内容简介 本书是关于我们如何从科学的视角重新认识这个世界的科普读物,阐述了宇宙、世界、生命科学视角下,对世界本源的认识,并结合生物学、数学、物理学和计算机科学知识,更加细致入微地解释我们观察到的世界中的各类现象。 在这本书中,作者希望表明我们的宇宙不仅仅是一座没有生命、毫无意义的数学机器。在我们真正了解意识和人类思想的奇迹之前,我们能真正了解宇宙吗?为了做到这一点,作者超越了物理世界去寻找答案。对于对生命、宇宙和一切事物的深层问题感到好奇的读者来说,《世界本身》是一本必不可少的读物。
By virtue of its casual, off-handedly brilliant wisdom and theeasy splendor of its nature writing, Thoreau’s account of hisadventure in self-reliance on the shores of a pond in Massachusettsis one of the signposts by which the modern mind has located itselfin an increasingly bewildering world. Deeply sane, invigorating inits awareness of humanity’s place in the moral and natural order,Walden represents the progressive spirit of nineteenth-centuryAmerica at its eloquent best.
The seasons of the year parallel the symbolic seasons of life,with spring representing the childhood years of hope and seeing theworld with new eyes; summer the young-adult years of growth andengagement; autumn the years of mid-life reflection, healing, andforgiveness; and winter the late-life years of rest, restoration,and rejuvenation. Daily Aromatherapy introduces readers to thetransformative qualities of nature’s aromas for each of theseseasons. Each month of the year profiles and explores thepsychological and subtle energy aspects of four different essentialoils–one per week. Forty-eight different oils are profiled in thisway. Readers experience each oil and its powers in depth throughseven different intention exercises: an affirmation, emotionalself-discovery questions, a ceremony, a blessing, an activity, avisualization, and a prayer. While aromatherapy is a holistic modality, affecting the body,mind, and spirit, the focus of Daily Aromatherapy is on mind andspirit. While not explicitly including
After nearly five decades as one of Ireland's most celebratedplaywrights, Brian Friel has been the subject of ten books anddozens of articles. This study expands Friel criticism into asizeable body of material and into a fresher interpretativedirection. Along with considering Friel's more recent plays, thebook analyzes his interviews and essays to chart the author'sideological evolution throughout a career of more than forty years.Moreover, a chapter is devoted to his often ignored articles forThe Irish Press (1962–1963), a series that reveals unsuspectedinsights into Friel's disposition towards the Irish Republic.Refining our understanding of Friel's relationship to Republicanismis central to the argument; rather than assuming that the authorembraces nationalist ideology, the book relocates the conceptualconcerns of his work away from Dublin and to 'The North', thisbridge between Ireland and the British province of NorthernIreland.
Biochemist Stephen Cherniske gives readers all the informationthey need to take advantage of and maximize the properties of thissuperhormone--safely and effectively. Includes up-to-the-minuteresearch on DHEA's effect on women's health, the immune system,depression, and memory.
“Food is the chief of all things, the universal medicine. .. . Food transmutes directly into body, mind, and spirit . . .creates our day-to-day health and happiness.” —from The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health Even inmedical schools, alternative medicine is blossoming. Two thirds ofthem now offer courses in complementary healing practices,including nutrition. At the heart of this revolution ismacrobiotics, a simple, elegant, and delicious way of eating whosehealth benefits are being confirmed at an impressive rate byresearchers around the world. Macrobiotics is based on the laws of yin and yang—the complementaryenergies that flow throughout the universe and quicken every cellof our bodies and every morsel of the food we eat. Michio Kushi andAlex Jack, distinguished educators of the macrobiotic way, believethat almost every human ailment from the common cold to cancer canbe helped, and often cured, by balancing the flow of energy (the ki ) inside us. The most effective way to do this is to eatthe
The role of a genetic counsellor is to mediate between therapid advances in molecular medicine and an individual's ability tounderstand and manage the risks of their inheritance. Counsellorstherefore need to be fully in command of the psychological impactof their communications. Written by a psychiatrist who later becamea psychotherapist, this manual is essential reading for counsellorsof all disciplines. It examines the psychological processes andexplains why people approach and respond differently. Effectivegenetic counselling requires a knowledge of attachment behaviourand non-directiveness, and an in-depth understanding of empathy inorder to help individuals contain anxiety and process grief and sofacilitate their decision-making or help with the effects ofreviewing a test result. Along with an up-to-date discussion ofsimilar approaches in family therapy and psychoanalysis, the effectof counselling on the counsellor is also examined creatively inorder to enrich the interview with clients.
A New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, WashingtonPost, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, andDenver Post Bestseller In 1925, the legendary British explorer Percy Fawcett venturedinto the Amazon jungle, in search of a fabled civilization. Henever returned. Over the years countless perished trying to findevidence of his party and the place he called “The Lost City of Z.”In this masterpiece of narrative nonfiction, journalist David Granninterweaves the spellbinding stories of Fawcett’s quest for “Z” andhis own journey into the deadly jungle, as he unravels the greatestexploration mystery of the twentieth century.
PAT CONROY–AMERICA’S MOST BELOVED STORYTELLER -- ISBACK! “I was born to be a point guard, but not a verygood one. . . .There was a time in my life when I walked throughthe world known to myself and others as an athlete. It was part ofmy own definition of who I was and certainly the part I mostrespected. When I was a young man, I was well-built and agile andready for the rough and tumble of games, and athletics provided thesingle outlet for a repressed and preternaturally shy boy toexpress himself in public....I lost myself in the beauty of sportand made my family proud while passing through the silent eye ofthe storm that was my childhood.” So begins Pat Conroy’s journey back to 1967 and his startlingrealization “that this season had been seminal and easily the mostconsequential of my life.” The place is the Citadel in Charleston,South Carolina, that now famous military college, and in memoryConroy gathers around him his team to relive their few triumphs andhumiliating defeats. In a nar
From the author of the landmark bestseller Dr. Dean Ornish’sProgram for Reversing Heart Disease comes an empowering new programthat enables you to customize a healthy way of eating and livingbased on your own desires, needs, and geneticpredispositions. Dr. Dean Ornish revolutionized medicine by directing clinicalresearch proving–for the first time–that heart disease andearly-stage prostate cancer may be stopped or even reversed by hisprogram of comprehensive lifestyle changes, without drugs orsurgery. His newest research was the first to show that changingyour lifestyle changes your genes in men with prostatecancer–“turning on” disease-preventing genes, and “turning off”genes that promote breast cancer, heart disease, and otherillnesses, and in only three months. This study documented, alsofor the first time, that these lifestyle changes may significantlyincrease an enzyme that lengthens telomeres–the ends of yourchromosomes that control how long you live. As your telomeres getl
17 men, 6 cars, and a 21,000-mile race across 3continents On the morning of February 12, 1908, six cars from four differentcountries lined up in Times Square, surrounded by a frenzied crowd.The men who competed in the New York to Paris auto race were aninternational roster of personalities: a charismatic Norwegianoutdoorsman, a witty French nobleman, a pair of Italiansophisticates, an aristocratic German army officer, and a crankymechanic from Buffalo, New York. At a time when most people hadnever seen an automobile, these adventurous men set their courseover mountain ranges, through Arctic freeze, and desert heat. Therewere no gas stations, no garages, and no replacement parts in caseof emergency. Two men rose to the top. Ober-lieutenant Hans Koeppen, a risingofficer in the Prussian army, led the German team in theircanvas-topped 40-horsepower Protos. His amiable personality belieda core of sheer determination, and by the race’s end, he had wonthe respect of even his toughest critics. Hi
From an elite Special Operations physical trainer, aningeniously simple, rapid-results, do-anywhere program for gettinginto amazing shape For men and women of all athletic abilities! As the demand for Special Operations military forces has grownover the last decade, elite trainer Mark Lauren has been at thefront lines of preparing nearly one thousand soldiers, getting themlean and strong in record time. Now, for regular Joes and Janes, heshares the secret to his amazingly effective regimen—simpleexercises that require nothing more than the resistance of your ownbodyweight to help you reach the pinnacle of fitness and lookbetter than ever before. Armed with Mark Lauren’s motivation techniques, expert training,and nutrition advice, you’ll see rapid results by working out justthirty minutes a day, four times a week—whether in your livingroom, yard, garage, hotel room, or office. Lauren’s exercises buildmore metabolism-enhancing muscle than weightlifting, burn more fatthan aerob