The title might have been written by Mao himself. Instead, it was dictated by the revealing, intimate, neverbeforepublished recollections of Li Yinqiao, Mao'odyguard, and brought to light by the author Quan Yanchi. After fifteen years of devoted service, Li received thisrequest from Mao: "If what happens in my family is a secretto others, it is not a secret to you. But don't write about mewhile I'm still alive; wait until I die, and write truthfully whenyou do." For the first time, the personal, inside story ofChina's dynamic leader and world statesman is told rathelife and thought of Mao, the husband, father, radeinarms, the peasant's son. The recollections, only now madepublic in English, provide the reader with a refreshinglydifferent perspective from any of the many other worksabout Mao, Highlighting the book are photographs, published here for the first time.
The title might have been written by Mao himself. Instead, it was dictated by the revealing, intimate, neverbeforepublished recollections of Li Yinqiao, Mao'odyguard, and brought to light by the author Quan Yanchi. After fifteen years of devoted service, Li received thisrequest from Mao: "If what happens in my family is a secretto others, it is not a secret to you. But don't write about mewhile I'm still alive; wait until I die, and write truthfully whenyou do." For the first time, the personal, inside story ofChina's dynamic leader and world statesman is told rathelife and thought of Mao, the husband, father, radeinarms, the peasant's son. The recollections, only now madepublic in English, provide the reader with a refreshinglydifferent perspective from any of the many other worksabout Mao, Highlighting the book are photographs, published here for the first time.
《飘》是美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔专享的著作。自1936年出版之日起,《飘》这部美国内战时期的罗曼史便打破了所有的出版记录。小说获得普利策奖,很快又被改编成电影,成了美国电影目前的经典之作。小说大背景里的历史《飘》不仅仅是一部爱情小说,它还是平民女性视角的美国南部历史的壮丽史诗,是关于毁灭与重建的壮丽史诗。因此,在读书之后,我们有必要回顾当时的时代背景——美国南北战争。 1861年4月12日,美国南北战争爆发,历时四年,于1865年4月9日结束。美国南北战争,又称美国内战,是美国历史上一场大规模的内战,参战双方为北方的美利坚合众国(简称联邦)和南方的美利坚联盟国(简称邦联)。美国南北战争爆发的根源在于北方自由劳动制度与南方奴隶制度之间的矛盾。战争进程中,北方联邦总统林肯通过颁布著名的《解放黑奴宣言
China’S 1ast eunuch Sun Yaoting died in December 1996 at age 94.He took with him intimate stories of the last vestiges of Imperial China and was himself the 1ast in the line of eunuchs who had served the royal family for more than 2,000 years.His personal iourney from poor farmboy to revered servant to PU Yi and Wanrong.China’S last emperor and empress,iS an amazing iourney which also chronicles nearly one century of turbulence and upheavalin Chinese history and culture. This engrossing biography by Chinese historian Jia Yinghua fcatures first.hand accounts by Sun Yaoting of his adventures in the Forbidden City.his reunion with Pu Yi in Japanese—held Manchukuo in the 1 930s.his return to“normal”1ifc as a munity organizer in the Buddhist temple where he 1ivcd out the rest of his lifc. Beginning in the early 1 900s.Sun’S story follows events in China such as Pu Yi’S abdication of lmperial rule.the Japanese occupation 0f China which ended with the conclusion of
The title might have been written by Mao himself. Instead, it was dictated by the revealing, intimate, neverbeforepublished recollections of Li Yinqiao, Mao'odyguard, and brought to light by the author Quan Yanchi. After fifteen years of devoted service, Li received thisrequest from Mao: "If what happens in my family is a secretto others, it is not a secret to you. But don't write about mewhile I'm still alive; wait until I die, and write truthfully whenyou do." For the first time, the personal, inside story ofChina's dynamic leader and world statesman is told rathelife and thought of Mao, the husband, father, radeinarms, the peasant's son. The recollections, only now madepublic in English, provide the reader with a refreshinglydifferent perspective from any of the many other worksabout Mao, Highlighting the book are photographs, published here for the first time.
关汉卿是元代(1206-1368)的戏曲家。他的作品十分贴近现实生活,反映了复杂的社会场景与予盾冲突,尤其反映了当时社会生活中女性的命运以及她们对不平命运的抗争。 关汉卿现存剧作约18部,本书精选了最能体现关剧特色的8部戏剧。其中《窦娥冤》是关汉卿最著名的作品,该剧以“六月飞雪”这种非现实的、夸张的艺术手段,将窦娥的冤情和她对命运的抗争表现得淋淳尽致,成为中国戏剧的悲剧的代表作。《救风尘》的情节十分新颖,剧中侠妓赵盼儿以风月手段勇救风尘姊妹,有浓厚的喜剧色彩。《单刀会》在艺术上很有特色,十分注重对出场人物的铺垫。 关汉卿的戏剧曾被译成多种文字在全世界流传。本书选用的英文译本,系中国著名的文学翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇所译。
本书讲述的是晏阳初先生(Y.C.James Yen)在中国开展平民教育,进而领导国际乡村改造运动的故事。晏阳初平民教育的思想体系由儒家的民本思想和基督教的博爱哲学结合而产生。它于20世纪20年代在中国大地上生根、开花、结果,后由晏阻初本人将其收获的种子撒播于全世界贫瘠的土地上,并继续浇灌几十年,为中国和世界不发达国家和地区培养了一大批平民教育专家和乡村建设人才。晏阳初因此被称作“世界平民教育之父”。
《月亮和六便士》 《月亮和六便士》 《月亮和六便士/微阅读》写的是一个英国证券交易所的经纪人,本已有牢靠的职业和地位、美满的家庭,但却迷恋上绘画,他弃家出走,到巴黎去追求绘画的理想。经过一番离奇的遭遇后,主人公后离开文明世界,到与世隔绝的塔希提岛上。他终于找到灵魂的宁静和适合自己艺术气质的氛嗣,并同一个土著女了同居,创作出一幅又一幅惊世杰作。作者通过这样一个一心追求艺术的怿才,探索了艺术的产生与个性的关系、艺术家与社会的矛盾等引人深思的问题。同时小书也引发了人们对摆脱世俗束缚、寻找心灵家园这一话题的思考。 《罗生门》 《罗生门》以风雨不透的布局将人推向生死抉择的极限,从而展示了“恶”的无可回避,传递出作者对人的理解,对人的无奈与绝望。 ...... 《罗生门》 《罗生门》 《罗生门》以风雨
The title might have been written by Mao himself. Instead, it was dictated by the revealing, intimate, neverbeforepublished recollections of Li Yinqiao, Mao'odyguard, and brought to light by the author Quan Yanchi. After fifteen years of devoted service, Li received thisrequest from Mao: "If what happens in my family is a secretto others, it is not a secret to you. But don't write about mewhile I'm still alive; wait until I die, and write truthfully whenyou do." For the first time, the personal, inside story ofChina's dynamic leader and world statesman is told rathelife and thought of Mao, the husband, father, radeinarms, the peasant's son. The recollections, only now madepublic in English, provide the reader with a refreshinglydifferent perspective from any of the many other worksabout Mao, Highlighting the book are photographs, published here for the first time.