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    • Shirley(ISBN=9780141439860)
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    • Charlotte Bronte 等编 /2006-09-01/ Penguin
    • Set during the Napoleonic wars at a time of national economicstruggles, Shirley is an unsentimental yet passionatedepiction of conflict among classes, sexes, and generations.Struggling manufacturer Robert Moore considers marriage to thewealthy and independent Shirley Keeldar, yet his heart lies withhis cousin Caroline. Shirley, meanwhile, is in love with Robert’sbrother, an impoverished tutor. As industrial unrest builds to apotentially fatal pitch, can the four be reconciled?

    • ¥46.2 折扣:6折
    • MATARESE COUNTDOWN, THE(ISBN=9780553579833)
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    • Robert Ludlum 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Twenty years ago, top agents from the CIA and KGB bandedtogether to bring down the Matarese Circle, an international cabalof powerbrokers and assassins whose sole objective was to achieveworldwide economic domination. Now the bloody Matarese dynasty isback--and the only man with the power to stop it may have alreadyrun out of time.... CIA case officer Cameron Pryce is hot on thetrail of the new Matarese alliance. His only chance to terminateits ruthless activities is to follow the trail of blood money andstone-cold killers right to the heart of its deadly conspiracy.From the Hamptons to London's Belgrave Square, Matarese assassinshave already struck with brutal efficiency, eliminating all whostand in their way. Their chain of violence is impossible tostop--until Pryce gets a rare break. One of the Matarese's victimssurvives long enough to whisper dying words that will blow the casewide open: the top secret code name for legendary retired CIA agentBrandon Scofield--the only man who has ever infiltrated

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    • The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla(9781444723489)
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    • Stephen King斯蒂芬·金) 著 /2012-02-01/ Orion
    • In the fifth novel in King's bestselling epic fantasy series, the farming community in the fertile lands of the East has been warned the wolves are coming back. Four gunslingers, led by Roland of Gilead, are also coming their way. And the farmers of the Calla want to enlist some hard calibers. Torn between protecting the innocent community and his urgent quest, Roland faces his most deadly perils as he journey through the Mid-World towards the Dark Tower.

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    • The Naked Face(ISBN=9780446341912)
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    • Sidney Sheldon 著 /1985-08-01/ Hachette
    • Judd Stevens is a psychoanalyst faced with the most criticalcase of his life. If he does not penetrate the mind of a murderer he will findhimself arrested for murder or murdered himself... Two people closely involved with Dr. Stevens have already beenkilled. Is one of the doctor's patients responsible? Someoneoverwhelmed by his problems? A neurotic driven by compulsion? Amadman? Before the murderer strikes again, Judd must strip away themask of innocence the criminal wears, uncover the inner emotions,fears, and desires, to expose.. .

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    • The Tommyknockers
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    • Stephen King 著 /1988-10-01/ Penguin
    • Bobbi Anderson and the other good folks of Haven, Maine, havesold their souls to reap the rewards of the most deadly evil thisside of hell.

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    • WHAT THE NIGHT KNOWS (ISBN=9780440422884)
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    • Dean Koontz 著 /2010-12-01/ Random House US
    • Let's Call It "The Turn of the Phillips-Head Screw" I was happily working on a novel titled What the Night Knows, thepremise of which was already described on various web-sitepostings, when an idea for a ghost story slammed into me with asmuch force as an exuberant 60-pound golden retriever playingbowl-dad-off-his-feet. When I picked myself up from my officefloor, I didn't need a sticky roller to remove the dog hair from myclothes, but the story I had been working on was entirely Swifferedout of my head to make room for the ghost story. After alerting myeditor and my publisher of my intentions, I put aside What theNight Knows and set to work enthusiastically on the new idea. Over the next few months, as the manu* pages piled up, Ioccasionally sent lists of possible titles to my editor and mypublisher, and they sent lists of titles to me. None of us likedthe same title. We didn't argue. We just quietly declined to beenthusiastic about one another's suggestions. We are a genteelbunch. The only one of us to wa

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    • BOURNE SUPREMACY, THE(ISBN=9780553263220)
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    • Robert Ludlum 编 /1987-02-01/ Random House US
    • The Chinese vice-premier has been brutally slain by alegendary assassin. World leaders ask the same fearful questions: Why has Jason Bourne come back? Who is paying him? Who is thenext to die? But U.S. officials know the shocking truth: There is no Jason Bourne. The name was created as cover for DavidWebb on his search for the notorious killer Carlos. Someone elsehas taken the Bourne identity--and unless he is stopped, the worldwill pay a devastating price. So Jason Bourne must live again. Onceagain, Webb must utilize his lethal skills--because once again,like a nightmare relived, the woman he loves is suddenly torn fromhis life. To find her, trap his own impostor, and uncover anexplosive secret plan, Webb must lauch a desperate oddyssey intothe espionage killing fields. But this time, survival will not beenough. This time Bourne must reign supreme.

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    • SICILIAN, THE(ISBN=9780345441706)
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    • Mario Puzo 著 /2001-05-01/ Random House US
    • After Mario Puzo wrote his internationallyacclaimed The Godfather, he has often been imitated but neverequaled. Puzo's classic novel, The Sicilian, stands as acornerstone of his work--a lushly romantic, unforgettable tale ofbloodshed, justice, and treachery. . . . The year is 1950. Michael Corleone is nearing the end of hisexile in Sicily. The Godfather has commanded Michael to bring ayoung Sicilian bandit named Salvatore Guiliano back with him toAmerica. But Guiliano is a man entwined in a bloody web of violenceand vendettas. In Sicily, Guiliano is a modern day Robin Hood whohas defied corruption--and defied the Cosa Nostra. Now, in the landof mist-shrouded mountains and ancient ruins, Michael Corleone'sfate is entwined with the dangerous legend of Salvatore Guiliano:warrior, lover, and the ultimate Siciliano.

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    • BLUE BLOODS 蓝血贵族 1(ISBN=9781905654741)
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    • Melissa de la Cruz 编 /2012-02-01/ Little Brown
    • They're Young, Fabulous and Fanged. . . And they rule Manhattan from the trendy uptown clubs to thedowntown boutiques. Fifteen-year-old Schuyler Van Alen has neverquite fit in at her exclusive prep school - she's more of a vintagethan a Versace girl - but all that's about to change. . . Because Schuyler has just found out she's a Blue Blood. The BlueBloods are the city's glamorous - and secret - vampire elite.They're young, beautiful and powerful. But now they're beingmurdered. And Schuyler must find out who - or what - is behind itbefore she's next.

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    • LONG RIDE HOME(ISBN=9780553281811)
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    • Louis L Amour 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • No one brings to life the Old West like Louis L'Amour. Collectedhere for the first time, these vintage frontier stories introduceyou to lawmen and loners, ranchers and renegades, gunslingers,cardsharps, bank robbers, etc. In these pages L'Amour brings tolife such classic characters as the Cactus Kid, Tensleep Mooney,One-Eared Tim, and the gunfighter Kim Sartain. These are frontiertales as only L'Amour can tell them--stories that surprise like thesharp crack of a Winchester and move like the lonely howl of thewind across an empty plain on the long ride home.

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    • Thinner
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    • Stephen King 著 /1985-09-01/ Penguin
    • When an old Gypsy man curses Billy Halleck for sideswiping hisdaughter, six weeks later he's 93 pounds lighter. Now Billy isterrified. And desperate enough for one last gamble...that willlead him to a nightmare showdown with the forces of evil meltinghis flesh away.

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    • FRANKENSTEIN: LOST SOULS (ISBN=9780440422877)
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    • Dean R. Koontz 著 /2010-12-01/ Random House US
    • The war against humanity has begun. In the dead hours of thenight, a stranger enters the home of the mayor of Rainbow Falls,Montana. The stranger is in the vanguard of a wave of intruders whowill invade other homes . . . offices . . . every localinstitution, assuming the identities and the lives of those theyhave been engineered to replace. Before the sun rises, the townwill be under full assault, the opening objective in the new VictorFrankenstein’s trajectory of ultimate destruction.Deucalion—Victor’s first, haunted creation—saw his maker die in NewOrleans two years earlier. Yet an unshakable intuition tells himthat Victor lives—and is at work again. Within hours Deucalion willcome together with his old allies, detectives Carson O’Connor andMichael Maddison, Victor’s engineered wife, Erika Five, and hercompanion Jocko to confront new peril. Others will gather aroundthem. But this time Victor has a mysterious, powerful new backer,and he and his army are more formidable, their means and i

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    • RAMA REVEALED(亚瑟克拉克作品《拉玛真相》)(ISBN=9780553569476)
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    • Gentry Lee 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • On its mysterious voyage through interstellar space, a massivealien starship carries its human passengers to the end of agenerations-long odyssey. But the great experiment designed by theRamans has failed, and Rama III has become a battleground. Fleeinga tyrant, a band of humans ventures into the nether regions of theship, where they encounter an emerald-doomed lair ruled by thefabulously advanced octospiders. As the octospiders lure the humansdeeper into their domain, the humans must decide whether thecreatures are their allies of enemies. All the while, Rama IIIcontinues its inexplorable journey towards the node, where theclimax of their voyage awaits the stunning revelation of the trueidentity of the beings behind this glittering trek across thecosmos.

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    • Lost Symbol (ISBN=9780307741905)
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    • 丹·布朗 (Dan Brown) 著 /2010-07-01/ Random House US
    • The Lost Symbol is the long awaited sequel to Dan Brown's TheDa Vinci Code . The Da Vinci Code was an international phenomenonwith 81 million copies in print worldwide. In Britain it was eventhe best-selling Paperback ever. The filming was also a hugesuccess. Since May 2009, is Angels and Demons worldwide intheaters. In his new book, The Lost icon again Robert Langdon is the hero.Readers will cheer again from the first page of Robert Langdon,when they accompanied him on an exciting journey of discovery fullof surprises - and all in just 12 hours time for action. DanBrown's talent for storytelling interwoven with historicalelements, codes and intrigue make the new thriller once again atrue "Paget Uri. This novel was a strange and wonderful trip," Dan Brown himselfsays "The result of five years of research into a 12-hour actionwas to weave and stimulating challenge. Robert Langdon's lifestrides definitely faster than my own.

    • ¥41.4 折扣:6折