With corporate scandals dominating the headlines on aregular basis, business ethics are more important than ever. Thisamusing primer highlights everything an aspiring CEO should knowabout maintaining integrity in corporate America. You llfind: - Guidance on making fair and honest business decisions - A quiz to test your own ethics - Advice on promoting ethical behavior - Simple lessons for making your workplace a positiveenvironment - And much, much more. It's the perfect gift for office newbies, seasoned executives,and college graduates everywhere!
The devaluation of the American dollar, with the subsequentinflation, iseerily similar to the chaotic markets of the 1970s.The factors that createdthe stagflation and the gold and silverbull markets of the late seventiesand early eighties are back. AsYogi Berra said, "It's deja vu all overagain." Only this time,they're even more exaggerated-offeringonce-in-a-lifetimeopportunities for middle-class Americans, if they lookbeyond theWall Street stock-market propaganda. This book can helpyoupanic-proof your life and your finances, and reap huge profitswithrelatively small investments in gold, silver, certain ETFs,mutual funds,and mining stocks.How to Prosper During the Coming BadYears in the 21st Century is amust-have survival and moneymakingguide for people who want to profit fromthe rough economic seasthat are upon us-and come through with their shareof treasure.--This text refers to the Kindle Edition.
Malcolm Gladwell is the master of playful yet profound insight. His ability to see underneath the surface of the seemingly mundane taps into a fundamental human impulse: curiosity. From criminology to ketchup, job interviews to dog training, Malcolm Gladwell takes everyday subjects and shows us surprising new ways of looking at them, and the world around us.Are smart people overrated? What can pit bulls teach us about crime? Why are problems like homelessness easier to solve than to manage? How do we hire when we can't tell who's right for the job? Gladwell explores the minor geniuses, the underdogs and the overlooked, and reveals how everyone and rything contains an intriguing story. What the Dog Saw is Gladwell at his very best - asking questions and seeking answers in his inimitable style.
Gather successful people from all walks of life-what wouldthey have in common? The way they think! Now you can think as theydo and revolutionize your work and life! A Wall Street Journal bestseller, HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLETHINKis the perfect, compact read for today's fast-paced world.America's leadership expert John C. Maxwell will teach you how tobe more creative and when to question popular thinking. You'lllearn how to capture the big picture while focusing your thinking.You'll find out how to tap into your creative potential, developshared ideas, and derive lessons from the past to better understandthe future. With these eleven keys to more effective thinking,you'll clearly see the path to personal success.
"You want-you need-Alexandra Levit as your guide." -Daniel H.Pink, New York Times bestselling author of Drive There's been a major paradigm shift in business practices and theworkplace. Alexandra Levit tells readers what no longer holds truefor getting ahead today, and debunks business myths that are moredangerous and less viable than ever-given the current climate ofethical scrutiny and intense competition-including it's best toclimb the ladder as fast as possible, and that employers want youto be yourself. Levit offers something better in place of these myths: practicaladvice on what it really takes to succeed in this new values-drivenenvironment.
Wondering how the most accomplished leaders from around theglobe have tackled their toughest challenges? Now you can find out- with "Lessons Learned". Concise and engaging, each volume in thisnew series offers 12-14 insightful essays by top leaders inindustry, the public sector, and academia on the most pressingissues they've faced. The contributors share surprisingly personalanecdotes and offer authoritative and practical advice drawn fromtheir years of hard-earned experience. The series launches withthree volumes, each of which centers on a timely topic: "Leading byExample"; "Managing Your Career"; and "Managing Change". A crucialresource for today's busy executive, "Lessons Learned" gives youinstant access to the wisdom and expertise of the world's mosttalented leaders. 50 Lessons' digital library holds more than 500individual lessons from over 100 high-profile leaders fromindustry, the public sector, and academia from companies andinstitutions around the world.
Mega-bestselling author Ken Blanchard and celebrated businessleaders Don Hutson and Ethan Willis present an inspiring story thatreveals the secrets to becoming a successful entrepreneur. In THE ONE MINUTE ENTREPRENEUR, Ken Blanchard (coauthor of the #1bestselling business classic The One Minute Manager), Don Hutson,CEO of U.S. Learning, and Ethan Willis, CEO of Prosper Learning,tell the inspiring story of one man’s challenges in creating hisown business. Through a powerful and engaging narrative, weconfront many of the typical problems all entrepreneurs face instarting up their business, from finding new sources of revenue tosecuring the commitment of their people and the loyalty of theircustomers. More important, we learn the secrets to becoming asuccessful entrepreneur, including how to build a firm foundation,how to ensure a steady cash flow, and how to create legendaryservice. In addition, the book offers invaluable advice, deliveredthrough One Minute Insights, from such entrepreneurs and t
You didn't see it coming. Or maybe you saw it comingbut couldn't do anything about it. Either way, your job is gone,your paycheck is gone, and your self-esteem has taken a serioushit. You've still you're your hopes and dreams...but you've alsostill got your bills. Now's your chance to turn a crisis into an opportunity.By maintaining both your financial and emotional well-being, you'llbe able to navigate this period of unemployment. Learn what youmust do right away, how much you should trim your budget, whetherto roll over your pension and 401(k), where to find extra moneyright now, whether to get a part-time job while you look for work,and more. With worksheets and charts to help you work through keydecisions, Pink Slipped will help you recover from the shockof losing you job, develop a financial strategy, and land your nextposition-wiser and better off than before!
A revolutionary guide to earning power and personal budgetingshows readers how to spend wisely, streamline their finances, anddevelop a budget that puts their money where they want it to go.Reprint.
Michael Corbett appears regularly on national TV and printmedia and travels the country lecturing to crowds of 25,000 sharinghis expertise, having made millions buying and selling housesduring his twenty-plus years in the business. With personal tips,cost-effective techniques, and real estate insider secrets, Ready,Set, Sold! will teach readers how to: ? Add $10,000 to the value of their home in a singleweekend ? Avoid the twelve costliest and most common mistakes ? Dress and stage their home to make buyers swoon and bid overthe asking price ? Pay no taxes on the sale—without breaking the law ? Complete no-cost makeovers that supercharge their sellingprice ? Take advantage of the home-selling secrets that only realestate agents know ? Save thousands in commissions and closing costs With before and after photos, checklists, charts, and worksheets,Ready, Set, Sold! is the book that every home seller MUST readbefore putting their house up for sale!
Let 2010 Set You on the Path to Wealth. Believe it or not, recessions make millionaires! Will you be one?In Start Over, Finish Rich, America's best-loved financial expert,David Bach, explains that 2010 will be the best opportunity forbuilding wealth we have seen in decades. And, as the economyrecovers, you must be set up to recover with it. Bach's easy,take-action plan will show you how. Start Over, Finish Rich supplies the ten crucial moves you mustmake in 2010 to get back on track and recapture your dreams of aricher future. Learn how to: * Get out of debt * Fix your credit * Rebuild your 401k plan * Improve your 529 Plan * Take smart risks * Reorganize your financial life for the high tech age * Update your real estate plan * Change your thinking about money * Recommit to wealth As Bach says, "A recession is a terrible thing to waste—so don'twaste this one! Use it instead to get rich." Read Start Over,Fini