之美兼而有之。全书既大胆借鉴当前律学研究的新成果,又充分吸收了古代易学、律学精髓,体现出“技”、“艺”与“道”的统一,把律学从造律.听律、算律的历史推向了唱(奏)律的艺术实践新阶段,对音乐理论、音乐表演及中国十二音作曲法具有高屋建瓴般的指导意义。全书简洁精炼,逻辑清晰,不仅是律学研究者的重要参考书目,也适合专业音乐院校和师

    • ¥175.6 ¥352.2 折扣:5折