The bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio host of"The Money Game" has helped thousands through his 12-week financialplanning program. His workbook format allows readers to frequentlyassess their progress and to face their situation honestly by usingthe questionnaires and fill-in charts throughout the book--the mostvaluable purchase a debt-ridden reader could ever make.
"Home Economics" reintroduces readers to all Grandma's thriftytips, down-home know-how, honest-to-goodness advice, and deliciousrecipes. Modeled on and compiled from vintage home-ec textbooks,this adorable guide contains everything needed to whip up and keepup a happy, healthy, and - most important - economical homelife.
Owning a home has always been the American Dream, and in The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner , David Bach shows thatbuying a home and investment properties is not only possible, it isstill the surest way to reach your seven-figure dreams on anordinary income. Whether you are a renter or already own a home,Bach’s book offers a lifelong strategy for real estate based ontimeless wisdom that is tried and true—in any market. He includeseverything you need to know, with step-by-step instructions,including phone numbers and web sites, so you can get started rightaway. As long as you’re alive, you have to live somewhere. Why notlet where you live make you financially secure and ultimately rich?David Bach will show you how.
With up-to-the-minute information . . . And an all-newpreface by the author! Out of the red . . . ? Do this month’s bills pile up before you’ve paid lastmonth’s? ? Do you regularly receive past-due notices? ? Do you get letters threatening legal action if immediate paymentis not made? ? Do the total amounts of your revolving charge accounts keeprising? Into the black . . . Whether you are currently in debt or fear you’re fallinginto debt, you are not alone. Sixty million Americans--from doctorsto secretaries, from executives to the unemployed--face the sameproblem and live under the same daily stress. Based on the proventechniques of the national Debtors Anonymous program, here is thefirst complete, step-by-step guide to getting out of debt once andfor all. You’ll learn: ? How to recognize the warning signs of serious debt ? How to negotiate with angry creditors, collection agencies, andthe IRS ? How to design a realistic and painless pay-back schedule ? How to identify your spending blind
From first-time newlyweds to people on their second or thirdmarriage, couples face an overwhelming task when it comes to moneymanagement. Nationally renowned financial advisor and bestsellingauthor David Bach knows that it doesn’t have to be this way. InSmart Couples Finish Rich, he provides couples with easy-to-usetools that cover everything from credit card management, toinvestment advice, to long-term care. You and your partner willlearn how to work together as a team to identify your core valuesand dreams, creating a financial plan that will allow you toachieve security, provide for your family’s future financial needs,and increase your income. Together, you’ll learn why couples thatplan their finances together, stay together!
Forget what you’ve heard. Nice girls can get the corneroffice. As women, we haven’t always had the best role models at work. We’veeither worked for men or we’ve had female bosses who are, well, bigbitches. Woman still don’t have much of a road map right now whenit comes to taking charge at the office, so the team who broughtyou the national bestseller The Girl’s Guide to Starting YourOwn Business is drawing one for us. Caitlin Friedman andKimberly Yorio will teach you to be powerful without beingpossessive, to be opinionated without being brassy, and to have astrong voice without micromanaging. You’ll learn just how to ownthe role of queen bee in a positive way so that you can be morementor than manager, one who leads, inspires, and motivates. So, you finally got that promotion. You’re the boss now. Thesupervisor. The manager. The captain. The taskmaster. Those days oftaking orders, running errands, and clock-watching are over. Asexciting as all this might seem, once the rush of the pro
Let 2010 Set You on the Path to Wealth. Believe it or not, recessions make millionaires! Will you be one?In Start Over, Finish Rich, America's best-loved financial expert,David Bach, explains that 2010 will be the best opportunity forbuilding wealth we have seen in decades. And, as the economyrecovers, you must be set up to recover with it. Bach's easy,take-action plan will show you how. Start Over, Finish Rich supplies the ten crucial moves you mustmake in 2010 to get back on track and recapture your dreams of aricher future. Learn how to: * Get out of debt * Fix your credit * Rebuild your 401k plan * Improve your 529 Plan * Take smart risks * Reorganize your financial life for the high tech age * Update your real estate plan * Change your thinking about money * Recommit to wealth As Bach says, "A recession is a terrible thing to waste—so don'twaste this one! Use it instead to get rich." Read Start Over,Fini
"Money is congealed energy," said Joseph Campbell. Andreleasing it releases life's possibilities. . . . Thousands of people worldwide have learned how to build apowerful new relationship with their money and bring their dreamsto fruition through Dr. Maria Nemeth's dynamic workshops. Now youcan, too. In The Energy of Money, Dr. Nemeth--who received an AudioPublishers Award for her Sounds True series on which this book isbased--draws upon her more than twenty years' experience insynthesizing spiritual and practical techniques for managingyourself and your work to create a revolutionary program that canfree your financial energy and use it to achieve personal lifegoals and financial wealth. Combining a complete self-help andself-discovery regimen with proven methods of money management,this powerhouse guide to prosperity presents twelve principles thatwill help you to - Uncover the hidden landscape of beliefs, patterns, and habitsthat underlie and sometimes subvert your everyday use of money a