《恶之花》是一部诗集,但不是一般的、若干首诗的集合,而是一本有逻辑、有结构、有头有尾、浑然一体的书。《恶之花》中的诗不是按照写作年代先后来排列,而是根据内容和主题分属六个诗组,各有标题:《忧郁和理想》、《巴黎风貌》、《酒》、《恶之花》、《反抗》和《死亡》,其中《忧郁和理想》分量最重。六个部分的排列顺序,实际上画出了忧郁和理想冲突交战的轨迹。 ?? ?? ??《恶之花》是在一个“伟大的传统业已消失,新的传统尚未形成”的过渡时期里开放出来的一丛奇异的花,同时具有浪漫主义、象征:主义和现实主义的成分。
《波斯文学史》所论述的是达里波斯语文学发生和发展的历史。达里波斯语兴起于9世纪。10-15世纪是它的繁荣时期。在这一时期中,产生了像菲尔多西、海亚姆、内扎米、萨迪、莫拉维和哈菲兹这样世界著名的诗人。他们的不朽的杰作早已被译为世界各主要文字,获得全世界文学爱好者的关注和赞赏。 在伊朗的1905-1911年的立宪运动时期,达里波斯语文学发展到另一高峰。这一时期的作家和诗人更多地关注人民听疾苦和国家的命运。他们以自己的优秀作品鼓舞人民去为争取自由和独立而斗争。同时,这一时期的文学语言也发生了变化。出现了
Our Mutual Friend was the last novel Charles Dickenscompleted and is, arguably, his darkest and most complex. The basicplot is vintage Dickens: an inheritance up for grabs, a murder, arocky romance or two, plenty of skullduggery, and a host ofunforgettable secondary characters. But in this final outing theauthor's heroes are more flawed, his villains more sympathetic, andthe story as a whole more harrowing and less sentimental. The moodis set in the opening scene in which a riverman, Gaffer Hexam, andhis daughter Lizzie troll the Thames searching for drowned menwhose pockets Gaffer will rifle before turning the body over to theauthorities. On this particular night Gaffer finds a corpse that islater identified as that of John Harmon, who was returning fromabroad to claim a large fortune when he was apparently murdered andthrown into the river. Harmon's death is the catalyst for everything else that happensin the novel. It seems the fortune was left to the young man on thecondition that he marry a girl he'd
A satiric masterpiece about the allure and peril of money,"Our Mutual Friend" revolves around the inheritance of a dust-heapwhere the rich throw their trash. When the body of John Harmon, thedust-heap's expected heir, is found in the Thames, fortunes changehands surprisingly, raising to new heights "Noddy" Boffin, alow-born but kindly clerk who becomes "the Golden Dustman." CharlesDickens's last complete novel, "Our Mutual Friend" encompasses thegreat themes of his earlier works: the pretensions of the nouveauxriches, the ingenuousness of the aspiring poor, and the unfailingpower of wealth to corrupt all who crave it. With its flavorfulcast of characters and numerous subplots, "Our Mutual Friend" isone of Dickens's most complex--and satisfying--novels.
(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed) Aanton Chekhov, widely hailedas the supreme master of the short story, also wrote five workslong enough to be called short novels-here brought together in onevolume for the first time, in a masterly new translation by theaward-winning translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky."The Steppe"-the most lyrical of the five-is an account of anine-year-old boy's frightening journey by wagon train across thesteppe of southern Russia. "The Duel "sets two decadent figures-afanatical rationalist and a man of literary sensibility-on acollision course that ends in a series of surprising reversals. In"The Story of an Unknown Man," a political radical spying on animportant official by serving as valet to his son graduallydiscovers that his own terminal illness has changed his long-heldpriorities in startling ways. "Three Years" recounts a complexseries of ironies in the personal life of a rich but passive Moscowmerchant. In "My Life," a man renounces wealth and social positionfo
Widely regarded as Dickens' s masterpiece, Bleak House centerson the generations-long lawsuit Jarndyce and Jarndyce, throughwhich " whole families have inherited legendary hatreds." Focusingon Esther Summerson, a ward of John Jarndyce, the novel tracesEsther' s romantic coming-of-age and, in classic Dickensian style,the gradual revelation of long-buried secrets, all set against thefoggy backdrop of the Court of Chancery. Mixing romance, mystery,comedy, and satire, Bleak House limns the suffering caused by theintricate inefficiency of the law. The text of this Modern LibraryPaperback Classic was set from the first single-volume edition,published by Bradbury and Evans in 1853, and reproduces thirty-nineof H. K. Browne' s original illustrations for the book.
In The Tragedy of King Richard III, Shakespeare chronicles the rise and fall of one of history’s most repellent, and the theater’s most mesmerizing, figures. This Norton Critical Edition of Richard III is based on the First Quarto (1597) edition of the play with interpolations from the First Folio (1623). The play is accompanied by a preface, explanatory annotations, A Note on the Text, a list of Textual Variants, and eighteen illustrations of seminal scenes from major dramatic productions and film versions of the play. “Contexts” provides readers with the sources and analogues that informed Shakespeare’s composition of Richard III. These include excerpts from Robert Fabyan’s New Chronicles of England and France, Thomas More’s The History of King Richard III, Edward Hall’s The Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Families of Lancaster and York, A Mirror for Magistrates, and The True Tragedy of Richard III. A selection from Colley Cibber’s eighteenth-century adaptation records the compr
Charles Dickens's satirical masterpiece, "The PickwickPapers," catapulted the young writer into literary fame when it wasfirst serialized in 1836-37. It recounts the rollicking adventuresof the members of the Pickwick Club as they travel about Englandgetting into all sorts of mischief. Laugh-out-loud funny andendlessly entertaining, the book also reveals Dickens's burgeoninginterest in the parliamentary system, lawyers, the Poor Laws, andthe ills of debtors' prisons. As G. K. Chesterton noted, "BeforeDickens] wrote a single real story, he had a kind of vision . . . amap full of fantastic towns, thundering coaches, clamorousmarket-places, uproarious inns, strange and swaggering figures.That vision was Pickwick."
In 1880 Dostoevsky completed "The Brothers Karamazov," theliterary effort for which he had been preparing all his life.Compelling, profound, complex, it is the story of a patricide andof the four sons who each had a motive for murder: Dmitry, thesensualist, Ivan, the intellectual; Alyosha, the mystic; andtwisted, cunning Smerdyakov, the bastard child. Frequently lurid,nightmarish, always brilliant, the novel plunges the reader into asordid love triangle, a pathological obsession, and a grippingcourtroom drama. But throughout the whole, Dostoevsky searhes forthe truth--about man, about life, about the existence of God. Aterrifying answer to man's eternal questions, this monumental workremains the crowning achievement of perhaps the finest novelist ofall time.