[英文原版]The RoadLess Traveled 少有人走的路 基本信息 出版社: Holiday House;Intl edition; Export (1997年9月1日) 外文书名: 少有人走的路 平装: 320页 语种: 英语 ISBN: 068485015X 条形码: 9780684850153 商品尺寸: 2.2 x 10.8 x16.9 cm 商品重量: 150g 图书描述 这是一本震惊世界的名著,出版后虽未作任何宣传,但经人们口耳相传,迅速畅销起来,它曾在美国著名的《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜上连续上榜近二十年,创下了出版史上的一大奇迹。 这是一部罕见的心理学杰作,早在1983年,它便成为有口皆碑的超级畅销读物。作者灵活运用传统心理分析方法去解决人生的冲突和难题。它的有效和实用,产生了前所未有的轰动响应。 《出版者周刊》 本书处处透露出沟通与理解的意味,它跨越时代限制,帮助我们探索爱的本质,引导我
Whether you want to win that new account or inspire yourfamily and friends, bestselling author and acclaimed speaker MarkSanborn shows us how to make every performance count. Every day, we are called to perform— at work, at home, in ourcommunities. But is it possible to make every performanceoutstanding, the kind that leaves people applauding for anencore? Mark Sanborn, leadership expert and bestselling author of TheFred Factor, says that anyone can achieve remarkable performancetime after time—no matter what their personality, strengths, orweaknesses. In The Encore Effect Sanborn demonstrates, through hisown experiences as well as those of the people he’s worked with inhis career, how you can cultivate the traits shared by remarkableperformers and achieve extraordinary results in all aspects of yourlife. The secrets lie in five steps: Passion: The fuel for remarkable performance Prepare: How remarkable performance begins Practice: It won’t make you perfect, but it
One of America's most respected and renowned financialplanners provides 1001 tips to help everyone--from CEOs tohomemakers--save money. Learn which corners to cut in various areasof everyday life. Take the revealing self-test and assess whereyour money is being spent. Then allow the expert to guide you tothe most effective and creative ways to save it.
To succeed in today’s ever-accelerating world, speed is the nameof the game. Forget “slow and steady wins the race.” The key togetting ahead is not fighting or hiding from speed, but embracingspeed and using its power to your advantage. As Vince Poscentedemonstrates in this rewarding and, yes, fast-paced book, speed hasa unique ability to enrich your life. He empowers you to takecontrol of your time, your tasks, your priorities, and yourtalents, and start making life everything you want it to be. Twentynew tips–exclusive to this paperback edition–show you how to:?recognize the difference between repetitive chores and passionatepursuits, and assign the appropriate amount of time and energy toeach? mentally shatter the outdated idea that work, home, andleisure should be completely separate, and create a new,purpose-driven model of organizing your time? discover how tocontrol interruptions, including how and when to accept them–bylearning when to multitask and when to focusSpeed provides amazingbene
The author of Simple Spells for Love returns with everythingthe curious reader needs to know about the art of casting spellsand crafting charms to increase prosperity, enhance creativeprocesses, attract investors and partners, increase businessopportunities, and find the right career.
As you think about retirement, you’ve got facts to face,planning to do, decisions to make and numbers to crunch. With theexperts at The Wall Street Journal to guide you, you’ll learn howto tailor a financial plan for the lifestyle you want. ? Answers your biggest question—How big does my nest egg need tobe?—by linking it to your particular hopes for how you want tospend your days in retirement ? Shows how to translate your dreams and interests into dailyactivities, whether traveling, opening a business, volunteering orgoing back to school ? Provides a timeline for decisions to make and steps to take tenyears, five years and one year before you retire ? Offers tips on investing wisely and working with the rightfinancial adviser ? Tells you how to maximize your benefits from Social Securityand Medicare ? Guides you through the intricacies of 401(k)s, IRAs, annuitiesand other financial tools and resources Today, the average person can expect to spend two d
In 1984, The LittleKingdom told the story of Apple's first decade alongside thehistories of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Now Moritz revisits hisclassic biography in light of what Apple has become, offering forthe first time in paperback the only from the ground up account ofApple's early years.
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Closing individual sales, in most businesses, is not enoughfor success. Success depends on developing profitable lifetimerelationships with customers. But gaining customer loyalty requireshard work, care, and attentiveness. In this book, you'll learn toassess the lifetime value of a customer, and why it makes sense tobuild loyalty among your target customers. You'll also learnto: - Understand the service-profit chain - Leverage the interrelationships among customer satisfaction,customer loyalty, employee capability, and companyprofitability - Build and refine a process for delivering extraordinaryvalue to your customers
On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar will end. Manysee it as an apocalyptic sign. But is it? In The Twelfth Insight, the long-awaited fourth book in thebeloved Celestine Series, we again follow our Hero and his closefriend Wil. They have just received a portion of another ancientand mysterious manu* that describes a secret approach tospirituality that is silently arriving in the second decade of the21st Century. But the manu* is only available in fragments. To understand its full meaning for mankind, our Hero and Wilbegin an urgent search to find the message in its entirety. As theyembrace the power of Synchronicity and begin their search, they areconfronted by powerful political forces and religious extremiststhat stand in the way of these spiritual revelations. Utilizing what he calls the "parable effect," and based on hisown sources, James Redfield explores the similarities anddifferences that exist among the world religions, revealing theessential
Distinguished poet Donald Hall reflects on the meaning ofwork, solitude, and love “The best new book I have read this year, of extraordinarynobility and wisdom. It will remain with me always.” —Louis Begley,The New York Times “A sustained meditation on work as the key to personal happiness.. . . Life Work reads most of all like a first-person psychologicalnovel with a poet named Donald Hall as its protagonist. . . .Hall’s particular talents ultimately [are] for the memoir, a genrein which he has few living equals. In his hands the memoir is onlypartially an autobiographical genre. He pours both his fullcritical intelligence and poetic sensibility into the form.” —DanaGioia, Los Angeles Times “Hall . . . here offers a meditative look at his life as a writerin a spare and beautifully crafted memoir. Devoted to his art, Hallcan barely wait for the sun to rise each morning so that he canbegin the task of shaping words.” —Publishers Weekly (starredreview) “I [am
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This easy-to-use handbook features a battery of tests whichassesses logical, numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning powers,as well as technological and clerical skills. Completely revised,updated, and expanded, the guide takes into account personality,motivation, and individual interests, and matches the resultsagainst an extensive index of over 400 careers.