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    • 航空港:阿瑟 黑利作品【正版图书,满额减】
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    • (加)黑利 著,任家桢,方正平 译 /2009-01-01/ 译林出版社
    • 讲述美国某个国际机场的故事。 从傍晚六点半到翌日凌晨一点半,在前后不过七个小时里,林肯国际航空港面临一个个突发事件的威胁:暴风雪对机场运转的妨碍,环保人士示威造成的混乱,骗保自杀者对航班的威胁,机场人员之间的勾心斗角。灾难一步步靠近…… 根据本书改编的同名电影上映后,开启了上世纪70年代灾难片的风潮。

    • ¥55.5 ¥120 折扣:4.6折
    • 堂吉诃德【达额立减】
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    • (西)塞万提斯 著,张广森 译 /2010-08-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 《堂吉诃德》,全名《匪夷所思的拉曼查绅士堂吉诃德》,是伟大的西班牙作家塞万提斯的传世经典。作者以一位因误信骑士小说而毅然自号堂吉诃德的没落绅士人世行侠为主线,通过描写堂吉诃德大战风车、英勇救美、恶斗群羊、贸然释囚、挑战雄师、地穴探险、爵府奇遇等等荒诞故事,热烈地讴歌了真善美、无情地挞伐了假恶丑,充分表现出了盛行于当时的人文精神。《堂吉诃德》不愧为世界文学史上具有划时代意义的杰作,问世后四百年来,仅流传于各国的译本就有一千多种,成为世界人民的共有精神财富,泽及一代又一代杰出作家,堂吉诃德这一形象也作为耽于幻想、脱离实际的代表人物融入了现今社会生活的各个领域之中。据挪威诺贝尔学会透露,全世界五十多个国家的一百位作家在2002年上半年经过投票,评选出《堂吉诃德》为世界小说。

    • ¥53.35 ¥136 折扣:3.9折
    • 忠实信徒True Believer
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    • Alexandria Ripley 著 /2005-12-01/ Time Warner
    • Charming, divorced Jeremy Marsh is a rising star. As a dashing, successful 37-year-old Manhattan science journalist, his skeptical scrutiny of ineffective antidepressants, cults and television clairvoyants has caught the eye of North Carolina restaurant owner Doris McClellan, who invites Jeremy to bucolic Boone Creek to scoop the story of eerie mystery lights appearing in an ancient cemetery. A diviner who can predict the sex of unborn babies, Doris suspects the lights are a ghostly curse. Her beautiful librarian granddaughter, Lexie Darnell, makes a lovely, if guarded, tour guide as Jeremy revs up his electromagnetic equipment for the ghost hunt. After witnessing the ethereal graveside lights, both grow closer, much to the chagrin of local deputy Rodney Hopper, who wants Lexie for himself. Guided by sage Doris and manipulated by meddling mayor Tom Gherkin, big-city Jeremy and smalltown Lexie find that trepidation about their differences somehow manages to bloom into love. Jeremy eventually uncovers the hidde

    • ¥59 折扣:8.8折
    • The Terror
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    • Dan Simmons 著 /2009-01-01/ Hachete Book Group
    • The men on board, Her Britannic Majesty's Ships Terror and Erebus had every expectation of triumph. They were part of Sir John Franklin's 1845 expedition - as scientifically advanced an enterprise as had ever set forth - and theirs were the first steam-driven vessels to go in search of the fabled North-West Passage. But the ships have now been trapped in the Arctic ice for nearly two years. Coal and provisions are running low. Yet the real threat isn't the constantly shifting landscape of white or the flesh-numbing temperatures, dwindling supplies or the vessels being slowly crushed by the unyielding grip of the frozen ocean. No, the real threat is far more terrifying. There is something out there that haunts the frigid darkness, which stalks the ships, snatching one man at a time - mutilating, devouring. A nameless thing, at once nowhere and everywhere, this terror has become the expedition's nemesis. When Franklin meets a terrible death, it falls to Captain Francis Crozier of HMS Terror to take comman

    • ¥52.1 折扣:7.9折
    • Dead Shot 致命扫射(ISBN 9780330511568)
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    • Jack Coughlin 等著 /2010-01-01/ Macmillan
    • In Baghdad's Green Zone, an Iraqi scientist is murderedjust before he is to reveal the monstrous secret weapon that SaddamHussein took to his grave. The assassination is the work of amysterious sniper called Juba, originally trained by the Britishbut who now works with a twisted mastermind determined to wrestleadership of the Islamic terrorist world from Al Qaeda. KyleSwanson, once the top sniper in the US Marine Corps, has become thekey member in a secret operations team known as Task Force Trident.When Juba tests

    • ¥55.3 折扣:8.1折
    • 回声公园Echo Park
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    • Micheal Connelly 著 /2006-12-01/ 艺洲
    • In 1993 Marie Gesto disappeared after walking out of a super- market. Harry Bosch worked the case but couldn't crack it, and the twenty-two-year-old was never found. Now, more than a decade later, with the Gesto file still on his desk, Bosch gets a call from the District Attorney. A man accused of two heinous murders is willing to come clean about several others, includ- ing the killing of Marie Gesto. Taking the confession of the man he has sought--and hated--for thirteen years is bad enough. Discovering that he missed a clue back in 1993 that could have stopped nine other murders may just be the straw that breaks Harry Bosch.

    • ¥59 折扣:8.8折
    • Nazi Literature in The Americas(ISBN 9780330510516)
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    • Roberto Bolano 著 /2010-10-01/ Macmillan
    • Featuring several mass-murdering authors, two fraternal writersat the head of a football-hooligan ring and a poet who crafts hislines in the air with sky writing, "Nazi Literature in theAmericas" details the lives of a rich cast of characters from oneof the most extraordinarily fecund imaginations in worldliterature. Written with acerbic wit and virtuosic flair, thisencyclopaediccavlacade of fictional pan-American authors is theterrifyingly humorous and remarkably inventive masterpiece whichmade Bolano famous throughout the Spanish-speaking world. 'One ofthe most exhilarating, intense and dangerous voices to emerge fromSouth America..."Nazi Literature in the Americas" is a parade ofdelusional, mediocre, vicious and pitiable poetasters, a scabrousparlour game that reveals much about literature, power andcomplicity. Very funny indeed' - "Scotland on Sunday". 'Thetriumphant posthumous entrance of Roberto Bolano into theEnglish-language literary firmament has been one of the sensationsof the decade' - "Sunday Ti

    • ¥61.6 折扣:7.9折
    • 购物狂的自白 Confessions of a Shopaholic
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    • Sophie Kinsella 著 /2003-11-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • If you’ve ever paid off one credit card with another,thrown out a bill before opening it,or convinced yourself that buying at a two-for-one sale is like making money,then this silly,appealing novel is for you。In the opening pages of Confessions of a Shopaholic,recent college graduate Rebecca Bloomwood is offered a hefty line of credit by a London bank。Within a few months,Sophie Kinsella’s heroine has exceeded the limits of this generous offer,and begins furtively to scan her credit-card bills at work,certain that she couldn’t have spent the reported sums。 In theory anyway,the world of finance shouldn’t be a mystery to Rebecca,since she writes for a magazine called Successful Saving。 Struggling with her spendthrift impulses,she tries to heed the advice of an expert and appreciate life’s cheaper pleasures: parks, museums, and so forth。Yet her first Saturday at the Victoria and Albert Museum strikes her as a waste。Why? There’s not a price tag in sight

    • ¥49.3 折扣:8.8折
    • Le chien qui a vu Dieu et autres nouvelles
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    • Dino Buzzati 等著 /2011-04-01/ 科学出版社
    • Que vient faire ce chien errant dans une petite ville italienne? Pourquoi cinq frères s'évitent-ils soudain ? Qui a composé cettemusique révolutionnaire et obsédante? Trois nouvelles aux décors etaux situations sans lien apparent. Pourtant, à la lecture, toujoursla même atmosphère inquiétante et mystérieuse. L'auteur du " Désertdes Tartares " et du " K ", tout en se plaisant à détourner labanale anecdote vers le fantastique ou l'irréel, sonde ici le genrehumain à travers ses passions et ses vanités.

    • ¥61.7 折扣:9.8折
    • A Pirate of Exquisite Mind(ISBN=9780425200377) 英文原版
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Diana Preston 著 /2005-04-01/ Penguin
    • Seventeenth-century pirate genius William Dampier sailedaround the world three times when crossing the Pacific was a majorfeat, was the first explorer to visit all five continents, andreached Australia eighty years before Captain Cook. His exploitscreated a sensation in Europe. Swift and Defoe used his experiencesin writing Gulliver's Travels and Robinson Crusoe. Darwinincorporated his concept of "sub-species" into the theory ofevolution. Dampier's de*ion of breadfruit was the impetus forCaptain Bligh's voyage on the Bounty. He was so influential thattoday he has more than one thousand entries in the Oxford EnglishDictionary, including such words as chopsticks, barbecue, andkumquat. Anthropologists still use his work.

    • ¥49.6 折扣:5.2折
    • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 龙文身女孩
    •   ( 18 条评论 )
    • Stieg Larsson 著 /2008-07-01/ Random House US
    • The first part of the publishing phenomenon that has sold more than 3.5 million copies across Europe - now available in paperback. Forty years ago, Harriet Vanger disappeared from a family gathering on the island owned and inhabited by the powerful Vanger clan. Her body was never found, yet her uncle is convinced it was murder. He employs disgraced financial journalist Mikael Blomkvist and the tattooed, truculent computer hacker Lisbeth Salander to investigate. When the pair link Harriet's disappearance to a number of grotesque murders from forty years ago, they begin to unravel a dark and appalling family history.

    • ¥66 折扣:7.5折
    • Even as We Speak (ISBN 9780330493062)
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    • Clive James 著 /2004-02-01/ 经济日报
    • "Even as We Speak" is an illuminating and hilarious collectionof essays from one of Picador's most beloved authors. Reflectinghis comprehensive knowledge, wide-ranging interests and eclecticstyle, Clive James explores the rise and fall of variouscelebrities, discusses Australian poetry, considers the state oftelevision today, questions the culpability of the ordinary Germanin the holocaust, and contemplates - in a compellingly provocativeand much-talked about piece - the death of Diana.

    • ¥57.2 折扣:8.8折
    • 波浪The Wave
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    • WALTER MOSLEY 著 /2007-12-01/ 艺洲
    • When Errol's long-dead father calls him in the middle of the night, Errol learns about "the Wave," a billion-year-old organism slowly creeping to Earth's surface and reanimating corpses into healthy vibrant replicas of their former selves with virtually intact memories. The more Errol learns, the more he comes to respect and identify with the living organism and seeks to protect it from the deadly machinations of the military. As the tale unravels through Errol's eyes, Tim Cain provides a steady and smooth tone for the narrative passages that corresponds well to Errol's speaking parts. Cain's use of emphasis for particular words and sentences jump out so that even the most inattentive listener picks up the important pieces. The soft and gentle style spoken by Errol's father, GT, generally corresponds to the nature of his character. GT's tone might also ignite the image of a hippie, which makes sense given the peace and love that his species promote. Cain's other vocal characterizations maintain a decent sembl

    • ¥59.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Vampire Diaries Volume 1 (includes Book 1 The Awakening & Bo
    •   ( 21 条评论 )
    • L.J. Smith 著 /2009-08-01/ Hodder & Stoughton
    • The Awakening: Elena Gilbert is used to getting what she wantsand she wants mysterious new boy, Stefan. But Stefan is hiding adeadly secret - a secret that will change Elena's life for ever...The Struggle: Elena is torn between her boyfriend, Stefan, andhis brother, Damon. But these brothers hide dark secrets and atragic past that threatens them all. Damon wants to lead Elenaastray - and he'd rather kill Stefan than let him possess her...

    • ¥51 折扣:7.5折