This classic book grew out of the fascination that Germanjournalist, Werner Keller, developed when he began to learn thatthe work of archaeologists and historians corroborated Biblicalaccounts which he had hitherto dismissed as mere "pious tales.
Rabbi Steinberg identifies seven strands that weave togetherto make up Judaism: God, morality, rite and custom, law, sacredliterature, institutions, and the people. A classic work directedto both the Jewish and the non-Jewish reader.
The I Ching is the most ancient and profound of the Chineseclassics, venerated for over three thousand years as an oracle offortune, a guide to success, and a dispensary of wisdom. This newtranslation, with commentary by Confucius, emphasizes applyingpractical wisdom in everyday affairs. Complete instructions forconsulting the I Ching are included.
Available in paperback for the very first time, here'severything you need to make your own astrological readings of yourmost precious relationships Why do you feel you've known someone for years when you've justmet? Why are you attracted to someone who seems like your completeopposite? Why do you and your loved one argue the way you argue? How can you make your relationships last in spite of yourdifferences? The answers to these questions can be found within your birthchart and that of your loved one. Linda Goodman's RelationshipSigns is the first astrology book to provide a totallyindividual, detailed analysis of how compatible you and yourpartner really are. Whether you are familiar with astrology or acomplete novice, this comprehensive reference shows youstep-by-step how to find the keys to harmony and the areas ofpotential trouble--all you need is each person's birth date andtime. Individually tailored to you and your loved one, here is yourguide to the relationships
After-death communications, or "ADCs, " occur when someone iscontacted spontaneously and directly by a deceasedfamily member or friend, without the help of any medium. Theauthors' research shows that these spiritual experiences offerhope, love, and comfort for thousands of people. Included are morethan 350 first-hand accounts of those whose lives have been changedand even protected by messages or signs from the deceased.
For centuries, the strange and beautiful tarot cards have beenan endless source of mystery and fascination. One of theforemost authorities in the field reveals the intricacies of thisancient art. With detailed explanations, Eden Gray offers explicitadvice about the three different methods of reading the cards, andusing the tarot for divination and meditation. Both beginningstudents and advanced devotee will find in this book new insightsinto the ancient lore of the tarot.
In this book DanielJonah Goldhagen cuts through the historical and moral fog to layout the full extent of the Catholic Church's involvement in theHolocaust, transforming a narrow discussion fixated on Pope PiusXII into the long-overdue investigation of the Church throughoutEurope. He shows that the Church's and the Pope's complicity in thepersecution of the Jews was much deeper than has been understood.The Church's leaders were fully aware of the persecutions and theydid not speak out and urge resistance. Instead, they supported manyaspects of the persecution. Some clergy even took part in the massmurder. But Goldhagen goes further and develops a new, precise wayfor assessing the Church and its clergy's culpability. He thenshows that the Church has, even according to its own doctrine, anunacknowledged duty of repair. He explores this duty, analyzes theChurch's tactics of evasion, and delineates all that the Churchmust do to repair the harm it inflicted on Jews and to healitself.