
  • 3星以上
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仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • The Dumbest Moments in Business History(ISBN=9781591840671)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Adam Horowitz 著 /2004-12-01/ Penguin
    • Business 2.0 magazine publishes an annual cover story called"The 101 Dumbest Moments in Business." Featuring 101 hilariousitems about the year’s most unbelievably stupid business blunders,it’s hugely popular with its more than half a million printsubscribers—and with the two million people who read it on the Webthis year. In The Dumbest Moments in Business History, the editorsof Business 2.0 have compiled the best of their first four annualissues plus great (or not so great, if you happen to beresponsible) moments from the past. From New Coke to the Edsel, from Rosie magazine to Burger King’s"Herb the Nerd," the book’s highlights include: ? a Romanian car plant whose workers banded together to eliminatethe company’s debt by donating sperm and giving the proceeds totheir employer ? the Heidelberg Electric Belt, a sort of low-voltage jockstrapsold in 1900 to cure impotence, kidney disorders, insomnia, andmany other complaints ? the time Beech-Nut sold "100% pure apple

    • ¥53.9 折扣:6.5折
    • ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD(ISBN=9780307278760)
    •   ( 25 条评论 )
    • Peter W. Bernstein彼得·W.伯恩斯坦) 著 /2008-12-01/ Random House US
    • From Wall Street to the West Coast, from blue-collarbillionaires to blue-blood fortunes, from the Google guys tohedge-fund honchos, All the Money in the World gives us the lowdownon today richest Americans. Veteran journalists Peter W. Bernsteinand Annalyn Swan delve into who made and lost the most money in thepast twenty-five years, the fields and industries that haveproduced the greatest wealth, the biggest risk takers, the mostcompetitive players, the most wasteful family feuds, the trophywives, the most conspicuous consumers, the biggest art collectors,and the most and least generous philanthropists. Incorporating exclusive, never-before-published data from Forbesmagazine, All the Money in the World is a vastly entertaining,behind-the-scenes look at today's Big Rich.

    • ¥73 折扣:5折
    • Toward The Next Economics 面对下一轮经济 英文原版
    •   ( 73 条评论 )
    • Peter F. Drucker 著 /2010-02-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • A collection of Peter Ferdinand Drucker's legendary essays onbusiness, management, economics and society, written between 1972and 1980. They reflect an international viewpoint and are concernedwith what Drucker called "social ecology" and especiallyinstitutions - governments, organized science, business or schools.This hardcover release is being published as part of the HarvardBusiness Press Drucker Library.

    • ¥155.6 折扣:5.8折
    • Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Fu
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • Muhammad Yunus 著 /2009-01-01/ PGW
    • In the last two decades, free markets have swept the globe. But traditional capitalism has been unable to solve problems like inequality and poverty. In Muhammad Yunus’ groundbreaking sequel to Banker to the Poor, he outlines the concept of social business—business where the creative vision of the entrepreneur is applied to today’s most serious problems: feeding the poor, housing the homeless, healing the sick, and protecting the planet. Creating a World Without Poverty reveals the next phase in a hopeful economic and social revolution that is already underway.

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • The Black Swan The Impact of the Highly Improbable 黑天鹅 97801
    •   ( 69 条评论 )
    • Nassim Nicholas Taleb 著 /2008-02-01/ Pengiun Group (USA)
    • What have the invention of the wheel, Pompeii, the Wall StreetCrash, Harry Potter and the internet got in common? Why are allforecasters con-artists? What can Catherine the Great’s lovers tellus about probability? Why should you never run for a train or reada newspaper? This book is all about Black Swans: the random eventsthat underlie our lives, from bestsellers to world disasters. Theirimpact is huge; they’re impossible to predict; yet after theyhappen we always try to rationalize them. A rallying cry to ignorethe ‘experts’, The Black Swan shows us how to stop trying topredict everything – and take advantage of uncertainty.

    • ¥70.2 折扣:6.5折
    • The World Is Curved: Hidden Dangers to the Global Economy 世界
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • David M. Smick 著 /2009-08-01/ Penguin
    • The 2007–08 subprime financial crisis is the jumping-off pointfor Smick's (Johnson Smick International) examination of currentthreats to global prosperity. He explains that although thesubprime losses are small in the context of world financialmarkets, a lack of transparency has diminished investor confidence,dried up financial liquidity, and threatened the very foundationsof our world financial system. He says that the growth of globalfinancial markets has made it more difficult for central banks likethe U.S. Federal Reserve to intercede effectively in times ofcrisis. Smick compares the subprime crisis to past events like theUK's forced devaluation of the pound in 1992 and Japan's economicstagnation in the 1990s. He warns of pending dangers like anoverheating of the Chinese development juggernaut and the presentcalls for protectionism by U.S. politicians. He favors a globalfinancial system built on transparency and trust. Smick's role forsome 30 years as an economic adviser to central bankers andleg

    • ¥70.2 折扣:6.5折
    • DIFFERENT(ISBN=9780307460868)
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Youngme Moon 编 /2011-09-01/ Random House US
    • Why trying to be the best … competing like crazy … makes youmediocre Every few years a book—through a combination of the author’sunique voice, storytelling ability, wit, and insight—simply breaksthe mold. Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods is one example. RichardFeynman’s “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” is another. Now comes Youngme Moon’s Different, a book for “people who don’tread business books.” Actually, it’s more like a personalconversation with a friend who has thought deeply about how theworld works … and who gets you to see that world in a completelynew light. If there is one strain of conventional wisdom pervading everycompany in every industry, it’s the absolute importance of“competing like crazy.” Youngme Moon’s message is simply “Get offthis treadmill that’s taking you nowhere. Going tit for tat andadding features, augmentations, and gimmicks to beat thecompetition has the perverse result of making you lik

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Steven D. LevittStephen J. Dubner 著 /1970-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Which is more dangerous, a gun or a swimming pool? What do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in coommon? Why do drug dealers still live with their mums? How much do parents really matter? These may not sound like typical questions for an economist to ask. But Steven D. Levitt is not a typical economist. He is a much-heralded scholar who studies the stuff and riddles of everyday life - from cheating and crime to sports and child rearing - and whose conclusions regularly turn the conventional wisdom on its head. He usually begins with a mountain of data and a simple, unasked question. Some of these questions concern life-and-death issues; others have an admittedly freakish quality. Thus the new field of study contained in this book:Freakonomics 作者简介 Steveb D. Levitt teaches economics at the University of Chicago. He recently received the John Bates Clark Medal, awarded every two years to the best American economist under forty. Stephen J. Dubner lives in N

    • ¥68 折扣:5折
    • RICHEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED(ISBN=9780385516662) 英文原版
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Steven K. Scott 著 /2006-02-01/ Random House US
    • In this short, powerful book, multimillionaire and bestsellingauthor Steven K. Scott reveals King Solomon’s breakthroughstrategies to achieve a life of financial success and personalfulfillment. Steve Scott flunked out of every job he held in his first six yearsafter college. He couldn’t succeed no matter how hard he tried.Then Dr. Gary Smalley challenged him to study the book of Proverbs,promising that in doing so he would achieve greater success andhappiness than he had ever known. That promise came true, makingScott a millionaire many times over. In The Richest Man Who Ever Lived, Scott reveals Solomon’s key forwinning every race, explains how to resolve conflicts and turnenemies into allies, and discloses the five qualities essential tobecoming a valued and admired person at work and in your personallife. Scott illustrates each of Solomon’s insights and strategieswith anecdotes about his personal successes and failures, as wellas those of such extraordinary people as Benjamin Franklin, ThomasEdis

    • ¥86.5 折扣:5折
    • The Dollar Meltdown: Surviving the Impending Currency Crisis
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Charles Goyette 著 /2012-02-01/ Penguin
    • The New York Times bestseller-an investment book for thecoming age of high inflation. On the heels of the most recent economic crisis, America isheaded toward another: high inflation and dollar devaluation. Thesigns are clear: Federal debt is compounding while growth hasstalled, and America's foreign creditors are questioning thedollar's reserve currency status. Meanwhile, the "hidden" federaldebt, much larger than the official debt, makes things evenworse. But the good news, according to Charles Goyette, is that thosewho are prepared can protect themselves-and even profit-in this newera. Drawing on historical examples and a clear, down-to-earthanalysis, he explains the importance of gold, silver, and otheralternative investments when inflation takes off. He also givesreaders the investing tools to protect their savings and capitalizeon the opportunities ahead. Savvy readers don't have to be leftholding the bag after decades of government irresponsibility.

    • ¥70.2 折扣:6.5折
    • The Economic Naturalist's Field Guide: Common Sense Principl
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Robert H. Frank 著 /2010-04-01/ PGW
    • Ask a dozen talking heads about the course of action we should take to right the economy and you’ll get thirteen different answers. But what if we possessed a handful of basic principles that could guide our decisions—both the personal ones about how to save and spend but also those national ones that have been capturing the headlines? Robert H. Frank has been illustrating these principles longer and more clearly than anyone else. In The Economic Naturalist’s Field Guide, he reveals how they play out in Washington, on Wall Street, and in our own lives, covering everything from healthcare to tax policy to everyday decisions about what we do with our money. In today’s uncertain economic climate, The Economic Naturalist’s Field Guide’s insights have more bearing than ever on our pocketbooks, policies, and personal happiness.

    • ¥71.5 折扣:5折
    • Organizational Intelligence: A Guide To Understanding The Bu
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Kenneth H. Silber 著 /2009-11-01/ Wiley
    • Essential resources for training and HR professionals KennethH. Silber and Lynn Kearny Organizational Intelligence A Guide toUnderstanding the business of your organization for HR, Training,and Performance Consulting Organizational Intelligence To succeed,those who practice as training, HPT, ID, OD, HR, or ITprofessionals must understand the "language of business," and thekey business issues and measures of the organizations we work for.Organizational Intelligence shows how to use the proven BusinessLogics Model to gather and synthesize the information needed tounderstand organizations, and how to align our work to key businessissues, explain it in appropriate language, and measure it in ameaningful way. "Kearny and Silber have taken the complexinterrelated aspects of a business and broken them into componentsand key questions that can help anyone understand the essence ofthat business." —Julie O'Mara, past president, American Society forTraining and Development "This book should be in your professio

    • ¥327.8 折扣:6.9折
    • How to Say It: Doing Business in Latin America: A Pocket Gui
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Kevin Michael Diran 著 /2009-09-01/ Penguin
    • An essential guide to doing business in Central and SouthAmerica, complete with communication and etiquette tips. This is the essential guide to business etiquette and customs foranyone doing business in Latin America. It features everything thereader needs to know-from getting an appointment to securing acontract. Doing business in Latin America can pose unique,substantial challenges to a non-native, and this book demystifiesthe entire process. From the two-hour "business lunch," at which nobusiness is ever discussed, to handing out business cards the rightway, Diran covers every crucial nuance. He also addresses: ? How things move at a much slower pace than most Americanbusiness processes and deals ? How family truly comes before business, even if it meansskipping an important meeting to take care of a loved one ? The importance of connections and mutual Acquaintances ? How to work with translators and bilingual assistants to getthe job done ? Proper dress, body la

    • ¥61.8 折扣:6.5折
    • GREAT SHAME, THE(ISBN=9780385720267) 英文原版
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Thomas Keneally 著 /2000-09-01/ Random House US
    • In The Great Shame, Thomas Keneally--the bestselling, BookerPrize-winning author of Schindler's List--combines the authority ofa brilliant historian and the narrative grace of a great novelistto present a gripping account of the Irish diaspora. The nineteenth century saw Ireland lose half of its population tofamine, emigration, or deportation to penal colonies inAustralia--often for infractions as common as stealing food. Amongthe victims of this tragedy were Thomas Keneally's own forebearers,and they were his inspiration to tell the story of the Irish whostruggled and ultimately triumphed in Australia and North America.Relying on rare primary sources--including personal letters, courttran*s, ship manifests, and military documents--Keneallyoffers new and important insights into the impact of the Irish inexile. The result is a vivid saga of heroes and villains, fromGreat Famine protesters to American Civil War generals to greatorators and politicians.

    • ¥86 折扣:5折
    • The Support Economy: Why Corporations Are Failing Individual
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Shoshana ZuboffJames Maxmin 著 /2004-01-01/ Penguin
    • Today’s “managerial” capitalism has grown hopelessly out oftouch with the people it should be serving. The SupportEconomy explores the chasm between people and corporations andreveals a new society of individuals who seek relationships ofadvocacy and trust that provide support for their complexlives. Unlocking the wealth of these new markets can unleash the nextgreat wave of wealth creation, but it requires a radically newapproach—“distributed” capitalism. The Support Economy is acall to action for every citizen who cares about the future.

    • ¥120.9 折扣:6.5折
    • The Wealth of Nations: Books 1-3 (Penguin Classics) (Bks.1-3
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • Adam SmithAndrew Skinner 著 /1982-03-01/ Penguin
    • Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" was the first comprehensivetreatment of political economy. Originally delivered in the form oflectures at Glasgow, the book's publication in 1776 co-incided withAmerica's Declaration of Independence. These volumes includeSmith's assessment of the mercantile system, his advocacy of thefreedom of commerce and industry, and his famous prophecy that"America will be one of the foremost nations of the world".

    • ¥57.9 折扣:6.5折
    • How To Read A Financial Report: Wringing Vital Signs Out Of
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • John A. Tracy ,(约翰·A·特雷西) 著 /2009-05-01/ Wiley
    • Financial reports provide vital information to investors,lenders, and managers. Yet, the financial statements in a financialreport seem to be written in a foreign language that onlyaccountants can understand. This Seventh Edition of How to Read aFinancial Report breaks through the language barrier, clears awaythe fog, and offers a plain-English user's guide to financialreports. The book helps you get a sure-handed grip on the profit,cash flow, and financial condition of any business.

    • ¥131.1 折扣:6.9折
    • Capital: A Critique of Political Economy (Penguin Classics)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Karl Marx 著 /1992-05-01/ Penguin
    • Capital, one of Marx's major and most influential works, wasthe product of thirty years close study of the capitalist mode ofproduction in England, the most advanced industrial society of hisday. This new translation of Volume One, the only volume to becompleted and edited by Marx himself, avoids some of the mistakesthat have marred earlier versions and seeks to do justice to theliterary qualities of the work. The introduction is by ErnestMandel, author of Late Capitalism, one of the only comprehensiveattempts to develop the theoretical legacy of Capital. --This textrefers to the Paperback edition.

    • ¥83.2 折扣:6.5折
    • Principles of Macroeconomics, Third Edition 宏观经济学原理
    •   ( 17 条评论 )
    • Joseph E. Stiglitz 著 /2002-05-01/ W W Norton & Co Ltd
    • For the Third Edition, 2001 Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz joins forces with new co-author Carl Walsh, who brings both economic expertise and teaching savvy to the project. Together, Stiglitz and Walsh thoroughly integrate contemporary economics into the traditional curriculum. Recognizing the limitations of the traditional AS/AD model, the authors offer an improved framework for the analysis of macroeconomic fluctuations. This approach emphasizes the role of the Fed and the federal funds market in the determination of short-term interest rates. The result is an analysis of fluctuations in inflation/output space and a model reflecting the real world of macroeconomics that students encounter in the business press and other media.

    • ¥96 折扣:6折
    • The World Is Curved: Hidden Dangers to the Global Economy 世界
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • David M. Smick 著 /2009-08-01/ Penguin
    • The 2007–08 subprime financial crisis is the jumping-off point for Smick's (Johnson Smick International) examination of current threats to global prosperity. He explains that although the subprime losses are small in the context of world financial markets, a lack of transparency has diminished investor confidence, dried up financial liquidity, and threatened the very foundations of our world financial system. He says that the growth of global financial markets has made it more difficult for central banks like the U.S. Federal Reserve to intercede effectively in times of crisis. Smick compares the subprime crisis to past events like the UK's forced devaluation of the pound in 1992 and Japan's economic stagnation in the 1990s. He warns of pending dangers like an overheating of the Chinese development juggernaut and the present calls for protectionism by U.S. politicians. He favors a global financial system built on transparency and trust. Smick's role for some 30 years as an economic adviser to central banker

    • ¥84.9 折扣:6.9折