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    • Public Enemies(ISBN=9780143115861)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Bryan Burrough 著 /2009-04-01/ Penguin
    • Coming in Summer 2009, the major motion picture from UniversalStudios "ludicrously entertaining" (Time), Public Enemies is the story ofthe most spectacular crime wave in American history, the two-yearbattle between the young J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI, and anassortment of criminals who became national icons: John Dillinger,Machine Gun Kelly, Bonnie and Clyde, Baby Face Nelson, Pretty BoyFloyd, and the Barkers. In an epic feat of storytelling, Burroughreveals a web of interconnections within the vast Americanunderworld and demonstrates how Hoover's G-men secured the FBI'srise to power.

    • ¥66.3 折扣:6.5折
    • How To Train Your Dragon 2 (Movie Tie-In Edition) 好莱坞梦工场动画《驯
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    • Carol J. Loomis 著 /2014-06-01/ Orion
    • The combination of cartoons with sharp wit is what makes this book so uniquely special.' Books Quaterly (Waterstones) '... full of charm ... imaginative and bursting with inventive, off-the-wall humour, making them great stories to be read aloud.' Waterstones Books Quarterly 'another triumph from the creative pen of Cressida Cowell.' Writeaway.org '... inspired series ... its enchantment lies primarily in the comical, affectionate and often irritable relationship between Hiccup (the only nerd in the violent Viking Hooligan tribe) and his runty little dragon Toothless.' Amanda Craig, The Times Fiercely exciting and laugh-aloud funny, it is as full of joy for children of 7+ who have given up reading as for those who love it. Amanda Craig, The Times CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE WEEK: This book is great fun and has a Blackadderish sense of humour ... full of the sort of jokes that will make schoolboys snigger. Nicolette Jones, The Sunday Times How to Train Your Dragon is a delightful narrative caper... It offers

    • ¥61.7 折扣:6.5折
    • If Tomorrow Comes(by Sidney Sheldon) 假如明天来临 9780446357425
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    • Sidney Sheldon 著 /2010-12-01/ Hachette
    • Lovely, idealistic Tracy Whitney is framed into a fifteen year sentence in an escape-proof penitentiary. With dazzling ingenuity she fights back to destroy the untouchable crime lords who put her there. With her intelligence and beauty as her only weapons, Tracy embarks on a series of extraordinary escapades that sweep her across the globe. In an explosive confrontation Tracy meets her equal in irresistible Jeff Stevens, whose past is as colorful as Tracy's.

    • ¥39.6 折扣:6折
    • COLL STORIES-KAFKA(ISBN=9780679423034)
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    • Franz Kafka 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • (Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) Franz Kafka's imagination so faroutstripped the forms and conventions of the literary tradition heinherited that he was forced to turn that tradition inside out inorder to tell his splendid, mysterious tales. Scrupulouslynaturalistic on the surface, uncanny in their depths, these storiesrepresent the achieved art of a modern master who had the gift ofmaking our problematic spiritual life palpable and real. Thisedition of his stories includes all his available shorter fictionin a collection edited, arranged, and introduced by GabrielJosipovici in ways that bring out the writer's extraordinary rangeand intensity of vision. Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir

    • ¥103.5 折扣:5折
    • Hot Topic(ISBN=9780156033183)
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    • David King 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Last year, awareness about global warming reached a tippingpoint. Now one of the most dynamic writers and one of the mostrespected scientists in the field of climate change offer the firstconcise guide to both the problems and the solutions. Guiding uspast a blizzard of information and misinformation, Gabrielle Walkerand Sir David King explain the science of warming, the mostcutting-edge technological solutions from small to large, and thenational and international politics that will affect our efforts.While there have been many other books about the problem of globalwarming, none has addressed what we can and should do about it soclearly and persuasively, with no spin, no agenda, and noexaggeration. Neither Walker nor King is an activist or politician,and theirs is not a generic green call to arms. Instead theypropose specific ideas to fix a very specific problem. Mostimportant, they offer hope: This is a serious issue, perhaps themost serious that humanity has ever faced. But we can still dosomething about

    • ¥72.6 折扣:6折
    • LADY ORACLE 女法师(ISBN=9780860683032) 英文原版
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    • Margaret Atwood 著 /1994-04-01/ HarperCollins UK
    • From fat girl to thin, from red hair to mud brown, from Londonto Toronto, from Polish count to radical husband, from writer ofromances to distinguished poet - Joan Foster is utterly confused byher life of multiple identiities. She decides to escape to anItalain hill town to take stock of her life. But first, she mustorganise her own death...

    • ¥70.2 折扣:6.5折
    • The Casual Vacancy(临时空缺)精装大字版 哈利波特之母JK罗琳黑色幽默成人小说
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    • J. K. Rowling 著 /2012-09-01/ Little, Brown and Company
    • THE CASUAL VACANCY J.K. Rowling Book De*ion: When Barry Fairweather dies unexpectedly in his early forties,the little town of Pagford is left in shock. Pagford is, seemingly, an English idyll, with a cobbled marketsquare and an ancient abbey, but what lies behind the pretty fa?adeis a town at war. Rich at war with poor, teenagers at war with their parents, wivesat war with their husbands, teachers at war with theirpupils…Pagford is not what it first seems. And the empty seat left by Barry on the town’s council soonbecomes the catalyst for the biggest war the town has yetseen. Who will triumph in an election fraught with passion, duplicityand unexpected revelations? Blackly comic, thought‐provoking and constantly surprising, TheCasual Vacancy is J.K.Rowling’s first novel for adults. Author Profile: J.K. Rowling is the author of the bestselling Harry Potter seriesof seven books, published between 1997 and 2007, which have soldmore tha

    • ¥219 折扣:6.5折
    • At Home on Ladybug Farm(ISBN=9780425229781) 英文原版
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    • Donna Ball 著 /2012-02-01/ Penguin
    • From the award-winning author of "A Year on Ladybug Farm" comesthe continuing story of three women who learn what it takes to turna house into a home. A year after taking the chance of a lifetime,Cici, Lindsay, and Bridget are still trying to make a home forthemselves on the newly-renovated Ladybug Farm. Life in theShenandoah Valley is picturesque, but filled with unexpectedtrials- such as the introduction of two young people into theordered life the women have tried to build for themselves. As thewalls of the old house reveal their secrets and the lives of thosewho have gone before begin to unfold, the cobbled-togetherhousehold starts to disintegrate into chaos. And when one of theirmembers is threatened by a real crisis, they must all come togetherto fight for the roots they've laid down, the hopes they share, andthe family they've become.

    • ¥76.8 折扣:6折
    • Thousand Days(ISBN=9780618219278)
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    • Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr 著 /2002-05-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • As special assistant to the president, Arthur Schlesingerwitnessed firsthand the politics and personalities that influencedthe now legendary Kennedy administration. Schlesinger's closerelationship with JFK, as a politician and as a friend, hasresulted in this authoritative yet intimate account in which thepresident "walks through the pages, from first to last, alert,alive, amused and amusing" (John Kenneth Galbraith). A THOUSANDDAYS is "at once a masterly literary achievement and a work ofmajor historical significance" (New York Times).

    • ¥98.4 折扣:6折
    • COLD SPRING HARBOR(ISBN=9780385295963)
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    • Richard Yates 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • In this classic novel Richard Yates, hailed as a preeminentchronicler of the American condition and author of the acclaimed"Revolutionary Road, " weaves a masterful, unflinching tale of twofamilies brought together by chance, desperation, and desire. EvanShepard was born with good looks, bad luck, and a love for the openro But it was on one such drive, with his father from rural LongIsland into lower Manhattan, that Evan's life would be changedforever. When their car breaks down on a Greenwich Village street,Evan's father presses a random doorbell, looking for a telephone.Within hours, two families--sharing equally complex and addledhistories--will come together. There will be flirtation. There willbe a marriage. There will be a child, a new home... But as Evanmoves further into the uncharted land of manhood, as the women andmen around him come into focus, he faces roads not taken and ajourney not made--in Richard Yates' haunting exploration of humanrestlessness, family secrets, and a future shaped by them b

    • ¥65 折扣:5折
    • Myths & Legends(ISBN=9780756643096)
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    • Philip Wilkinson 著 /2009-06-01/ Penguin
    • Myths Legends retells the stories central toevery culture that have been passed down from generation togeneration for thousands of years. Coverage extends from thewell-known tales of the Ancient Greeks, which hold the key to theorigin of such phrases as "Achille's heel," to the lesser-known,but richly colorful, myths of the Americas and the East. Topicspreads explore characters and stories in terms of their cultural,psychological, and religious meanings and show their power,purpose, and influence both in their own time and in today's world.Feature spreads visit the sacred sites that can still be seentoday, and underline the importance of themes that appear acrosscultures and through the centuries. In looking at such universalthemes as creation, heroic trials, tricksters' lessons, and deathand the afterlife, Myths Legends investigates howdifferent cultures have addressed questions such as How was theworld created? How did man learn to use fire? and Why do we growold?

    • ¥103.4 折扣:6.5折
    • LONESOME GODS, THE(ISBN=9780553275186)
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    • Louis L Amour 编 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • "The Lonesome Gods" is Louis L'Amour's biggest and mostimportant historical novel to date, a sweeping adventure of theCalifornia frontier. Here is the fascinating story of JohannesVerne, a young man left to die by his vengeful grandfather, rescuedby outlaws and raised in part by the Indians of the desert.Strengthened by the love of two women--Miss Nesselrode, whosemysterious past fires her ambitions for the future and Meghan, awillful young beauty--Verne grows to become a rugged adventurer, aman strong enough to embrace the awesome power of the Palm Springsdesert, and bold enough to stake a claim in the bustling world ofopportunity that was early-day Los Angeles.

    • ¥26 折扣:5折
    • TICK TOCK(ISBN=9780553582925)
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    • Dean Koontz 著 /2000-10-01/ Random House US
    • Tommy Phan is a successful detective novelist living theAmerican Dream in southern California. One evening he comes home tofind a small rag doll on his doorstep. It's a simple doll, coveredentirely in white cloth, with crossed black stitches for the eyesand mouth, and another pair forming an X over the heart. Curious,he brings it inside. That night Tommy hears an odd popping soundand looks up to see the stitches breaking over the doll's heart.And in minutes the fabric of Tommy Phan's reality will be tornapart. Something terrifying emerges from the pristine white cloth,something that will follow Tommy wherever he goes. Something thathe can't destroy. It wants Tommy's life, and he doesn't know why.He has only one ally, a beautiful, strangely intuitive waitress hemeets by chance--or by a design far beyond his comprehension. Hehas too many questions, no answers, and very little time. Becausethe vicious and demonically clever doll has left this warning onTommy's computer screen: "The deadline is dawn."Tickt

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • THE BLIND ASSASSIN 《盲眼刺客》 获英国布克图书奖(ISBN=9781860498800)
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    • Margaret Atwood 著 /2001-09-01/ HarperCollins UK
    • Laura Chase's older sister Iris, married at eighteen to apolitically prominent industrialist but now poor and eighty-two, isliving in Port Ticonderoga, a town dominated by theironce-prosperous family before the First War. While coping with herunreliable body, Iris reflects on her far from exemplary life, inparticular the events surrounding her sister's tragic death. Chiefamong these was the publication of The Blind Assassin, a novelwhich earned the dead Laura Chase not only notoriety but also adevoted cult following. Sexually explicit for its time, The BlindAssassin describes a risky affair in the turbulent thirties betweena wealthy young woman and a man on the run. During their secretmeetings in rented rooms, the lovers concoct a pulp fantasy set onPlanet Zycron. As the invented story twists through love andsacrifice and betrayal, so does the real one; while events in bothmove closer to war and catastrophe. By turns lyrical, outrageous,formidable, compelling and funny, this is a novel filled with deep

    • ¥70.2 折扣:6.5折
    • Bombs Away(ISBN=9780143105916)
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    • John Steinbeck 著 /2009-07-01/ Penguin
    • A magnificent volume of short novels and an essential WorldWar II report from one of America's great twentieth-centurywriters On the heels of the enormous success of his masterwork The Grapesof Wrath-and at the height of the American war effort-JohnSteinbeck, one of the most prolific and influential literaryfigures of his generation, wrote Bombs Away, a nonfiction accountof his experiences with U.S. Army Air Force bomber crews duringWorld War II. Now, for the first time since its originalpublication in 1942, Penguin Classics presents this exclusiveedition of Steinbeck's introduction to the then-nascent U.S. ArmyAir Force and its bomber crew-the essential core unit behindAmerican air power that Steinbeck described as "the greatest teamin the world."

    • ¥62.4 折扣:6.5折
    • QUICK AND THE DEAD, THE(ISBN=9780553280845)
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    • Louis L Amour 著 /1982-05-01/ Random House US
    • Con Vallian knew the best way to stay out of trouble was to mindhis own business. Then he stopped for a cup of coffee at astranger's campfire and found himself guiding a family ofgreenhorns across the prairie -- fighting a pack of rustlers on onehand and some mighty unpredictable Indians on the other!

    • ¥26 折扣:5折
    • COLD HEART, A(ISBN=9780345452566) 英文原版
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    • Jonathan Kellerman 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Jonathan Kellerman is a master at creating psychologicallynuanced novels of suspense--an author whose name is synonymous withunrelenting action, intriguing plot twists, and penetrating insightinto the criminal mind. Now he ventures into bold, new territorywith his biggest and best novel yet. "A Cold Heart" featuresKellerman's brilliant signature style--but in this tour-de-force hemines even deeper the emotional landscape of his characters:psychologist-sleuth Alex Delaware, LAPD homicide detective MiloSturgis, Milo's colleague Petra Connor, and Alex's ex-lover, RobinCastagna--bringing them all vividly to life as never before. ""I'vegot a weird one, so naturally I thought of you,"" says MiloSturgis, summoning his friend Alex to the trendy gallery where apromising young artist has been brutally garroted on the night ofher first major showing. What makes it "a weird one" is the lack ofany obvious motive, and the luridly careful staging of the murderscene--which immediately suggests to Alex not an impulsive

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • 无人生还/And Then There Were None
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    • Agatha Christie 著 /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not,by way of trade or otherwise,be lent,resold,hired out or otherwise cirCulated without the publisher’s prior consent in anyfornl ofbinding or cover otherthanthatinwhichit is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

    • ¥26 折扣:5折
    • Imperial Presidency(ISBN=9780618420018) 英文原版
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    • Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. 著 /2004-07-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • From two-time Pulitzer Prizewinning historian Arthur M.Schlesinger, Jr., comes one of the most important and influentialinvestigations of the American presidency. The Imperial Presidencytraces the growth of presidential power over two centuries, fromGeorge Washington to George W. Bush, examining how it has bothserved and harmed the Constitution and what Americans can do aboutit in years to come. The book that gave the phrase imperialpresidency to the language, this is a work of substantialscholarship written with lucidity, charm, and wit (The NewYorker).

    • ¥87.6 折扣:6折
    • Tale of the Unknown Island(ISBN=9780156013031)
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    • Jose Saramago 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • A man went to knock at the king's door and said, Give me aboat. The king's house had many other doors, but this was the doorfor petitions. Since the king spent all his time sitting at thedoor for favors (favors being offered to the king, you understand),whenever he heard someone knocking at the door for petitions, hewould pretend not to hear . . ." Why the petitioner required aboat, where he was bound for, and who volunteered to crew for him,the reader will discover in this delightful fable, a philosophiclove story worthy of Swift or Voltaire.

    • ¥57 折扣:6折
    • FRANKENSTEIN:CITY NIGHT (ISBN=9780553587890)
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    • Dean Koontz,Ed Gorman 著 /2005-07-01/ Random House US
    • Book De*ion About Dean Koontz's Frankenstein Dean Koontz's Frankenstein is the collective title of a series ofnovels co-written by Dean Koontz. Though technically of the mysteryor thriller genres, the novels also feature the trappings ofhorror, fantasy, and science fiction. From the celebrated imagination of Dean Koontz comes a powerfulreworking of one of the classic stories of all time. If you thinkyou know the legend, you know only half the truth. Here is themystery, the myth, the terror, and the magic of… Dean Koontz's City of the Night They are stronger, heal better, and think faster than any humansever created—and they must be destroyed. But not even VictorHelios—once Frankenstein—can stop the engineered killers he’s setloose on a reign of terror through modern-day New Orleans. Now theonly hope rests in a one-time “monster” and his all-too-humanpartners, Detectives Carson O’Connor and Michael Maddison.Deucalion’s centuries-old hi

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折