在界面上形成的第三种物质分子的无序或有序结构称为界面膜。常见的界面膜有液体表面上的不溶物单分子膜、双分子层脂质膜、脂质体和囊泡,单层或多层的LB膜、自组装膜,固气和液气界面上的吸附膜等。界面膜在多种界面现象(如吸附、润湿、润滑、乳化及破乳、起泡和消泡等)中有重要作用,并有许多实际应用。 《界面膜原理与应用》介绍多种界面膜的形成、状态、性质和应用。有关理论部分所涉及公式多不推导,应用内容多用具体实例说明之。每章后列有原始文献,供读者检索。
《固态物理学(卷)(英文版)》内容简介:Learning solid-state physics requires a certain degree of maturity, since it involvestying together diverse concepts from many areas of physics. The obiective is tounderstand, in a basic way, how solid materialehave. To do this one needotha good physical and mathematical background. One definition of soid-statephysics is that it is the study of the physical (e.g. the electrical, dielectric,magic, elastic, and thermal) properties of solids in terms of basic physical laws.In one sense, solid=state physics is more like chemistry than some other branchesof physicecause it focuses on mon properties of large classes of materials.It is typical that solid=state physics emphasizes how physical properties link to theelectronic structure. In thiook we will emphasize crystalline solids (which areperiodic 3D arrays of atoms).
为了满足读者对国外物理学著作的需求,科学出版社启动了引进国外著作的工作,这些图书几乎涉及了近代物理学的所有领域,既有阐述学科基本理论的经典名著,也有反映某一学科专题前沿的专著。 本书反映的是结构相变物理领域的前沿进展和热点,具有性、前瞻性和应用性强的特点,对有关方向的科研人员和研究生有重要的参考价值。
Solid State Physics is the study of the state of solids. Its development is acpanied by the development of modern science and technology. It contains many fundamental concepts that are essential to a great number of branches of science, including those within as well as those outside physics. An exhausted list of these branches is intimidating. Here we just name a few: Condensed matter physics, material science, semiconductor physics, laser physics, spin-tronics, physical optics, electric engineering, and electronic engineering. In solids, there exist a variety of particles (including quasiparticles and elementary excitations) and interactions among them. These particles and interactions determine the potential applications of various solids. For example, the peculiar band structure of electrons in semiconductors lead to transis-tors that are the heart of everything electronic; the electron-photon interactions lead to laser diodes, photodiodes, and CCDs (coupled charge diodes); the electron-phonon interaction
《固态物理学(卷)(英文版)》内容简介:Learning solid-state physics requires a certain degree of maturity, since it involvestying together diverse concepts from many areas of physics. The obiective is tounderstand, in a basic way, how solid materialehave. To do this one needotha good physical and mathematical background. One definition of soid-statephysics is that it is the study of the physical (e.g. the electrical, dielectric,magic, elastic, and thermal) properties of solids in terms of basic physical laws.In one sense, solid=state physics is more like chemistry than some other branchesof physicecause it focuses on mon properties of large classes of materials.It is typical that solid=state physics emphasizes how physical properties link to theelectronic structure. In thiook we will emphasize crystalline solids (which areperiodic 3D arrays of atoms).
电化学发光分析法具有灵敏度高、仪器设备简单、操作方便、易于实现自动化等特点,广泛地应用于生物、医学、药学、临床、环境、食品、免疫和核酸杂交分析和工业分析等领域。在21世纪中必将继续为解决人类面临的各种重大问题发挥更加显著的作用。 本书介绍了电化学发光的研究进展及电化学发光分析的特点;电化学发光基本原理;电化学发光的基本类型;电化学发光检测技术;电化学发光的应用;毛细管电泳电化学发光应用实例等。本书既有基本理论,又有实际应用,并侧重于应用,对每一实际应用领域,介绍了与之相关的原理及其新进展。 本书可供与电化学发光方面有关的高等院校学生和从事与电化学发光分析有关工作的科技人员和分析工作者使用,也可作为高等院校教材或参考书。
电化学发光分析法具有灵敏度高、仪器设备简单、操作方便、易于实现自动化等特点,广泛地应用于生物、医学、药学、临床、环境、食品、免疫和核酸杂交分析和工业分析等领域。在21世纪中必将继续为解决人类面临的各种重大问题发挥更加显著的作用。 本书介绍了电化学发光的研究进展及电化学发光分析的特点;电化学发光基本原理;电化学发光的基本类型;电化学发光检测技术;电化学发光的应用;毛细管电泳电化学发光应用实例等。本书既有基本理论,又有实际应用,并侧重于应用,对每一实际应用领域,介绍了与之相关的原理及其新进展。 本书可供与电化学发光方面有关的高等院校学生和从事与电化学发光分析有关工作的科技人员和分析工作者使用,也可作为高等院校教材或参考书。