内容简介 本书是关于我们如何从科学的视角重新认识这个世界的科普读物,阐述了宇宙、世界、生命科学视角下,对世界本源的认识,并结合生物学、数学、物理学和计算机科学知识,更加细致入微地解释我们观察到的世界中的各类现象。 在这本书中,作者希望表明我们的宇宙不仅仅是一座没有生命、毫无意义的数学机器。在我们真正了解意识和人类思想的奇迹之前,我们能真正了解宇宙吗?为了做到这一点,作者超越了物理世界去寻找答案。对于对生命、宇宙和一切事物的深层问题感到好奇的读者来说,《世界本身》是一本必不可少的读物。
The Knopf Canada Book of Healing Foods is a guide for everydayliving, and the fastest way to understand how the foods you eat canhelp to heal, and help you remain healthy. There's a healing food for almost every common health problem -from colds, stress, insomnia and high blood pressure to morecomplicated illnesses - and most are as close as your local grocer.Healing Foods is an indispensable guide to choosing the best foodsfor an active life - a bright and friendly market of knowledge thatmakes the time you spend at the dinner table an investment inspirited living. In beautiful colour, it also highlights health-giving foods andtheir nutritional and medicinal benefits. Information on buying,storing and preparing healing foods is clearly listed, and eachitem - from pineapples and chilies to almonds and apricots - islinked to delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes from around theworld. A questionnaire helps you assess your diet and general health topinpoint problem areas, while a section on
As an agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms,William Queen must tackle a number of challenging cases. In thewinter of 1985, he faces his toughest mission to date: He mustapprehend Mark Stephens, a notorious narcotics trafficker who hasbeen terrorizing the communities around Los Angeles with frequentrampages involving machine guns and hand grenades. A recluse livingin the treacherous backwoods outside the city, Stephens is a wilysurvivalist. Nobody has been able to catch him, but Queen isdetermined to take him down. Queen’s unique expertise is not taughtin any police academy or ATF training seminar–he honed hisoutdoorsman abilities as a kid. He is adept at hunting and trappingand living for weeks in the wild. Queen will use these skills–alongwith surveillance, confidential informants, and intelligencegathering–as he doggedly tracks his dangerous quarry, a chase thatculminates in a gripping showdown high in the San BernardinoMountains.
If you're like most people, your life is so hectic that it'shard to imagine squeezing in time for daily exercise. The good newsis that you can get fit without an expensive gym membership orrigorous workout schedule. New research proves that you can "sneakup" on fitness by grabbing a little time here and there throughoutthe day so you total at least thirty minutes of moderateactivity on most days. The American Heart Association's Fitting inFitness guide will show you how to work spurts of activity into theway you live right now. Those few minutes can add up to hugerewards, including a stronger heart and bones, higher energylevels, better weight control, and more. You'll find hundreds of tips for fitting in fitness in thiseasy-to-use, inspiring guide. You'll even learn how to bring yourkids into the act and have a lifestyle program that works for allof you.