This little book could make a big change in the way you viewyour team. There’s little more energizing and fulfilling in life than thesatisfaction of working well with others to accomplish a commongoal. And this powerful little book can help you experience moreteam satisfaction than ever before Making use of his exceptional,humor-laced storytelling style, Bill Butterworth makes the basicsof teamwork easy to grasp and easy to put to work. He sketches amemorable overview of teamwork that includes: ?the three great needs of team members ?the four great barriers to teamwork, and ?the five great traits of effective teams. It all adds up to a succinct understanding of how to work well asa team that will satisfy leaders, managers, coaches–anyone whowants to know how to make a group perform at high levels whileenjoying the camaraderie and satisfaction of being “us.” Also look for the On-the-Fly-Guide to Balancing Work andLife!
For all of the millions of Americans who are out of work, soonto be out of work, or wishing to be freed from unrewardingwork—here is the must-have book that will show you how you can makea living by working when, where, and how you want. Newly revised and updated, Barbara J. Winter’s guide tosuccessful self-employment is now more relevant than ever before.Drawing on the techniques and ideas of her popular seminars as wellas her own thirty years of business expertise and that of othersuccessful entrepreneurs, Winter offers the practical, proven wayto launch your own profitable venture. Her indispensable adviceranges from why creativity is more important than capital to how toavoid the most common pitfalls of self-employment and how todevelop multiple profit centers. And for this new edition, she has added timely advice on topicsincluding: ?how to find opportunity in a chaotic economy ?why smart, small and spunky is the 21st Century businessmodel ?using the Internet to o
Ex?cel?lence (n.) 1. The clearly false and destructive theorythat a company ought to be great at everything it does. 2. Amistaken goal in which the predictable outcome is that the companyends up world-class at nothing—not well-differentiated andtherefore not thought of by consumers at the moment of need. Based on exhaustive research, The Myth of Excellence providesconclusive evidence of the futility of trying to be excellent inall aspects of a commercial transaction—price, product, access,experience, and service. Instead, the strategy for your productsand services should be to dominate on one element, differentiate ona second, and be at industry par (i.e., average) on the rest. Yes,it is okay to be average as long as your customers knowspecifically where and how you are superior and world-class.
Gather successful people from all walks of life-what wouldthey have in common? The way they think! Now you can think as theydo and revolutionize your work and life! A Wall Street Journal bestseller, HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLETHINKis the perfect, compact read for today's fast-paced world.America's leadership expert John C. Maxwell will teach you how tobe more creative and when to question popular thinking. You'lllearn how to capture the big picture while focusing your thinking.You'll find out how to tap into your creative potential, developshared ideas, and derive lessons from the past to better understandthe future. With these eleven keys to more effective thinking,you'll clearly see the path to personal success.
Drawing from the text of the Business Week bestseller TodayMatters, this condensed, revised edition boils down John C.Maxwell's 12 daily practices to their very essence, giving maximumimpact in minimal time. Presented in a quick-read format, thisversion is designed to be read cover to cover in one sitting ortaken in as brief lessons in a few spare minutes each day. Itcovers such topics as: -- Priorities -- Health -- Family -- Finances -- Values -- Growth Readers will learn how to make decisions on important matters andapply those decisions daily to put them on a path to moresuccessful, productive, and fulfilling lives.
So you're standing naked in front of a classroom. Or you'rebeing chased by a one-legged man. Or maybe you're standing naked infront of a classroom and kissing a one-legged man. Dreams can be mysterious, exhilarating, and terrifying but theydon't have to be confusing. With Field Guide to Dreams, you'llunravel the hidden meanings behind these mysterious subconsciousmessages. Organized by dominant symbol (animal, falling, flying,mother, and so on), each section provides helpful interpretationsfrom Freud, Jung, and other psychologists and dream experts. You'llalso learn when you're most likely to have these specific dreams,and whether you should interpret them positively or negatively.With Field Guide to Dreams at your bedside, you'll never wonder ifthat cigar was just a cigar!
Distinguished poet Donald Hall reflects on the meaning ofwork, solitude, and love “The best new book I have read this year, of extraordinarynobility and wisdom. It will remain with me always.” —Louis Begley,The New York Times “A sustained meditation on work as the key to personal happiness.. . . Life Work reads most of all like a first-person psychologicalnovel with a poet named Donald Hall as its protagonist. . . .Hall’s particular talents ultimately [are] for the memoir, a genrein which he has few living equals. In his hands the memoir is onlypartially an autobiographical genre. He pours both his fullcritical intelligence and poetic sensibility into the form.” —DanaGioia, Los Angeles Times “Hall . . . here offers a meditative look at his life as a writerin a spare and beautifully crafted memoir. Devoted to his art, Hallcan barely wait for the sun to rise each morning so that he canbegin the task of shaping words.” —Publishers Weekly (starredreview) “I [am
Over the course of a forty-year career in the worlds oflaw, sports, business, and politics, Ron Shapiro has worked withand advised an incredible variety of people. What he’s found isthat the secret ingredient for getting into the winner’s circle issimply the discipline of methodical preparation: that old-school,step-by-step way of having all your ducks in a row, whether you arean executive getting ready to do a deal or make a speech; a pitcherstudying the traits of opposing hitters and keeping a meticulousnotebook of their strengths and weaknesses; an international tradenegotiator who knows all about the issues and the people on theother side before sitting down at the table; or a surgeon whorehearses like a classical musician. Deep down, you know you should do it. But how often do you wingit and fly by the seat of your pants because “Gosh, I don’t havetime . . . I’ve done this before . . . I know what I’m doing”? Itis obvious that you have to get ready for whatever game you’replaying
With corporate scandals dominating the headlines on aregular basis, business ethics are more important than ever. Thisamusing primer highlights everything an aspiring CEO should knowabout maintaining integrity in corporate America. You llfind: - Guidance on making fair and honest business decisions - A quiz to test your own ethics - Advice on promoting ethical behavior - Simple lessons for making your workplace a positiveenvironment - And much, much more. It's the perfect gift for office newbies, seasoned executives,and college graduates everywhere!
Wouldn’t it be great if you could be audaciously ambitious andhappy at the same time? You can, and you will. We women aren’t advancing in our careers the way we should. We’renot making the money we deserve or getting the fulfillment wedesire. And this time it’s not men who are holding us back. Thistime we’re doing it to ourselves, because ambition—for us—is stilla dirty word. Debra Condren has coached thousands of women at every level—fromthose just starting out to the most powerful female executives inthe United States—and each one possesses the same fear: if she goesafter her dream, she’ll be seen as selfish, bitchy, a bad wife, orbad mother. But it’s exactly this fear of ambition that has forcedwomen to leave the best part of themselves—their dreams, theirgreat talents—by the roadside, rendering them less able to be thewhole people they should be in every area of their lives. Condren has a new message and mission: to remind women
Grade 5–8—What if just outside of Earth's known atmosphere there sat another layer that was actually a different dimension? Such is the premise for this novel. For as long as she can remember, orphan Hayley has lived sequestered away with her strict grandmother and mysteriously busy grandfather. A chance meeting on an outing lands her in big trouble and she finds herself shipped off to stay with relatives in the country. Here Hayley meets dozens of cousins who invite her to play a strange game. Its object is to go to different places in the mythosphere and retrieve various items while dodging mythological creatures. The plot thickens when she meets her father and learns that he and her mother are both trapped in the mythosphere as punishment for their illicit marriage. Hayley frees them and discovers that she, like all of the other characters in the story, is really a mythological figure who can live in either realm. Meanwhile, the frightening family patriarch, Uncle Jolyon, finds out about the game and c
Full of interactive questions and space for readers to provideanswers, as well as new material for readers to assess theircurrent type of thinking, this workbook guides readers in applyingthe lessons they learned from How Successful People Think or the book which it was derived from, Thinking For AChange . Each of the eleven chapters will focus on one type ofthinking, and contain a case study, critical thinking questions, ajournal section, and an action plan of steps to help the readercreate a personalized plan.
In How’d You Score That Gig? , career expert AlexandraLevit profiles more than sixty of the coolest careers on theplanet–all rated in a national survey by twenty- andthirtysomethings for twenty- and thirtysomethings. To find the jobsthat are calling your name, take Levit’s short quiz and discoveryour “passion profile.” You may be: ? an Adventurer: You’re spontaneous, free-spirited, and youalways ready for change = foreign services officer, oceanographer,news correspondent ? a Creator: You’re always looking for a way to express yourself= video game designer, book author, landscape architect ? a Data Head: You have an uncanny knack for gathering andorganizing information = computational linguist, meteorologist,urban planner ? an Entrepreneur: You have business savvy and don’t want to bechained to a desk = blogger, boutique owner, inventor ? an Investigator: You excel in science, logic, and learning =futurist, classic-car restorer, field archaeologist ?
This easy-to-use handbook features a battery of tests whichassesses logical, numerical, verbal, and abstract reasoning powers,as well as technological and clerical skills. Completely revised,updated, and expanded, the guide takes into account personality,motivation, and individual interests, and matches the resultsagainst an extensive index of over 400 careers.
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum draws morevisitors than any other museum in the world—90,000 a day in thesummertime—and the exhibit of air travel posters featured in thisunique companion volume combines arresting, colorful art, rarearchival material, and a unique approach to aeronautical history.The posters—most of them never before published—featurebarnstormers, gliders, and flying boats, the earliest passengerflights, the first luxury-liners, mail carriers, jets, and muchmore. Spanning a century and a half, they combine the popular artand the commerce of their eras, with both explored in theentertaining, informative text by a longstanding National Air andSpace Museum curator. From 19th-century circus impresarios offeringrides in gaudy hot-air balloons to the sleek 21st-centuryairliners, the posters provide a fascinating illustrated history offlight as it evolved from an exotic realm inhabited only byvisionaries and daredevils into our modern world of speedy jets andfrequent flye
To succeed in today’s ever-accelerating world, speed is the nameof the game. Forget “slow and steady wins the race.” The key togetting ahead is not fighting or hiding from speed, but embracingspeed and using its power to your advantage. As Vince Poscentedemonstrates in this rewarding and, yes, fast-paced book, speed hasa unique ability to enrich your life. He empowers you to takecontrol of your time, your tasks, your priorities, and yourtalents, and start making life everything you want it to be. Twentynew tips–exclusive to this paperback edition–show you how to:?recognize the difference between repetitive chores and passionatepursuits, and assign the appropriate amount of time and energy toeach? mentally shatter the outdated idea that work, home, andleisure should be completely separate, and create a new,purpose-driven model of organizing your time? discover how tocontrol interruptions, including how and when to accept them–bylearning when to multitask and when to focusSpeed provides amazingbene
Nick Friedman and Omar Soliman started themultimillion-dollar franchise College Hunks Hauling Junk when theywere just twenty two, and they’ve been having the time of theirlives ever since. What’s their secret? That's just it--there isn't one. There's no fancy software orcomplicated business schemes. No outside investors or quirky marketniche. They just followed 10 common-sense commandments to buildinga straightforward, fun, and successful business that does a simplejob well. Anyone can understand it, and anyone can doit.
This fun and accessible guide offers super advice forbusiness success. Top venture capitalist and self- proclaimed “comicbook geek” Sean Wise reveals how to create a winning businesspersona through valuable strategies from great comic book icons. Inthis engaging and insightful guide, Wise takes readers on a guidedtour through the world of superheroes and their lessons, directlyrelating them to essential business tactics people need to masterin order to succeed in today’s workplace. Featuring modern-day examples of business icons who best illustratesuperhero strategies—as well as cautionary lessons from infamoussupervillains—this is the book for anyone who dreams of donning acape instead of a suit, taking an oath instead of swearing at thecopier, and seeing the big picture instead of getting mired in thedaily grind.
During her two decades at The New England Journal of Medicine,Dr. Marcia Angell had a front-row seat on the appalling spectacleof the pharmaceutical industry. She watched drug companies strayfrom their original mission of discovering and manufacturing usefuldrugs and instead become vast marketing machines with unprecedentedcontrol over their own fortunes. She saw them gain nearly limitlessinfluence over medical research, education, and how doctors dotheir jobs. She sympathized as the American public, particularlythe elderly, struggled and increasingly failed to meet spiralingpre*ion drug prices. Now, in this bold, hard-hitting new book,Dr. Angell exposes the shocking truth of what the pharmaceuticalindustry has become–and argues for essential, long-overduechange. Currently Americans spend a staggering $200 billion each year onpre*ion drugs. As Dr. Angell powerfully demonstrates, claimsthat high drug prices are necessary to fund research anddevelopment are unfounded: The truth is that drug compa