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    • 亦舒作品:玫瑰的故事(精装典藏版)【正版图书,达额减,电子发票】
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    • 亦舒著 /2017-07-01/ 湖南文艺出版社
    • 玫瑰,你知道我DI一次见你是什么感受吗?? ?什么啊?? ?我觉得你美丽过美丽,? ?但是忧郁过忧郁。? ?我以后一定要让你快乐过快乐。? ? ?黄玫瑰,一个有着倾城容颜的女子。? ?见过她的男人都为之颠倒,见过她的男人都再无爱人之心。? ?她的美丽,亦的执着,她存在仿佛就是为了爱情,带给人快乐也给人莫大的痛苦。? ?她追寻着自己心中的爱情,却忘了,虽然爱情是人们都向往的,执着的,干净的,天空一样的,可也是毁灭性的。? ?四个与之命运纠缠的男人,奏出黄玫瑰绚烂又迷离的一生。? ? ?岁月悠长,韶光易逝,怪你过分美丽,怪你过分执迷。? ?很多时候,人们爱的是一些人,与之结婚生子的又是另外一些人。? ? ?亦舒“DU家畅销?旧欢如梦辑”收录了亦舒ZUI经典、ZUI知名的5部作品,

    • ¥39.8 ¥80.6 折扣:4.9折
    • The Lovely Bones MTI可爱的骨头
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    • /2009-09-01/ Macmillan
    • Once in a generation a novel comes along that taps a vein ofuniversal human experience resonating with readers of all ages. TheLovely Bones is such a book-a phenomenal #1 bestseller celebratedat once for its narrative artistry, its luminous clarity ofemotion, and I astonishing power to lay claim to the hearts ofmillions of readers around the world.ld..

    • ¥25.22 ¥118.53 折扣:2.1折
    • 亚特兰蒂斯3:美丽新世界【放心购买】
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    • A.G.里德尔著;邢立达译;何锐译 /2014-12-01/ 四川文艺出版社
    • 七万年前,原始人类在濒临灭绝的严峻情况下勉强幸存,七万年后,拥有先进文明与高端科技的人类又再一次面临灭绝危机……瘟疫虽然有了最终的解药,伊麻里组织却依旧进逼着全世界,阿瑞斯更是引爆了遍布在南极洲周围的水雷,融化的古代冰层形成一场大洪水,迅速侵袭世界各地。此时,凯特跟大卫收到一组来自外层空间的加密信号,他们知道这段信号是阻止伊麻里的关键,必须尽快解开密码,于是,一行人穿过传送门来到了亚特兰蒂斯的烽火系统……随着亚特兰蒂斯记忆拼图的逐渐完成,人类世界起源的面纱即将揭开,过去与现在相互角力,的结局,人类将何去何从?

    • ¥41.85 ¥91.9 折扣:4.6折
    • Trois aventures de Sherlock Holmes
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    • Arthur Conan Doyle 著 /2011-07-01/ Pere Castor-Flammarion
    • Récupérer la photographie compromettante du roi de Bohême chezson ancienne ma?tresse, la plus rusée et la plus énigmatique desfemmes; déjouer le vol, en plein cceur de la City, de trente millenapoléons dormant dans la cave d'une banque; expliquer la mortmystérieuse d'une jeune fille quelque temps avant son mariage:voilà des défis à la hauteur de Sherlock Holmes ! Avec lapublication en feuilleton de ces trois aventures naissait àLondres, à la fin du XIXe siècle, la légende du célèbre détectiveet de son fidèle comparse, le Dr Watson. Le dossier propose desexercices pour retracer le développement des trois aventures etrepérer leur schéma narratif. Il présente aussi un extrait de LaLettre volée qui souligne l'influence d'Edgar Poe sur ConanDoyle.

    • ¥42.1 折扣:9.8折
    • Lemons Never Lie永不倒的柠檬
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    • Timothy Rizzi 著 /2006-07-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • "The best Richard Stark ever. --PAUL KAVANAGH, author of SUCH MEN ARE DANGEROUS When he's not pulling heists with his friend Parker, Alan Grofield runs a small theater in Indiana. But putting on shows costs money and jobs have been thin, which is why Grofield agrees to listen to Andrew Myers' plan to knock over a brewery. Unfortunately, Myers' plan is insane - so Grofield walks out on him. "Westlake and Stark are the Jekyll and Hyde of crime writing,and I can't for the life of me tell you which one I enjoy the most." -- ED McBAIN "Elmore Leonard wouldn't write what he does if Stark hadn't been there before. And Quentin Tarantino wouldn't write what he does.. Old master that he is, Stark does all of them one better." -- LOS ANGELES TIMES

    • ¥37 折扣:8.8折
    • The Last Quarry最后的目标
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    • Allan Collins 著 /2006-08-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • This novel's provenance is as interesting as its plot. It started as a much-anthologized short story, "A Matter of Principle," which is also the basis of a soon-to-be released feature film called Shades of Noir. Now, in expanded form, it's become a novel, the first appearance of Collins' hit-man hero, Quarry, in 30 years. Fans of classic pulp fiction will be spellbound by the no-nonsense Quarry, an antihero who mixes irony, violence, and a lingering touch of humanity in just the right proportions. It begins with a conundrum: Why would a gay Mafia thug be buying Tampax at a remote Minnesota convenience store in the middle of the night? Curiosity drives Quarry to find out, and soon enough he has accepted one last assignment from a Chicago millionaire. When he finds himself falling in love with his intended victim, the initial conundrum becomes a hit man's nightmare.

    • ¥37 折扣:8.8折
    • 金矿Gold Mine
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    • Wilbur Smith 著 /1988-07-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Another riveting thriller from the master storyteller. Rod Ironsides, ambitious and hard-living mining expert, knows that the general managership of the Sonder Ditch gold mine is the chance of a lifetime. But the price of unquestioning obedience to the coldly obsessive genius of Dr Manfred Steyner proves impossible to pay. Both men are but unwitting tools of powerful people - for whom the control of a gold mine is only part of the realization of dreams and ambitions which include the destruction of the very mine itself...

    • ¥40.5 折扣:8.8折
    • Le Cid tragi-comedie
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    • Pierre Corneille 著 /2008-03-01/ 科学出版社
    • L'histoire de Rodrigue et Chimène est bien connue : toutconcourt au bonheur des deux amants, jusqu'à ce que Rodrigueaccepte, question d'honneur, de se battre en duel contre le père deChimène. Vaincu, il perd la vie ; vainqueur, il perd Chimène, doncla vie. L'essence du dilemme cornélien tient en ces quelques mots,et c'est tout l'art de Corneille que d'inventer une issue à cettetragédie en apparence inextricable. Mais Le Cid, c'est aussi un scandale retentissant - on accuse lapièce d'invraisemblance - et un triomphe inou?. Il faut imaginer laquerelle : tout Paris amoureux de Chimène, tout Paris se consumantpour Rodrigue, des auteurs en colère, l'Académie prise à partie etCorneille aux anges : quel bruit, mais quel succès ! Il n'en restera pas là : aux admirateurs des dilemmes tragiqueset des amours impossibles, il donnera Cinna, Horace et Polyeucte.Seul le talent d'un Racine, une génération plus tard, parviendra àfaire de l'ombre au vieux ma?tre de la tragédie. --Karla Manuele--Ce texte fa

    • ¥46.1 折扣:9.8折
    • The Last Judgement最后审判
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    • Iain Pears 著 /1970-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • When art dealer Jonathan Argyl! agreed to transport the Death of Socrates from a gallery in Paris to its new owner in Rome,he had no idea that such a worthless, nonde* painting wouldcause such a stir. First someone tries to steal it from him in a train station. Then the man he's delivering it to decides he doesn't want it--and is brutally murdered a few hours later. Now Argyll is stuck with a painting that only the most tasteless collector could love...and he finds himself right in the middle of a murder investigation.With the bodies piling up, he must investigate the dark secrets inthe painting's past--before someone with truly horrible taste decidesto put him out of the picture for good...

    • ¥37 折扣:8.8折
    • Royal Ghosts(ISBN=9780618517497) 英文原版
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    • Samrat Upadhyay 著 /2006-01-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • From an award-winning author whose work has been called"subtle and spiritually complex" (New York Times) and "satisfying .. . accomplished" (Village Voice), The Royal Ghosts featurescharacters trying to reconcile their true desires with the forcesat work in Nepali society. Against the backdrop of the violentMaoist insurgencies, which have claimed thousands of lives, thesecharacters struggle with their duties to their aging parents, anoppressive caste system, and the frustrations of arranged marriage.In the end, they manage to find peace and connection often wherethey least expect itwith those directly in front of them. Upadhyayhas been called "a major talent" (Amitav Ghosh) for his stories,which "combine exact details of plot and setting with a reflectivetone" (Washington Post Book World). These new stories brilliantlyexamine not only Kathmandu during a time of political crisis andcultural transformation but also the effects of that city on theindividual consciousness.

    • ¥42.4 折扣:4.1折
    • Les chevaliers du Moyen Age anthologie
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    • Chrétien de Troyes 著 /2008-08-01/ Flammarion
    • Ils s'appellent Yvain, Perceval, Lancelot... Ils allient labravoure et la loyauté. Par sens de la justice et pour défendre leBien ils s'engagent dans maintes aventures périlleuses etextraordinaires, et sont souvent prêts à risquer leur vie pourl'amour de leur dame. Cette anthologie rassemble des textes deChrétien de Troyes ainsi que de nombreux documents iconographiquespour découvrir une figure clé de la civilisation médiévale : lechevalier. Le dossier permet d'approfondir les règles de lachevalerie et de l'amour courtois.

    • ¥45.1 折扣:9.8折
    • (我们的底线)The EndS of Our Tethers: 13 Sorry Stories
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    • Alasdair Gray 著 /2003-01-01/ Oxford University Press USA
    • Gray, the Scottish author of the novels Lanark and the Whitbread-winning Poor Things, among others, returns to the form he first visited in Unlikely Stories, Mostly with a collection filled with wry and mordant humor. In these 13 stories, Gray dances across many of the discontents of modern life, but lingers at the divides of gender and age. Set mainly in Glasgow during the present day, the tales

    • ¥29 折扣:8.8折