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    • Roads to Santiago(ISBN=9780156011587)
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    • Cees Nooteboom 著 /2001-02-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Roads to Santiago is an evocative travelogue through thesights, sounds, and smells of a little known Spain-itsarchitecture, art, history, landscapes, villages, and people. Andas much as it is the story of his travels, it is an elegant anddetailed chronicle of Cees Nooteboom's thirty-five-year love affairwith his adopted second country. He presents a world not visible tothe casual tourist, by invoking the great spirits of Spain'spast-El Cid, Cervantes, Alfonso the Chaste and Alfonso the Wise,the ill-fated Hapsburgs, and Velzquez. Be it a discussion of histrip to the magnificent Prado Museum or his visit to the shrine ofthe Black Madonna of Guadalupe, Nooteboom writes with the depth andintelligence of an historian, the bravado of an adventurer, and thepassion of a poet. Reminiscent of Robert Hughes's Barcelona, Roadsto Santiago is the consummate portrait of Spain for allreaders.

    • ¥62.1 折扣:4.5折
    • In The Land Of White Death(ISBN=9780679783619)
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    • Valerian Albanov 编,Alison Anderson 译 /2001-09-01/ Random House US
    • In 1912, six months after Robert Falcon Scott and four of hismen came to grief in Antarctica, a thirty-two-year-old Russiannavigator named Valerian Albanov embarked on an expedition thatwould prove even more disastrous. In search of new Arctic huntinggrounds, Albanov's ship, the Saint Anna, was frozen fast in thepack ice of the treacherous Kara Sea-a misfortune grievouslycompounded by an incompetent commander, the absence of crucialnautical charts, insufficient fuel, and inadequate provisions thatleft the crew weak and debilitated by scurvy. For nearly a year and a half, the twenty-five men and onewoman aboard the Saint Anna endured terrible hardships and dangeras the icebound ship drifted helplessly north. Convinced that theSaint Anna would never free herself from the ice, Albanov andthirteen crewmen left the ship in January 1914, hauling makeshiftsledges and kayaks behind them across the frozen sea, hoping toreach the distant coast of Franz Josef Land. With only a shockinglyinaccurate map to g

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • On and Off BROADWAY
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    • Sharon Watson 著 /1998-03-01/ 科学普及出版社
    • With infomation on… ·Where to dine in the various theater areas with details on ambience,menus,and prices. ·Before-and after-theater menus that provide an opportunity to sample the artistry of some of the best chefs in the city at a fraction of the usual noted. ·The best places to stay whether you prefer a world class hotel with every amenity,a homey B&B,a loft apartment,or a chic boutique hotel.And how to never,ever,pay a hotel's qublished rack rate. ·Getting theater tickets in advance,on arrival,or half price on the day of performance;obtaining ·Whether your budget is great or small,if you feel the best complement to a stimulating evening of theater is dining well,this book is for you. 作者简介: ONE AND OFF BROAOWAY is a guide to Manhattan's vibrant world of thater and the many unique neighborhoods where the theaters that contribute so much artistic energy to the city can be found.Not just for visitors,it will also point the native New Yorker to some of the best resta

    • ¥64.8 折扣:4.5折
    • SRI LANKAJoeOversea【现货实拍 可开发票 下单速发 正版图书】
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    • Joe /2006-09-01/ Oversea
    • Marco Polo thought Sri Lanka was the finest island of its size in all the world - and we agree. Explore the majestic ancient cities of . Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Sigiriya. Stretch out on secluded palm-fringed beaches. Follow the glowing strings of lights on the pilgrim trail up Adam's Peak. Ride through hillside tea plantations in a rattling train. This guide gives you the inside information on Sri Lanka's richest experiences. GET THE LOWDOWN - our dedicated Snapshot, Culture and History chapters are your ticket to understanding local life . GO ON SAFARI - get up close to Sri Lanka's birds, elephants and leopards: our detailed national parks information shows you how DON'T JUST LIE THERE - we tempt you off the beach with Sri Lanka's best diving, hiking and surfing . KNOW YOUR KITUL FROM YOUR KIRI BATH - our Food & Drink chapter will help you gobble your way through the island's celebrated cuisine . FIND YOUR WAY - easy-to-read maps show you where to go .

    • ¥60 ¥180 折扣:3.3折
    • Paris to Die For(ISBN=9780446567411) 英文原版
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    • Maxine Kenneth 著 /2011-07-01/ Hachette
    • Inspired by an actual letter in the John F. Kennedy Librarywritten by Jackie and revealing her job offer from the newly formedCIA Young Jacqueline Bouvier's first CIA assignment was supposed tobe simple: Meet with a high-ranking Russian while he's in Paris andhelp him defect. But when the Comrade ends up dead, and Jackie-inher black satin peep-toe stiletto heels-barely escapes his killer,it's time to get some assistance. Enter Jacques Rivage, a Frenchphotographer and freelance CIA agent who seems too brash andcarefree to grapple with spies, though he's all too able to makeJackie's heart skip a beat. Together the two infiltrate 1951 high society in the City ofLights, rubbing shoulders with the likes of the Duchess of Windsor,Audrey Hepburn, and Evelyn Waugh. Jackie, no longer a pampereddebutante, draws on her quick intelligence, equestrian skills, andeven her Chanel No. 5 atomizer as a weapon to stay alive in theshadowy world of international intrigue-and to keep her date with acertain up-an

    • ¥56.9 折扣:4.7折
    • Dream Palace Of The Arabs, The(ISBN=9780375704741) 英文原版
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    • Fouad Ajami 著 /1999-06-01/ Random House US
    • From Fouad Ajami, an acclaimed author and chronicler of Arabpolitics, comes a compelling account of how a generation of Arabintellectuals tried to introduce cultural renewals in theirhomelands through the forces of modernity and secularism.Ultimately, they came to face disappointment, exile, and, onoccasion, death. Brilliantly weaving together the strands of atumultuous century in Arab political thought, history, and poetry,Ajami takes us from the ruins of Beirut's once glitteringmetropolis to the land of Egypt, where struggle rages between amodernist impulse and an Islamist insurgency, from Nasser'span-Arab nationalist ambitions to the emergence of an uneasy PaxAmericana in Arab lands, from the triumphalism of the Gulf War tothe continuing anguished debate over the Israeli-Palestinian peaceaccords. For anyone who seeks to understand the Middle East, here isan insider's unflinching analysis of the collision betweenintellectual life and political realities in the Arab worldtoday.

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    • SWEDEN Culture Smart (ISBN=9781857333190)
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    • Charlotte J. DeWitt 著 /2006-09-01/ Insight Guides
    • Culture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes,beliefs and behavior in different countries, ensuring that youarrive at your destination aware of basic manners, commoncourtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell youwhat to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport withyour hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear ofembarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel confident in unfamiliarsituations, and develop trust, friendships, and successful businessrelationships. Culture Smart! offers illuminating insights into the culture andsociety of a particular country. It will help you to turn yourvisit-whether on business or for pleasure-into a memorable andenriching experience. Contents include

    • ¥65.2 折扣:4.9折
    • QINGHAI青海
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    • 樊光明刘贵有 主编 /2006-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Qinghai means "blue lake,"and indeed the name of the provincecomes from the pristine waters of the vast Qinghai Lake high on theplateau - the "roof of the world." Three great rivers rise inQinghai: the Yellow River and the Yangtze River nurtured dazzlingChinese civilizations that sprang up along their valleys; theLancang River starts here too irrigating first Tibet and Yunnan,before flowing through Southeast Asia as the Mekong. Historically remote, but not isolated, both the southern route ofthe Silk Road and the Tang Tubo Road linking the Tang emperors inChang an and the ubokings in Lhasa made their way through the heartof Qinghai. In the gentle embrace of Sanjiangyuan - the Great Source of ThreeRivers - are vast grasslands, rippling snow mountains, the devoutpilgrims,sacred living creatures….

    • ¥49 折扣:5折
    • Walk In The Woods, A(ISBN=9780767902526)
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    • Bill Bryson 著 /1999-05-01/ Random House US
    • Back in America after twenty years in Britain, Bill Brysondecided to reacquaint himself with his native country by walkingthe 2,100-mile Appalachian Trail, which stretches from Georgia toMaine. The AT offers an astonishing landscape of silent forests andsparkling lakes--and to a writer with the comic genius of BillBryson, it also provides endless opportunities to witness themajestic silliness of his fellow human beings. For a start there'sthe gloriously out-of-shape Stephen Katz, a buddy from Iowa alongfor the walk. Despite Katz's overwhelming desire to find cozyrestaurants, he and Bryson eventually settle into their stride, andwhile on the trail they meet a bizarre assortment of hilariouscharacters. But A Walk in the Woods is more than just alaugh-out-loud hike. Bryson's acute eye is a wise witness to thisbeautiful but fragile trail, and as he tells its fascinatinghistory, he makes a moving plea for the conservation of America'slast great wilderness. An adventure, a comedy, and a celebration, A Wal

    • ¥62.1 折扣:4.5折
    • Rick Steves' Pocket London(ISBN=9781598803808)
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    • Rick Steves 著 /2011-05-01/ Perseus
    • Rick Steves’ Pocket guidebooks truly are a “tour guide in yourpocket.” Each colorful, compact 280-page book includes Rick’sadvice for prioritizing your time, whether you're spending 1 or 7days in a city. Everything a busy traveler needs is easy to access:a neighborhood overview, city walks and tours, sights, handy foodand accommodations charts, an appendix packed with information ontrip planning and practicalities, and a fold-out city map.Includedin Rick Steves' Pocket London—Sights: the National PortraitGallery, Courtauld Gallery, Tate Britain, Tate Modern, Victoria andAlbert Museum, and the Bankside WalkWalks and Tours: theWestminster Walk, Westminster Abbey Tour, National Gallery Tour,West End Walk, British Museum Tour, British Library Tour, The CityWalk, St. Paul’s Cathedral Tour, and Tower of London Tour

    • ¥56 折扣:5折
    • Bill Bryson'S African Diary(ISBN=9780767915069)
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    • Bill Bryson 著 /2002-12-01/ Random House US
    • Bill Bryson travels to Kenya in support of CARE International.All royalties and profits go to CARE International. Bryson visits Kenya at the invitation of CARE International, thecharity dedicated to eradicating poverty. Kenya is a land ofcontrasts, with famous game reserves and a vibrant culture. It alsoprovides plenty to worry a traveller like Bill Bryson, fixated ashe is on the dangers posed by snakes, insects and large predators.It is also a country with many serious problems: refugees, AIDS,drought, and grinding poverty. The resultant diary, though short inlength, contains the trademark Bryson stamp of wry observation andcurious insight.

    • ¥52 折扣:5折
    • French Impressions(法国印象)
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    • John S.LittellMary W.Littell 著 /2002-03-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • One steamy morning in the summer of i95o, Mary and Frank Littell set off for the south of France with their two young sons. After chasing their children around an ancient ocean liner, learning some harsh lessons in napkin etiquette,and suffering the revenge of a surly waiter, they arrived--finally--in the working-class town of Montpellier, where they spent one hilarious, unforgettable year. While struggling to master the French language and cuisine,Mary discovered that a child's birthday party could spell disaster in and language-and that something as seemingly simple as a mayonnaise recipe could stir up a small-scale civel war.In between bouts of la grippe,the littells tasted the pleasures of Paris make a desperate journey to Marrseilles,and took a side trip toa quaint country farmhouse-alway,in the end returning to the unique little city that both confounded and delighted them…

    • ¥50.4 折扣:4.5折
    • In A Sunburned Country(ISBN=9780767903868)
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    • Bill Bryson 著 /2001-05-01/ Random House US
    • Every time Bill Bryson walks out the door, memorable travelliterature threatens to break out. His previous excursion along theAppalachian Trail resulted in the sublime national bestseller AWalk in the Woods . In A Sunburned Country is his reporton what he found in an entirely different place: Australia, thecountry that doubles as a continent, and a place with thefriendliest inhabitants, the hottest, driest weather, and the mostpeculiar and lethal wildlife to be found on the planet. The resultis a deliciously funny, fact-filled, and adventurous performance bya writer who combines humor, wonder, and unflaggingcuriousity. Despite the fact that Australia harbors more things that can killyou in extremely nasty ways than anywhere else, including sharks,crocodiles, snakes, even riptides and deserts, Bill Bryson adoresthe place, and he takes his readers on a rollicking ride far beyondthat beaten tourist path. Wherever he goes he finds Australians whoare cheerful, extroverted, and unfailingly obliging,

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Vienna Encounter 1(ISBN=9781742201986)
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    • Caroline Sieg卡洛琳·西格) 著 /2011-01-01/ Lonely Planet
    • …immersing yourself in the sumptuous excesses of thebaroque Schloss Sch?nbrunn. …devoting an entire afternoon to coff ee and Sachertorte ina Viennese coff eehouse. …feeling the sway of the blue Danube as you cruisedownriver. …hearing the Vienna Boys’ Choir hit the high notes in theRoyal Chapel. …sampling the latest wines from the owner’s vineyard at arustic Heuriger. …falling under the spell of Klimt’s paintings andHundertwasser’s magical architecture.

    • ¥54.9 折扣:4.9折