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    • 【中商原版】M斯科特.派克 少有人走的路:心智成熟的旅程 英文原版The Road Less Traveled 心理学杰
    •   ( 3394 条评论 )
    • M. Scott Peck /1997-09-01/ Holiday House; Intl edition
    • [英文原版]The RoadLess Traveled 少有人走的路 基本信息 出版社: Holiday House;Intl edition; Export (1997年9月1日) 外文书名: 少有人走的路 平装: 320页 语种: 英语 ISBN: 068485015X 条形码: 9780684850153 商品尺寸: 2.2 x 10.8 x16.9 cm 商品重量: 150g 图书描述 这是一本震惊世界的名著,出版后虽未作任何宣传,但经人们口耳相传,迅速畅销起来,它曾在美国著名的《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜上连续上榜近二十年,创下了出版史上的一大奇迹。 这是一部罕见的心理学杰作,早在1983年,它便成为有口皆碑的超级畅销读物。作者灵活运用传统心理分析方法去解决人生的冲突和难题。它的有效和实用,产生了前所未有的轰动响应。 《出版者周刊》 本书处处透露出沟通与理解的意味,它跨越时代限制,帮助我们探索爱的本质,引导我

    • ¥46 折扣:4.6折
    • LITTLE BOOK OF BIG SAVINGS(ISBN=9780307458612) 英文原版
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    • Ellie Kay 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • Every month you spend money in twelve majorcategories. And at the end of each month, you scratch your head andwonder, Where did it all go? In The Little Book of Big Savings, America’sFinancial Expert, Ellie Kay, will help you uncover theextra cash just waiting to be found in every area of your life. Notonly will you never again wonder where your cash went, you willhave extra to save–and even to share. Don’t mindlessly let hundreds of dollars slipout of your ATM every month. Ellie’s practical advice will showyou: ?How one phone call could save you $500 a yearor more ?How your kids can get a great education withoutbreaking the bank ?Three ways your water heater can save youmoney ?Why giving away money is one of the best waysto save it ?How to save up to 50% on your onlinepurchases Plus hundreds of other tips that will loosenyour budget without sacrificing your lifestyle. Soon you’ll findwhat you want the most when it comes to your finances: peace ofmind.

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    • The Real Cost of Living(ISBN=9780399536441) 英文原版
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    • Carmen Wong Ulrich 编 /2012-01-01/ Penguin
    • Every decision, from buying a home to grabbing a daily latte,has costs and benefits-personal as well as financial. The Real Costof Living helps you make better decisions, both big and small-decisions that involve money, but aren't all about money.Well-known personal finance expert Carmen Ulrich makespersonal finance personal and takes into account that we all havemotivations that go way beyond number crunching. From marriage andfamily to career, investing, and more, Carmen examines the "realcost" of the choices we all make every day. * Is deciding whether to go back to work full-time after you havea child really all about money? Should it be? * Is prepaying a mortgage a smart-money move, or is it reallyabout craving security and stability-and which means more toyou? * How much do your bad habits really cost you? And is savingthousands of dollars enough of a motivation to get you tostop? * Are college degrees really worthwhile? And if so, how can youmaximize the odds of gaining

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    • YOU'RE FIFTY--NOW WHAT?(ISBN=9780609808702) 英文原版
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    • Charles R. Schwab 著 /2002-01-01/ Random House US
    • If you are a baby boomer nearing fifty and you haven't saved adime, don't panic. Charles Schwab, one of America's most trustedand respected names in financial services will help you takecontrol of your financial life.In You're Fifty -- Now What? hewalks even the most inexperienced person through the process ofinvesting money to prepare for tomorrow, while offering solidanswers to tough questions. He helps you figure out exactly whatyou'll need for your retirement, how to maximize the best earningand investing years of your life, and how to work out your wisestbalance of asset allocation by offering straightforward advice thatenables you to put your affairs in order and your mind at ease.

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    • START OVER, FINISH RICH(ISBN=9780307591197) 英文原版
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    • David Bach大卫·巴赫) 著 /2009-12-01/ Random House US
    • Let 2010 Set You on the Path to Wealth. Believe it or not, recessions make millionaires! Will you be one?In Start Over, Finish Rich, America's best-loved financial expert,David Bach, explains that 2010 will be the best opportunity forbuilding wealth we have seen in decades. And, as the economyrecovers, you must be set up to recover with it. Bach's easy,take-action plan will show you how. Start Over, Finish Rich supplies the ten crucial moves you mustmake in 2010 to get back on track and recapture your dreams of aricher future. Learn how to: * Get out of debt * Fix your credit * Rebuild your 401k plan * Improve your 529 Plan * Take smart risks * Reorganize your financial life for the high tech age * Update your real estate plan * Change your thinking about money * Recommit to wealth As Bach says, "A recession is a terrible thing to waste—so don'twaste this one! Use it instead to get rich." Read Start Over,Fini

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