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    • One Year to an Organized Life with Baby(ISBN=9780738214559)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Regina LeedsMeagan Francis 著 /2011-02-01/ Perseus
    • Bringing a baby into the family is undeniably one of lifesmost momentous experiences, marked by expectation, joy, andhundreds of tasks and questions. Which baby gear essentials do youneed to buy and when? How can you reorganize your home to make roomfor your baby? When should you start looking for a daycare centeror nanny? One Year to an Organized Life with Baby prioritizeseverything that parents-to-be need to know in order to get theirhome and life ready for a new baby, as well as strategies forkeeping it all together once the baby is born. Packed withtimelines, checklists, and tips, this unique week-by-week,month-by-month program eliminates stress and refocuses prospectiveparents so that they can fully enjoy the changing landscape oftheir lives.

    • ¥73.5 折扣:5折
    • How Much Is Enough?
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    • Ph.D. Jean Illsley Clarke Ph.D. 等著 /2003-11-01/ Perseus
    • All parents share the same goal—to give their kids the best ofeverything. But despite our good intentions, the life-enhancingabundance we heap on our children is often more than they need orcan handle, and we cross the line into overindulgence. In How MuchIs Enough?, parenting experts Jean Illsley Clarke, Connie Dawson,and David Bredehoft explain for the first time how giving childrentoo much, over-nurturing them, and providing them with softstructure will prevent them from learning many of the importantlife skills they need to become happy, healthy adults. Filled withsmart advice, real-life stories, and effective strategies, How MuchIs Enough? tells you everything you need to know to avoid—orrepair—the damage overindulgence causes, including: ? How to figure out if you’re being overindulgent and ways toact differently ? How to teach your child what "enough" means ? Tips on establishing firm rules and structure ? How to instill responsibility and independence in yourkids ? What to do w

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Potty Training Boys the Easy Way(ISBN=9780738213309)
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    • Dr. Caroline FertlemanSimon Cave 著 /2009-06-01/ Perseus
    • Potty Training Boys the Easy Way is a pediatricians guide fornavigating the challenges unique to toilet training boys. Boys tendto take longer to be trained, learn this skill at later ages, andhave different challenges from girls. Parents will find anaccessible plan for getting their son trained quickly, clever gamesto make learning to use the toilet fun, as well as important tipsfor handling accidents and setbacks. The book includes advice onboy-specific problems, such as whether to teach him to sit or standand how to aim, dealing with distractions, handling refusals, andstaying dry through the night. Practical and reassuring, PottyTraining Boys the Easy Way is packed with all the information afamily needs to achieve this important milestone calmly andconfidently.

    • ¥51.5 折扣:5折