A delicate boy growing up in Paris, Jerome Palissier spends manysummers at his uncle's house in the Normandy countryside, where thewhole world seems 'steeped in azure'. There he falls deeply in lovewith his cousin Alissa and she with him. But gradually Alissabecomes convinced that Jerome's love for her is endangering hissoul. In the interests of his salvation, she decides to suppresseverything that is beautiful in herself - in both mind and body. Adevastating exploration of aestheticism taken to extremes, "Straitis the Gate" is a novel of haunting beauty that stimulates the mindand the emotions.
Italo Calvino was due to deliver the Charles Eliot Nortonlectures at Harvard in 1985-86, but they were left unfinished athis death. The surviving drafts explore of the concepts oflightness, quickness, multiplicity, exactitude and visibility(Constancy was to be the sixth) in serious yet playful essays thatreveal Calvino's debt to the comic strip and the folktale. With hiscustomary imagination and grace, he sought to define the virtues ofthe great literature of the past in order to shape the values ofthe future. This collection is a brilliant precis of the work of agreat writer whose legacy will endure through the millennium headdressed.
A Guide to Genetic Disorders and Inherited Disease and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself and Your Family. Much in the news, inherited disease and genetic testing are complex and confusing issues that leave most people asking "So, what can I do with this promising information?" A powerfully helpful and authoritative guide, Your Genetic Destiny has the answers. From what tests to have taken to what the results mean and when further genetic counseling is in order; from what foods to avoid to which medications to take and what other medical options are available, world-renowned geneticist Aubrey Milunsky demonstrates how knowledge of our genetic makeup can save our lives. Covering heart disease, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, mental illness, Alzheimer's disease, obesity, longevity, and infertility, Your Genetic Destiny is the most comprehensive, compassionate, and informed guide available for all concerned about the risks of inherited disease. 作者简介 Aubrey Milunsky, M.D., D.Sc., is Profess
Since the original prewar translation there has been nocompletely new rendering of the French original into English. Thistranslation brings to the fore a more sharply engaged, comic andlucid Proust. "In Search of Lost Time" is one of the greatest, mostentertaining reading experiences in any language. As the greatstory unfolds from its magical opening scenes to its devastatingend, it is the "Penguin Proust" that makes Proust accessible to anew generation. Each volume is translated by a different, superbtranslator working under the general editorship of ProfessorChristopher Prendergast, University of Cambridge.
First published in the 1920's, "The Prophet" an inspirational,allegorical guide to living, the book is perhaps the most famouswork of religious fiction of the Twentieth Century and has soldmillions of copies in more than twenty languages. Gibran'sprotagonist, called simply 'the "Prophet"', delivers spiritual, yetpractical, homilies on a wide variety of topics central to dailylife: love, marriage and children; work and play; possessions,beauty, truth, joy and sorrow, death and many more.
Nabokov's first novel. A tale of youth, first love andnostalgia. In a Berlin rooming house, a vigorous young officerpoised between his past and his future relives his first loveaffair.
Readers and reviewers in the United Kingdom have hailed the newtranslations of Proust as a major literary event. Soon to appear inthe United States, Swann’s Way , along with the second volumeof In Search of Lost Time , In the Shadow of Young Girlsin Flower , will introduce a new century of American readers tothe literary riches of Proust. These superb editions—the firstcompletely new translation of Proust’s novel since the 1920s—bringus a more comic and lucid Proust than English readers havepreviously been able to enjoy. In the Shadow of Young Girls inFlower is a spectacular dissection of male and femaleadolescence, charged with the narrator’s memories of Paris and theNormandy seaside. In it, Proust introduces some of his greatestcomic inventions. As a meditation on different forms of love, Inthe Shadow of Young Girls in Flower has no equal. --Thistext refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of thistitle.
Winner of the 1964 Nobel Prize in Literature. Jean-Paul Sartre, philosopher, critic, novelist and dramatist, holda position of singular eminence in the world of French letters.Among readers and critics familiar with the whole of Sartre's work,it is generally recognized that his earliest novel, LeNausée (first published in 1938), is his finest and mostsignificant. It is unquestionably a key novel of the TwentiethCentury and a landmark in Existentialist fiction.
In this extraordinary literary debut third-generationhomesteader Judy Blunt describes her hardscrabble life on theprairies of eastern Montana in prose as big and bold as thelandscape. On a ranch miles from nowhere, Judy Blunt grew up with cattle andsnakes, outhouse and isolation, epic blizzards and devastatingprairie fires. She also grew up with a set of rules and rolesprescribed to her sex long before she was born, a chafing set ofstrictures she eventually had no choice but to flee, taking alongthree children and leaving behind a confused husband and the onlylife she’d ever known. Gritty, lyrical, unsentimental and wise, Breaking Clean is at once informed by the myths of the Westand powerful enough to break them down.
One of the most celebrated writers of our time gives us hisfirst cycle of short fiction: five brilliantly etched,interconnected stories in which music is a vivid and essentialcharacter. A once-popular singer, desperate to make a comeback, turningfrom the one certainty in his life . . . A man whose unerring tastein music is the only thing his closest friends value in him . . . Astruggling singer-songwriter unwittingly involved in the failingmarriage of a couple he’s only just met . . . A gifted,underappreciated jazz musician who lets himself believe thatplastic surgery will help his career . . . A young cellist whosetutor promises to “unwrap” his talent . . . Passion or necessity—or the often uneasy combination of thetwo—determines the place of music in each of these lives. And, inone way or another, music delivers each of them to a moment ofreckoning: sometimes comic, sometimes tragic, sometimes justeluding their grasp. An exploration of love, need, and the ineluctable fo
Anchor proudly presents a new omnibus volume of threenovels--previously published separately by Anchor--by NaguibMahfouz, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Assembled here isa collection of Mahfouz's artful meditations on the vicissitudes ofpost-Revolution Egypt. Diverse in style and narrative technique,together they render a rich, nuanced, and universally resonantvision of modern life in the Middle East. The Beggar is a complex tale of alienation and despair. In theaftermath of Nasser's revolution, a man sacrifices his work andfamily to a series of illicit love affairs. Released from jail inpost-Revolutionary times, the hero ofThe Thief and the Dogs blamesan unjust society for his ill fortune, eventually bringing himselfto destruction. Autumn Quail is a tale of moral responsibility,isolation, and political downfall about a corrupt bureaucrat who isone of the early victims of the purge after the 1952 revolution inEgypt.
A stunning novel by the widest-read Arab writer currentlypublished in the U.S. The age of Nasser has ushered in enormoussocial change, and most of the middle-aged and middle-class sonsand daughters of the old bourgeoisie find themselves trying torecreate the cozy, enchanted world they so dearly miss. One night,however, art and reality collide--with unforeseencircumstances.
English crime novelist Charles Latimer is travelling in Istanbulwhen he makes the acquaintance of Turkish police inspector ColonelHaki. It is from him that he first hears of the mysteriousDimitrios - an infamous master criminal, long wanted by the law,whose body has just been fished out of the Bosphorus. Fascinated bythe story, Latimer decides to retrace Dimitrios' steps acrossEurope to gather material for a new book. But, as he graduallydiscovers more about his subject's shadowy history, fascinationtips over into obsession. And, in entering Dimitrios' criminalunderworld, Latimer realizes that his own life may be on theline.
With passion, wit, and good common sense, the celebrated poetMary Oliver tells of the basic ways a poem is built-meter andrhyme, form and diction, sound and sense. Drawing on poems fromRobert Frost, Elizabeth Bishop, and others, Oliver imparts anextraordinary amount of information in a remarkably short space."Stunning" (Los Angeles Times). Index.
在线阅读本书 The French Writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944),was born in Lyon. His first two books, SOUTHERN MAIL and NIGHTFLIGHT, are distinguished by a poetic evocation of the romance anddiscipline of flying. Later works, including WIND, SAND AND STARSand FLIGHT TO ARRAS, stress his humanistic philosophy.Saint-Exupéry's popular children's book THE LITTLE PRINCE is alsoread by adults for its allegorical meaning. Saint-Exupéry's planedisappeared during a mission in World War II.
A collection of the short stories of the Nobel Prize-winningauthor of Palace Walk represents thirty years of work andfeatures tales of the citizens of Cairo, who struggle to surviveamid the city's poverty. Reprint. PW. K.
Edited with an Introduction by David Galloway.
'To know how to free oneself is nothing; the arduous thing is toknow what to do with one's freedom' - Andre Gide. Michel had been ablindfold scholar until, newly married, he contracted tuberculosis.His will to recover brings self-discovery and the growing desire torebel against his background of culture, decency and morality. Butthe freedom from constraints that Michel finds on his restlesstravels is won at great cost. And freedom itself, he finds, can bea burden. Gide's novel examines the inevitable conflicts that arisewhen a pleasure seeker challenges conventional society and, withoutmoralizing, it raises complex issues involving the extent ofpersonal responsibility.
A collection of Greek and Roman myths arranged in sections on the gods and early heroes, love and adventure stories, the Trojan war, and a brief section on Norse mythology.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, an intrepid and eccentric adventurer,transferred his passion for flying to the written word by writingseveral classics of aviation literature, including "Southern Mail"and "Night Flight". Based on Saint-Exupery's trail-blazing flightsfor the French airmail service over the Sahara and later, theAndes, these two novels evoke the tragic courage and nobility ofthe airborne pioneers who took enormous risks, flying in opencock-pits in planes that were often fragile and unstable.
Laurence is a young ex-sailor who can't resist the lure of the good life, and when he finds a job as chauffeur to the wealthy Mr and Mrs Bannister, his occasional work leaves him free to indulge. Bannister himself is bitter - his twisted leg keeps him on the sidelines while his ravishingly beautiful wife endures his moods with saintly patience. Or does she? It's the Bannisters' closest friend, Grisby, who starts stirring, getting Laurence to agree to a crazy plot. It will net him thousands, no strings attached. But is it all too easy?
A terrifying psychological trip into the life of one JosephK., an ordinary man who wakes up one day to find himself accused ofa crime he did not commit, a crime whose nature is never revealedto him. Once arrested, he is released, but must report to court ona regular basis--an event that proves maddening, as nothing is everresolved. As he grows more uncertain of his fate, his personallife--including work at a bank and his relations with his landladyand a young woman who lives next door--becomes increasinglyunpredictable. As K. tries to gain control, he succeeds only inaccelerating his own excruciating downward spiral.