Although Africa has long been known to be rich in oil,extracting it hadnt seemed worth the effort and risk untilrecently. But with the price of Middle Eastern crude oilskyrocketing and advancing technology making reserves easier totap, the region has become the scene of a competition between majorpowers that recalls the nineteenth-century scramble forcolonization there. But what does this giddy new oil boom meanforAmerica, for the world, for Africans themselves? John Ghazviniantraveled through twelve African countriesfrom Sudan to Congo toAngolatalking to warlords, industry executives, bandits, activists,priests, missionaries, oil-rig workers, scientists, and ordinarypeople whose lives have been transformednot necessarily for thebetterby the riches beneath their feet. The result is a high-octanenarrative that reveals the challenges, obstacles, reasons fordespair, and reasons for hope emerging from the worlds newestenergy hot spot.
Mergers and acquisitions represent a successful growthstrategy for many companies, but, while potentially profitable,M A transactions are complex and often risky. Covering thelatest trends, developments, and best practices for the post-Madoffera, this comprehensive, hands-on resource walks readers throughevery step of the process, offering practical advice for keepingdeals on track and ensuring postclosing integration success. Filledwith case studies and war stories illustrating what works and why,the third edition of "Mergers and Acquisitions from A to Z" offersvaluable tools, checklists, and sample documents, providing crucialguidance on: preparing for and initiating the deal; regulatoryconsiderations; due diligence; deal structure; valuation andpricing; and financing even during turbulent market conditions.M A transactions can quickly spell a company's doom if they arenot conceived and executed carefully, legally, and sensibly. Thisis the classic guide to mergers and acquisitions, now completelyupda