Building on the historical perspective that characterized theprevious book in the trilogy, Atlantis Rising, this finalvolume asks readers to remember that when they decided “to come tothis earth adventure... blowing down the Establishment Walls wouldbe a Herculean task.” But, she adds, “Fall they would indeed.”Hastening this necessary next step in evolution to higher being,says author Patricia Cori, requires understanding the forces atwork and how to challenge and conquer them. No More Secrets, NoMore Lies unmasks the lies that have been employed todisempower the human race, while illuminating the tools necessaryfor those who intend to ascend with a revitalized Planet Earth.Intended as a guide for overcoming the designs of the darkwarriors, and a blueprint for achieving the absolute freedom thatis our true birthright as the super race of the realm, thisprovocative book brilliantly integrates into a larger schema suchissues as media manipulation, racism, dark forces, crop circles,our food an
The Zen school of Mahayana Buddhism contends that each one ofus is already a Buddha — the enlightenment we seek is always withinus, waiting to be realized through mindfulness and concertedspiritual work. This truth pushes us toward practice, in the hopesthat we may awaken our potential and live up to what is insideus.?This is a?notion taught widely by ninth century Zen Master LinChi, and in his tradition Thich Nhat Hanh employs the teachings andwritings of Mahayana Buddhism to discuss specific topics inBuddhist study and practice. With these teachings, readers have thetools to awaken the Buddha within.
The quest for self-knowledge has been a universal human pursuit for millenniums. Who are we? And could our destiny be written in the stars? Why do some commit their wings to life's flames, while others tiptoe through life so cautiously? Chinese Astrology: Exploring the Eastern Zodiac explains our “natural endowment”or“inner being”─our personality from the beginning. This 5,000-year-old art paints a remarkable picture of personality and potential using the archetypes of the 12 signs of the ancient Eastern zodiac. While each one of us possess some qualities of all 12 signs, we each have a dominant sign and birth element. Be prepared for some "ah ha!" moments as you explore this ancient art and gain insight into the characters of those you meet along life’s path. You may notice interesting similarities to your friends and family, and you may never look at yourself the same way again. This is a timeless system that is as pertinent today as it was many centuries ago. In a book that