The bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio host of"The Money Game" has helped thousands through his 12-week financialplanning program. His workbook format allows readers to frequentlyassess their progress and to face their situation honestly by usingthe questionnaires and fill-in charts throughout the book--the mostvaluable purchase a debt-ridden reader could ever make.
Not according to Jean Chatzky, one of the most popular personal-finance experts in the country, who has advised millions through her regular Today Show appearances and her columns in Money magazine. Now she shares the good news about a groundbreaking study she did with the Roper Organization; the Happiness Assessment. Her research shows that amount of money you make has surprisingly little to do with how financially happy you are. But the happiest people in America at all incorme levels tend to use the money strategies that Chatzky calls the "Ten Commandments of Financial Happiness." For instance, they pay their bills as they come in rather than all at one and minimize credit and debt. The bottom line: you have to pay attention to your money-and Chatzky shows you how to make the most of what you've got. But you certainly don't have to be rich achieve financial happiness. 作者简介:Jean Chatsky is the financial editor for NBC's Today show, has a monthly colomn in Money magazine, and is a featu
"Home Economics" reintroduces readers to all Grandma's thriftytips, down-home know-how, honest-to-goodness advice, and deliciousrecipes. Modeled on and compiled from vintage home-ec textbooks,this adorable guide contains everything needed to whip up and keepup a happy, healthy, and - most important - economical homelife.
Have you ever wondered why some people attract wealth whileothers stay financially trapped? The key is learningwealth-friendly, upside-down thinking. In this New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Todaybestseller, Robert Shemin, one-time "idiot" and currently amultimillionaire, illustrates in a witty way how going against thegrain is, in fact, the surest way to gain. Learn how to: ? set only one powerful success goal—and make it a big one ? play while your money goes to work ? stop building someone else’s business and start building yourown ? live and think like a millionaire while you’re becoming one ? use the power and smarts of other Rich Idiots to help you jointhe Rich Idiot Club Spend just a few pages with Robert and his Rich Idiot friends andyou’ll be convinced that “if they could do it, I can do it.”
Ten years ago, Suze Orman, America’s most celebrated financeexpert, transformed the way we all view personal finance with hergroundbreaking The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom. This New YorkTimes bestselling blockbuster broke from the ranks of traditionalmoney management books by looking at finances from an entirely newperspective, advising people to approach money from an emotionalstandpoint in order to achieve their financial dreams. Byemphasizing the psychological and spiritual power money has in ourlives, while still including information on all aspects of ourfinancial daily activities, Orman has helped millions break throughthe barriers that hold them back. She is now our country’s leadingpersonal finance expert, and here is the book that started itall. Orman is back in a brand-new, fully updated edition to The 9Steps to Financial Freedom, her personal finance classic thatoffers thoughtful, easy-to-follow steps toward a life of financialfreedom. Here is the most up-to-the-minute information