第四纪冰川之后,地球上的动植物消失了一大半,连凶猛的剑齿虎都倒下了,*却得以存活,它顽强的生命力让人感动,其憨态可掬的可爱形象更是人见人爱。 精装礼品画册《熊猫的故事》科普性与趣味性于一体,从科普的角度,以丰富的图文资料,为读者揭开*生存及成长的秘密,讲述*与人之间那些鲜为人知的感人的故事。在这部作品中,科普知识与世人的熊猫情结有机地结合在一起,并通过大量珍贵图片,得以淋漓尽致的呈现。 还有多重 福利 相送,扫描画册中的二维码读者即可观看*各种有趣的微视频,仿佛身临其境,附送*手工剪纸、贴纸和明信片,给读者以全新的阅读体验。科普性与趣味性集于一体,真正的老少皆宜,特别适合全家共赏、亲子阅读及馈赠亲友。
《中国的世界遗产》画册,是对中国的世界遗产的全面、集中展示。它以600多幅高清、精美的图片,从不同视角方位展示了中国世界遗产的独特魅力,并以生动的文字,讲述这些遗产背后的历史、文化、自然、地理知识,揭示它们不可替代和无法再造的独特价值。 The album World Heritage Sites in China is a complete and integrated presentation of the world heritage sites in China. Boasting more than 600 high definition exceptional pictures, it showcases the unique charms of the world heritage sites in China from different angles, vividly introduces the historic, cultural, natural and geographic knowledge about the sites and unveils their irreplaceable value that cannot be reproduced.
中国是早发明养蚕、缫丝、织绸的国家。而用彩色丝线在丝织物上绣成图案的刺绣工艺.大约在公元前15世纪的商代就已出现。最早的刺绣工艺主要用于服饰,大约在公元10世纪的宋代,刺绣工艺逐渐向具有观赏性的艺术品方向发展,到明、清(1368—1911年)刺绣艺术成就显著,刺绣工艺形成了不同的艺术流派.苏绣、粤绣、蜀绣、湘绣名绣争奇斗艳。苏州地处太湖之滨,盛产蚕桑.中国经济文化重心从五代(907—960年)朝江南转移,“上有天堂,下有苏杭”的说法亦就是五代时期开始流传的。江南文化经济的繁荣促使苏绣技艺有了长足的进步,苏绣艺术独领风骚,影响深远。 的苏绣艺术又开创了一个大有作为的新天地。苏绣艺人对传统技艺进行挖掘,加以总结.提高,发展,使苏绣艺术既有传统的文化内涵,又有新时期的时代风貌.苏绣艺术已成为中国工艺美术园
China is one of the earliest ancient civilizations in the world. Chinese civilization is the only ancient civilization in humanhistory without any interruption. This book outlines the developmenttrajectory of Chinese history, represents the demeanor andcharacteristics of Chinese civilization and interprets the secrecy ofthe continuity and rejuvenation of the densely populated ancientcivilization after several thousand years of vicissitudes.
Yuan Longping, the renowned and respected Chinese scientist often taken for a farmer, has found the world a way out of famine. Unde-terred by the prevailing ignorance of heterosis in rice and other self-pollinating plants, he has dedicated himself to research into hybrid rice since the 1960s, and his feats have won him the accolade "father of hybrid rice" and earned him the honor of being made foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences Why is Yuan so obsessed by hybrid rice research? How did he manage with such simple conditions, scarce aterials, backward technol-ogy and insufficient information? What global impacts will Yuan and his team have? This book may give the answers.
China is one of the earliest ancient civilizations in the world. Chinese civilization is the only ancient civilization in humanhistory without any interruption. This book outlines the developmenttrajectory of Chinese history, represents the demeanor andcharacteristics of Chinese civilization and interprets the secrecy ofthe continuity and rejuvenation of the densely populated ancientcivilization after several thousand years of vicissitudes.
This book is not meant to be a general history of Tibet, nor a Tibetan adventureor folklore monograph. It focuses on the attempts being made today to solve the riddles and confusion surrounding Tibet, including contemplations, reflections, in-depth discussions, and plain narrations in a language of honesty and sincerity. It also expresses a feeling of fraternity towards Tibetan patriots and a longing for a beautiful tomorrow for Tibet. Careful readers may be inspired and moved by its content.
Les grandes salles, temoins de I'histoire Les grandes ceremonies Les offrandes faites par I'empereur La vie de I'empereur me un homme ordinaire La salle d'etude de I'empereur Les absurdites des empereurs Les amis etrangers des empereurs Les intrigues et les amours du palais desconcubines Les imperatrices douairieres Les jardins de la Cite interdite - lieux de divertissement pour les concubines Le Palais d'Ete - deueme palais de I'imperatrice douairiere Ci Le Yuanmingyuan - le jardin des jardins- ravage par les agresseurs etrangers Les mOrts des empereurs Les tombes imperiales
红色是北京的颜色,也是中国的象征。红色的宫墙,红色的灯笼,红色的婚礼,红色的春联,从古至今,北京的生活中充满红色的装饰主题。红色,构成了人们认同北京的颜色。红色是激情和运动的颜色;红色是喜庆与祥和的颜色;红色是民俗与文化的颜色;红色也是北京奥运会会徽颜色的主色。 本书为法文版《中国红》,内中详细介绍了中国历代使用红色的风俗习惯。
This book has several parts. Chapters Ⅱ and Ⅲ are briefreviews of the political ideas and institutions of ancent China.The four chapters that follow Give a brief account of political andinstitutional development during the generation preceding theKuomintang Government of 1928. Chapters VIII and IX describe theKuomintang and the theory and practice of politicaltutelage asadvocated by it. The body of the book deals with the organizationand operation of the Kuomintang Government. The last chapters,Chapters XX to XXIV inclusive, are concerned more with politics.There are also an introductory and a concluding chapter.