《英国文学作品选读》是作者从英国文学作品中选编的一套适合我国具有较高英语水平的人阅读使用的书籍。尽可能遴选了文学史上的重要作家和重要作品。选文具有代表性,是广大英语爱好者及具有一定程度的英语自学者和英美文学爱好者进修的理想读物。 《英国文学作品选读》(一)精选了英国文学作品多篇,包括乔叟、莎士比亚、培根、狄更斯、哈代、劳伦斯等英国文学大家的杰作以及弥尔顿、华兹华斯、拜伦、雪莱、艾略特等著名诗人的诗歌精选。 《英国文学作品选读》(二)精选了华兹华斯、柯尔律治、拜伦、雪莱、济慈等诗人还有乔治 艾略特、哈代王尔德等小说家的作品。本套选读材料可作为高等院校英语专业教材,也可供师范院校、教育学院、广播电视大学及社会上英语自学者学习使用。《英国文学作品选读》(三)精选了包括高尔斯华绥、萧
ICKNESS BECOMES PERSONAL IMMEDIATELY.And that's the party people to hear about.The symptome they can get from a textbook.What they want right now is to walk for just a day or an hour in your pajamas or hospital gown and listen in on your thoughts and take your measure.Are you some kind of a hero(hell no,in my case),and does one need to be?Proof of ordinariness will be much appreciated,so never mind your usual airs and graces.Every pirouette takes you further away from the people you're talking to.So I've tried to keep those to a minimum,confining myself simply to what each sickness feels like,and what recovery feels,whoever you are. 作者简介: Wilfrid Sheel was born in London in 1930 and educated at Oxford.He published his first book in 1958 and has been notably prolific since,contributing highly-regarded journalism to numerous publications and writing many admired works of fiction and non-fiction.
Written with burning intensity in the last years of Roberto Bolano's life, "2666" has been greeted across the world as the great writer's masterpiece, surpassing everything in imagination, beauty and scope. It is a novel on an astonishing scale from a passionate visionary. 'The best book of 2008 ...A masterpiece, the electrifying literary event of the year' - "Time". 'Readers who have snacked on Haruki Murakami will feast on Roberto Bolano'- "Sunday Times". 'Bolano makes you feel changed for having read him; he adjusts your angle of view on the world' - "Guardian".