《固态物理学(卷)(英文版)》内容简介:Learning solid-state physics requires a certain degree of maturity, since it involvestying together diverse concepts from many areas of physics. The obiective is tounderstand, in a basic way, how solid materialehave. To do this one needotha good physical and mathematical background. One definition of soid-statephysics is that it is the study of the physical (e.g. the electrical, dielectric,magic, elastic, and thermal) properties of solids in terms of basic physical laws.In one sense, solid=state physics is more like chemistry than some other branchesof physicecause it focuses on mon properties of large classes of materials.It is typical that solid=state physics emphasizes how physical properties link to theelectronic structure. In thiook we will emphasize crystalline solids (which areperiodic 3D arrays of atoms).
元素周期表是人类科学伟大的成果之一,同时也是一个充满激情、冒险、背叛以及执着的故事宝藏。几乎每一个元素背后,都有着许多动人、有趣或古怪的故事。 《元素的盛宴》是一本关于化学与人类生活的既严谨又妙趣横生的科普著作,作者搜集了大量科学史和人类史上鲜为人知的史料,从不同角度讲述了化学与人类充满“爱恨情仇”的历史传奇。你知道氮肥是德国人研究烈性炸弹时顺便发现的吗?你知道水银在很长时间里是作为泻药使用、镭最初是被用来制作保健饮料的吗?而是否吃碘盐曾是甘地带领人民争取独立的重要议题之一,门捷列夫是在打扑克时想出了元素周期表,格拉泽看到啤酒气泡悟到了探测粒子的新方法……这些闻所未闻的事件,都是山姆探险化学史的重要发现——它是化学与人类生活交互作用的一部趣味史,也是无数科学家探幽寻微的一
元素周期表是人类科学伟大的成果之一,同时也是一个充满激情、冒险、背叛以及执着的故事宝藏。几乎每一个元素背后,都有着许多动人、有趣或古怪的故事。 《元素的盛宴》是一本关于化学与人类生活的既严谨又妙趣横生的科普著作,作者搜集了大量科学史和人类史上鲜为人知的史料,从不同角度讲述了化学与人类充满“爱恨情仇”的历史传奇。你知道氮肥是德国人研究烈性炸弹时顺便发现的吗?你知道水银在很长时间里是作为泻药使用、镭最初是被用来制作保健饮料的吗?而是否吃碘盐曾是甘地带领人民争取独立的重要议题之一,门捷列夫是在打扑克时想出了元素周期表,格拉泽看到啤酒气泡悟到了探测粒子的新方法……这些闻所未闻的事件,都是山姆探险化学史的重要发现它是化学与人类生活交互作用的一部趣味史,也是无数科学家探幽寻微的一部“
《固态物理学(卷)(英文版)》内容简介:Learning solid-state physics requires a certain degree of maturity, since it involvestying together diverse concepts from many areas of physics. The obiective is tounderstand, in a basic way, how solid materialehave. To do this one needotha good physical and mathematical background. One definition of soid-statephysics is that it is the study of the physical (e.g. the electrical, dielectric,magnetic, elastic, and thermal) properties of solids in terms of basic physical laws.In one sense, solid=state physics is more like chemistry than some other branchesof physicecause it focuses on common properties of large classes of materials.It is typical that solid=state physics emphasizes how physical properties link to theelectronic structure. In thiook we will emphasize crystalline solids (which areperiodic 3D arrays of atoms).