From the profit-minded managers who make up the brain trust atThe Atlanta Consulting Group comes a simple new method hailed as arevolutionary management practice: learning to care.
In The One to One Manager, visionary authors Don Peppers andMartha Rogers, Ph.D., go behind the scenes to report on thechallenges and solutions discovered by managers leading 1 to 1efforts at organizations such as Xerox, General Electric, Oracle,First Union, Hewlett-Packard, USAA, Levi Strauss, and BritishAirways. Filled with in-depth interviews with executives on thefront lines of the 1 to 1 revolution, and based on more than twodozen case histories from companies around the world, The One toOne Manager examines the actual day-to-day issues involved insetting and running 1 to 1 initiatives. The One to One Manager introduces readers to the groundbreakers,the pathfinders, and the explorers of a vast and rapidly expandingnew universe of customer-focused business strategies. Among thefascinating pioneers profiled in this book, you will meet: -General Robert McDermott, the visionary leader who transformedUSAA from an insurance firm mired in paperwork into an IT-savvyfinancial institution dedica
Every business needs a business plan,a plan to meet theexpected and unexpected opportunities and obstacles the futureholds. This book will help you take a long, hard look at eachelement of the plan and show you how to communicate the rightmessage to the right people to maximize the chances of getting yourbusiness venture launched.