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    • 适性任情的审美人生:隐逸文化与休闲 吴小龙 云南人民出版社【正版书籍】
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    • 吴小龙著 /2005-05-01/ 云南人民出版社
    • 隐士是中国历史上一个非常独特的文化现象。在那为数众多的历代隐士群体中,纵然也有不少佛、道教的信徒,但他们却主要不是出于宗教信仰而隐居的。他们的隐居,主要是为了实现自我,按自己喜欢的生活方式过自己的生活。他们的隐居,开始也许是出于一种政治态度和政治选择,逐渐就转化、发展成一种生活方式和人生价值追求,并最终趋向一种审美境界和文化追求。在这个过程中,隐士们以自己的种种价值认定、人生实践和文化创造极大地影响了中国的历史文化传统。《适性任情的审美人生:隐逸文化与休闲》对中国古代隐逸文化做了认真地梳理、耙块,并探讨了中国隐逸文化的理想与价值追求、精神。

    • ¥35.71 ¥81.42 折扣:4.4折
    • STORMING LAS VEGAS(ISBN=9780345514417) 英文原版
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    • John Huddy 著 /2009-04-01/ Random House US
    • On September 20, 1998, Jose Vigoa, a child of Fidel Castro’srevolution, launched what would be the most audacious and ruthlessseries of high-profile casino and armored car robberies that LasVegas had ever seen. In a brazen sixteen-month reign of terror, heand his crew would hit the crème de la crème of Vegas hotels: theMGM, the Desert Inn, the New York—New York, the Mandalay Bay, andthe Bellagio. The robberies were well planned and executed, and thepolice–“the stupids,” as Vigoa contemptuously referred to them–wereall but helpless to stop them. But Lt. John Alamshaw, thetwenty-three-year veteran in charge of robbery detectives, was notgiving up so easily. For him, Vigoa’s rampage was a personalaffront. And he would do whatever it took, even risk his badge, tobring Vigoa down.

    • ¥45.8 折扣:3.5折
    • EVERY HEART RESTORED(ISBN=9780307459428) 英文原版
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    • Fred Stoeker 著 /2010-07-01/ Random House US
    • Wholeness and Healing for Women Caught in the Crossfire. As the wife of a man who is addicted to lust, pornography, ormasturbation, you are not alone. Millions of men can’t get throughthe day or the week without clicking on to their favorite Internetporn sites, thumbing through adult magazines, or watching sensualvideos–and millions of wives suffer as a result. Over the past decade, nearly 400,000 men have found inspirationand hope in Every Man’s Battle, the best-selling men’s guide tovictory over ***ual sin. Now, here at last is the book for everywoman who has become a casualty in the fight for ***ual purity.Every Heart Restored offers godly guidance and wisdom for a womanfacing such personal betrayal. “WHAT DOES GOD EXPECT FROM ME?” “HOW CAN I TRUST AGAIN?” “IS IT POSSIBLE TO OVERCOME PAIN AND UNFORGIVENESS?” “CAN MY MARRIAGE BE REBUILT?” “WHAT IF I JUST WANT OUT?” Filled with stories from wives and husbands at every stage in

    • ¥49.1 折扣:3.6折
    • LOSING MY FACULTIES(ISBN=9780812969511) 英文原版
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    • Brendan Halpin 著 /2004-08-01/ Random House US
    • I am just one of those rare and probably defective people whoreally enjoy the company of teenagers. Brendan Halpin’s It Takes a Worried Man—a memoir of how he andhis family dealt with his wife’s battle against breast cancer—waspraised for its can-dor, raw humor, and riveting voice. Halpin nowturns his unique talent to an unforgettable account of the pursuitof his true calling: teaching. Losing My Faculties follows Halpin through teaching jobs in aneconomically depressed white ethnic town, a middle-class suburb, alast-chance truancy prevention program in the inner city, and anambitious college-prep urban charter school. In the same cuttinglyobservant voice that marked It Takes a Worried Man, Halpin tells uswhat it really means to be a teacher—the ups and downs in theclassroom, the battles with administrators and colleagues, and thejoy of doing a job that matters. Not the tale of a hero who changeshis troubled students’ lives in one year, Losing My Faculties is,rather, the story o

    • ¥45.8 折扣:3.5折
    • COUNTRY UNDER MY SKIN, THE(ISBN=9781400032167) 英文原版
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    • Gioconda Belli 编 /2003-10-01/ Random House US
    • An electrifying memoir from the acclaimed Nicaraguan writer(“A wonderfully free and original talent”—Harold Pinter) andcentral figure in the Sandinista Revolution. Until her early twenties, Gioconda Belli inhabited an upper-classcocoon: sheltered from the poverty in Managua in a world of countryclubs and debutante balls; educated abroad; early marriage andmotherhood. But in 1970, everything changed. Her growingdissatisfaction with domestic life, and a blossoming awareness ofthe social inequities in Nicaragua, led her to join theSandinistas, then a burgeoning but still hidden organization. Shewould be involved with them over the next twenty years at thehighest, and often most dangerous, levels. Her memoir is both a revelatory insider’s account of the Revolutionand a vivid, intensely felt story about coming of age underextraordinary circumstances. Belli writes with both strikinglyricism and candor about her personal and political lives: abouther family, her children, the men in her life; about her po

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折
    • 适性任情的审美人生:隐逸文化与休闲 吴小龙著 云南人民出版社【正版书籍】
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    • 吴小龙著 /2005-05-01/ 云南人民出版社
    • 隐士是中国历史上一个非常独特的文化现象。在那为数众多的历代隐士群体中,纵然也有不少佛、道教的信徒,但他们却主要不是出于宗教信仰而隐居的。他们的隐居,主要是为了实现自我,按自己喜欢的生活方式过自己的生活。他们的隐居,开始也许是出于一种政治态度和政治选择,逐渐就转化、发展成一种生活方式和人生价值追求,并最终趋向一种审美境界和文化追求。在这个过程中,隐士们以自己的种种价值认定、人生实践和文化创造极大地影响了中国的历史文化传统。《适性任情的审美人生:隐逸文化与休闲》对中国古代隐逸文化做了认真地梳理、耙块,并探讨了中国隐逸文化的理想与价值追求、精神。

    • ¥35.71 ¥81.42 折扣:4.4折
    • CALM BIRTH(ISBN=9781556436123) 英文原版
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    • Robert Newman 著 /2005-11-01/ Random House US
    • "Calm Birth is a sublime gift to all of us. It contains theblueprint for reconnecting with birth wisdom on all levels. Readingthough this book and doing the practices will transform the birthprocess and imprint a peaceful beginning on both mother and child.The positive impact of this on society can’t beoverestimated."-Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Mother-DaughterWisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Women’s Bodies, Women’sWisdom"Calm Birth: New Method of Conscious Childbirth successfullybridges ancient feminine healing wisdom and meditation tocontemporary birth practices…This book is a must for anyoneinterested in childbirth."- Barbara Findeisen, MFT, president ofthe Association fo Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折
    • AMBULANCE GIRL(ISBN=9781400048694) 英文原版
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    • Jane Stern 著 /2004-04-01/ Random House US
    • Five years ago Jane Stern was a walking encyclopedia of panicattacks, depression, and hypochondria. Her marriage of more thanthirty years was suffering, and she was virtually immobilized byfear and anxiety. As the daughter of parents who both died beforeshe was thirty, Stern was terrified of illness and death, anddespite the fact that her acclaimed career as a food and travelwriter required her to spend a great deal of time on airplanes, shesuffered from a persistent fear of flying and severeclaustrophobia. But a strange thing happened one day on a planethat was grounded at the Minneapolis airport for six horrible,foodless, airless hours. A young man on a trip with his classmatessuddenly became dizzy and pale because he hadn’t eaten in manyhours, and there was no food left on the plane. Without thinkingabout it, Jane gave him the candy bar that she had in her purse. Ashort time later the color had returned to his cheeks, the boy waslaughing again with his friends, and Jane realized that this onesmall

    • ¥42.7 折扣:3.5折
    • HOME LEARNING YEAR BY YEAR(ISBN=9780609805855) 英文原版
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    • Rebecca Rupp 著 /2000-11-01/ Random House US
    • Finally, homeschoolers have a comprehensive guide to designinga homeschool curriculum, from one of the country's foremosthomeschooling experts. , Rebecca Rupp presents a structured plan toensure that your children will learn what they need to know whenthey need to know it, from preschool through high school. Based onthe traditional pre-K through 12th-grade structure, Home LearningYear by Year features: The integral subjects to be covered within each grade Standards for knowledge that should be acquired by your child ateach level Recommended books to use as texts for every subject Guidelines for the importance of each topic: which knowledge isessential and which is best for more expansive study based on yourchild's personal interests Suggestions for how to sensitively approach less academic subjects,such as sex education and physical fitness

    • ¥45.9 折扣:3.6折
    • 高校管理:变化中的大学Governance in Higher Education: The University in
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    • Luc E. Weber 著 /2001-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • The cyberspace revolution, globalization, and the ever more rapid pace at which new knowledge is created are among the recent developments which challenge our universities. While they have adapted rather slowly in the past to changing circumstances, there is now an urgent need for them to adjust rapidly in order to fulfill their mission. Success will heavily depend on the presence of an appropriate system of governance, which is becoming more complex as the cyberspace revolution makes university structures less hierarchical. This book examines the contours and dimensions of university governance in research-intensive universities, seeks to develop cogent governance principles, and offers appropriate initiatives and recommendations. The authors, current and former heads of leading research-intensive universities in Western Europe and the United States, all share the defining concern that the fundamental changes of today pose serious challenges for universities and their system of governance. Contributors inclu

    • ¥31.5 折扣:4.5折
    • CASE AGAINST HOMEWORK, THE(ISBN=9780307340184) 英文原版
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    • Sara Bennett 著 /2007-08-01/ Random House US
    • Does assigning fifty math problems accomplish any more thanassigning five? Is memorizing word lists the best way to increasevocabulary—especially when it takes away from reading time? Andwhat is the real purpose behind those devilish dioramas? The time our children spend doing homework has skyrocketed inrecent years. Parents spend countless hours cajoling their kids tocomplete such assignments—often without considering whether or notthey serve any worthwhile purpose. Even many teachers are in thedark: Only one of the hundreds the authors interviewed and surveyedhad ever taken a course specifically on homework duringtraining. The truth, according to Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish, is thatthere is almost no evidence that homework helps elementary schoolstudents achieve academic success and little evidence that it helpsolder students. Yet the nightly burden is taking a serious toll onAmerica’s families. It robs children of the sleep, play, andexercise time they need for prop

    • ¥46.2 折扣:3.6折
    • LOVING EACH ONE BEST(ISBN=9780553378344) 英文原版
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    • Nancy Samalin 著 /1997-01-01/ Random House US
    • All those baby boomers who have embarked on the journey ofraising their second and third children have found themselves leftin the lurch by existing child care literature. Now child careexpert Nancy Samalin, who has earned a reputation for her forgivingand empowering approach to parenting, brings her inspiring outlookto this guide to the pitfalls and rewards of parenting two or morechildren. Parents who consider themselves pros after the first child are infor a surprise when the encounter life after the second child isborn and beyond. Suddenly their world is an exhausting haze ofcompeting demands, perpetual squabbling, sibling rivalry,complaints of unfairness and "you love him more" (and sometimes youdo), unrelenting stress, and a pervasive sense of guilt andinadequacy. Culled from her years of workshops with hundreds ofparents, Nancy Samalin shares the trials and joys of parenthood andprovides specific advice on steering your way through the parentingrapids. This is a must-read for today's harri

    • ¥49.1 折扣:3.6折