
  • 7折以上
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • 关于价格和货币流通状况的历史 第1卷 A History of Prices,and of the State of t
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • [英] 托马斯·图克,[英] 威廉·纽马奇 著 /2020-09-01/ 中国财富出版社
    • 本书是一部经典性的著作,在经济学说目前占有不容忽视的重要地位。本系列丛书共分为6卷,讲述了1793-1856年间价格和货币流通状况的历史。作者对时间进行了严格的划分,分别介绍了不同年代间的谷物贸易、谷物价、谷物以外其他农产品的价格、物料流通状态、银行的监管问题等内容,并具体说明了各个时间区间的特点以及该时间段的谷物价格和大致产量。除此之外,作者还就《谷物法》以及金融机构的相关内容进行阐述,介绍了《谷物法》早期、中期和后期的特点及其颁布和实施后所带来的相关影响,自由贸易的原则在商业立法中的应用,英国银行的管理和相关政策,国家对金融、银行和信贷机构所采取的政策等。本书为该系列丛书的卷。

    • ¥148 ¥148 折扣:10折
    • 关于价格和货币流通状况的历史 第2卷 A History of Prices,and of the State of t
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • [英] 托马斯·图克Thomas Tooke) 著 /2020-09-01/ 中国财富出版社
    • The present Work may, in some points of view, be considered as an enlargement and continuation of one which was published fifteen years ago under the title of "Thoughts and Details on the High and Low Prices of the Last Thirty Years," inasmuch as it embraces the same line of argument, and proposes to establish the same conclusions, but it is essentially different, both in its arrangement and in its details. The view now presented of the operation on prices of the more general causes, precedes instead of following, as in that work it did, the statements bearing upon the period more immediately under consideration: while the details are here placed in chronological order, and in historical connection, embracing a much wider collection of illustrative facts, more especially of those relating to the state of the circulation; with a continuation of the narrative of events in their relation to prices, and to the state of the circulation, in the fifteen years which have elapsed s

    • ¥138 ¥138 折扣:10折
    • 亚洲的领导经验 Leadership Experiences in Asia
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    • Steven J. DeKrey 著 /2007-08-01/ John Wiley & Sons
    • This is truly a unique book on leadership in Asia: lessons from experiences and voices from the field. It offers valuable experiencebased lessons and insights for global leaders who aspire to make a difference and an impact in the global arena.—Katherine Xin, Editor-in-Chief, Harvard Business Review (China), Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, IMD For a born-and-bred American, this wonderful new book is all about nuances—the subtle differences that enrich the practice of leadership in Asia. The many stories throughout this book provide the rich texture of leadership in Asia, simultaneously revealing the commonalities of leadership around the world and the beautiful adjustments we all must make to be effective in our own locales.—J. Keith Murnighan, Harold H. Hines Jr., Distinguished Professor of Management and Organization, Department of Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University I can think of nothing more important to

    • ¥198.9 折扣:8.8折
    • 天生的资本主义:掀起下一个工业革命/Natural Capitalism
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Paul Hawken 著 /1999-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • The world of business is changing fast. The prevailing model for creating wealth--a model that has its roots in the industrial revolution and that dominated the last century no longer applies. Natural Capitalism introduces an alternative, a new paradigm. Praised by business and political leaders as well as economists and environmentalists around the globe, this groundbreaking book reveals how tomorrow's most successfuLglobal businesses will draw profit from their own environmental responsibility.

    • ¥142.6 折扣:8.8折
    • 龙行天下(改变全球竞争格局的中国成本创新)DRAGONS AT YOUR DOOR
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    • Ming Zeng 等著 /2007-06-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • The new competitive challenge from Chinese businesses is like nothing seen by Western companies since the Japanese arrived twenty years ago with their cars and consumer electronics. To fend off these fierce competitors, managers must forget yesterday’s image of Chinese companies as producers of cheap, low-quality imitations flooding world markets. In fact, by strategically implementing what the authors call cost innovation, Chinese firms are advancing into high-end products and industries and competing for such high-value activities as engineering, design, and even R&D. The first book to examine this new competitive force, Dragons at Your Door exposes the strategies, strengths, and weaknesses of these fast-rising Chinese competitors, surfaces the underlying logic that enables Chinese firms to attack high-end industries, and provides critical new insight into these very different competitors.

    • ¥201.5 折扣:7.9折
    • Age of Turbulence动荡年代
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    • Alan Greenspan 著 /2008-09-01/ 广东影人视听传播有限公司
    • The Age Of Turbulence is Alan Greenspan’s incomparable reckoning with the contemporary financial world, channeled through his own experiences working in the command room of the global economy longer and with greater effect than any other single living figure. Following the arc of his remarkable life’s journey through his more than eighteen-year tenure as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board to the present, in the second half of The Age of Turbulence Dr. Greenspan embarks on a magnificent tour d’horizon of the global economy. The distillation of a life’s worth of wisdom and insight into an elegant expression of a coherent worldview, The Age of Turbulence will stand as Alan Greenspan’s personal and intellectual legacy.

    • ¥119.7 折扣:8.8折
    • Applied statistical decision theory应用统计决策论
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    • Howard RaiffaRobert Schlaifer 著 /2000-05-01/ 吉林长白山
    • "In the field of statistical decision theory, Raiffa and Schlaifer have sought to develop new analytic techniques by which the modern theory of utility and subjective probability can actually be applied to the economic analysis of typical sampling problems." —From the foreword to their classic work Applied Statistical Decision Theory. First published in the 1960s through Harvard University and MIT Press, the book is now offered in a new paperback edition from Wiley

    • ¥874.7 折扣:8.8折
    • A Game as Old as Empire: The Secret World of Economic Hit Me
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    • Steven Hiatt 著 /2007-02-01/ 北京市图书进出口有限公司图书专营店
    • John Perkins's sensational New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (more than 300,000 sold) revealed just the tip of the iceberg of the secret world of economic hit men and the web of global corruption. Now more economic hit men and investigators tell the whole shocking story. 作者简介: Steven Hiatt is an editor and writer who has worked for Apple Computer,Netscape, Progressive Asset Manage-ment, and Stanford Research institute. He is the editor(with Mike Davis)of Fire in the Hearth:The Radical Politics of Place in America and is president of Editcetera, a cooperative of publishing professionals.

    • ¥183 折扣:7.5折
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    • BULLMORE 著 /2006-03-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Apples,Insights and Mad Inventors is a collection of timeless,thought-provoking observations on a range of marketing issues from one of the industry’s best-known names – Jeremy Bullmore. Most of the pieces originally appeared in the annual reports of WPP,while others were the basis for conference keynote addresses. With topics ranging from client management and brand management to strategy and product development,and sources of inspiration as diverse as Posh Spice and Benjamin Franklin,this entertaining and enlightening book is essential reading for any communications professional.

    • ¥230.5 折扣:8.8折
    • 亚洲新危机:通过全面理论管理复兴ASIA'S NEW CRISIS
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    • Frank-Jurgen Richter 著 /2003-11-26/ John Wiley & Sons
    • This book is a timely and much-needed attempt to provide a new, unique, and non-condescending framework for recreating an ethical dimension to Asian business. This should be required reading for all Asian business school students in the hope that history will not repeat itself? - Ho Kwong Ping, Chairman, Wah Chang International Corporation Pte Ltd Everyone has something worthwhile to say about ethics. The difficulty is that words are not deeds. And words are rarely converted into action unless they are proselytized with zeal, carried with passion, sustained by conviction and fortified by faith. This groundbreaking work skillfully edited by Frank-J rgen Richter and Pamela C.M. Mar provides compelling motivation to live a life that is formed by truth and gripped by integrity. - Dr. Y.Y. , Founder and Chairman, The Wyuy Capital Group This is a timely volume. Its broad sweep reveals an entire region coping with an ethical void, one which has deepened since the Asian financial crisis. What sets this

    • ¥238.3 折扣:8.8折
    • Web Analytics 2.0: The Art Of Online Accountability & Scienc
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    • Avinash Kaushik ,(阿维纳什·考希克) 著 /2009-10-01/ Wiley
    • Adeptly address today's business challenges with this powerfulnew book from web analytics thought leader Avinash Kaushik. WebAnalytics 2.0 presents a new framework that will permanently changehow you think about analytics. It provides specific recommendationsfor creating an actionable strategy, applying analytical techniquescorrectly, solving challenges such as measuring social media andmultichannel campaigns, achieving optimal success by leveragingexperimentation, and employing tactics for truly listening to yourcustomers. The book will help your organization become more datadriven while you become a super analysis ninja! 向数据驱动型决策转变以及如何利用网站数据来获得竞争优势。 在过去几年中,互联网、在线营销以及广告经历了巨大的变革,然而大家处理数据的方式跟几十年前相比还是大同小异,停滞不前。网站分析领域的领跑者avinashkaushik通过《精精通Web Analytics2.0:用户中心科学与在线统计

    • ¥272.6 折扣:7.9折
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    • Thomas Kolster 著 /2012-09-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Can advertising be a force for good? Can it bring about positive social or environmental change? Should it tell the truth about a brand? With today’s consumers being more informed, empowered and ethically minded than ever, advertising needs to do all those things and more. Organized around 10 ‘Commitment’ chapters, Goodvertising showcases outstanding creative work from over 120 campaigns from around the world that communicate that the client is actively being and doing good. Each campaign is from a leading agency working in the full spectrum of media channels for an international array of clients including Unilever, Coca-Cola, Ben Jerry’s, Nike, Tropicana, Volkswagen, Fiat, Levi’s, Toyota, Honda, Sainsbury’s, Microsoft and IKEA, and charities including Greenpeace, Amnesty International, PETA and WWF. For any advertising or branding professional, this timely and much-needed book will provide inspiration and insights into how being good doesn’t lead to dull advertising.

    • ¥319.1 折扣:7.9折
    • 泛珠三角与香港互动发展
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    • 杨汝万沈建法 编 /2005-12-01/ 香港中文大学香港亚太研究所
    • 二零零四年六月一至三日,首届[泛珠三角区域合作与发展论坛]在香港、澳门和广州举行,并签署《泛珠三角区域合作框架协议》。[9+2]泛珠三角区域合作框架正式诞生。这一区域合作发展的新趋势势将对[9+2]地区乃至中国的未来发展产生深远影响。 香港亚太研究所与香港特别行政区政府中央政策组为凝聚专家和学者的智慧,充分探讨和交流[9+2]泛珠三角区域合作与发展的现状与未来走向,于二零零四年十二月在香港举办[泛珠三角 发展论坛]。 本书收录了在该论坛上宣读并经讨论和修订的十三篇论文,从各个省区以及泛珠三角的角度,对各地参与泛珠三角区域合作发展的基础、机遇、条件、定位与政策,以及各省区与香港的经贸关系及未来发展,进行综合评估与深入分析。

    • ¥79.6 折扣:8.8折
    • 科学、社会与超级市场:营养基因组的机会与挑战 Science, Society, and the Supermarket
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    • David Castle 著 /2006-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • The new science of nutrigenomics and its ethical and societal challenges Gene-diet interactions--which underlie relatively benign lactose intolerance to life-threatening conditions such as cardiovascular disease--have long been known. But until now, scientists lacked the tools to fully understand the underlying mechanisms that cause these conditions. In recent years, however, strides in human genomics and the nutritional sciences have allowed for the advancement of a new science--dubbed nutrigenomics. Although this science may lead to personalized nutrition and dietary recommendations that can mitigate, prevent, or cure sickness, current oversight mechanisms and regulations for emerging direct-to-public nutrigenomic tests are still in their infancy. Science, Society, and the Supermarket: The Opportunities and Challenges of Nutrigenomics discusses the many ethical, legal, and social challenges presented by nutrigenomics. Concerning itself with the basic uses of nutrigenomic research as well as its

    • ¥508.6 折扣:8.8折
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    • Eva Wong 著 /2007-01-01/
    • China’s phenomenal rise in economic power has amazed the world. While manufacturing operations have developed at lightning speed, the business environment has evolved more slowly. Many companies are struggling to decide where they are going, how to manage their operations more effectively, and how to establish win-win relationships with customers and other companies. Working in the world's fastest growing economy, largest population and most ancient culture, Eva , Chairman and President of Top Human Group, has spent 10 years developing, practicing and refining the Ren Coaching Model. The Power of Ren: China’s Coaching Phenomenon traces the development of this unique coaching technology and offers a fresh perspective of coaching by applying a fusion of Western management principles and ancient Eastern philosophies to a Chinese environment. Packed with fascinating case studies of Chinese companies and individuals that turned their businesses and personal lives around through coaching, The Powe

    • ¥184.7 折扣:8.8折
    • 马来西亚—跨入工业化的穆斯林国家
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    • 周小兵 主编 /2006-12-01/ 香港城市大学出版社
    • 一般香港市民对国际金融行情、各地的汇率走势、股票市场波动相当熟悉,大概可称世界之冠。但另一方面,香港人对外国的历史、地理、政治、经济、社会和文化发展,认识却相当皮毛。 香港人工作忙碌,也会经常往外地旅游。但似乎旅游的目的首重消闲减压,对多了解外国的历史、地理、以至风土人情等却不愿多费神。相比之下,西方人旅游,相当高比例的游客会买一本书,认识一下旅游地各方面的情况。「认识东亚及东南亚系列」丛书便是填补这片空白,鼓励市民,特别是大专学生,多了解本港周边的亚洲国家。 这套刊书计划包括日本和其他东盟成员国。希望以浅白的文字,每一本书针对一个国家作概括的介绍,让大专学生、工商界人士、游客、以及有兴趣的读者,对该国有一初步的认识。

    • ¥79.6 折扣:8.8折
    • 当世界没有石油 The End of Oil: On the Edge of a Perilous New World
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    • Paul Roberts 著 /2005-04-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • The End of Oil is a "geologic cautionary tale for a complacent world accustomed to reliable infusions of cheap energy." The book centers around one irrefutable fact: the global supply of oil is being depleted at an alarming rate. Precisely how much accessible (not to mention theoretical) oil remains is debatable, but even conservative estimates mark the peak of production in decades rather than centuries. Which energy sources will replace oil, who will control them, and how disruptive to the current world order the transition from one system to the next will be are just a few of the big questions that Paul Roberts attempts to answer in this timely book. As Roberts makes abundantly clear, the major oil players in the world wield their enormous economic and political power in order to maintain the status quo. Of course, they get plenty of help from the tens of millions of consumers, particularly in the U.S. and Europe, who guzzle oil as if there is an unlimited supply. And this demand shows no sign of ab

    • ¥106.5 折扣:8.8折
    • Wiley Cpa Exam Review 2012 Auditing And Attestation 97804709
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    • O. Ray Whittington 等著 /2011-12-01/ Wiley
    • Everything today's CPA candidates need to pass the CPAExam Published annually, this comprehensive four-volume paperbackreviews all four parts of the CPA exam. Many of the questions aretaken directly from previous CPA exams. With 3,800 multiple-choicequestions, these study guides provide all the informationcandidates need to master in order to pass the computerized UniformCPA Examination. Its unique modular format helps you zero in onthose areas that need more attention and organize your studyprogram. Complete sample exam The most effective system available to prepare for the CPAexam—proven for over thirty years Timely—up-to-the-minute coverage for the computerized exam Contains all current AICPA content requirements in auditing andattestation; business environment and concepts; financialaccounting and reporting; and regulation Unique modular format—helps candidates zero in on areas thatneed work, organize their study program, and concentrate theirefforts Comprehensi

    • ¥443.2 折扣:7.9折
    • Credit Reporting Systems and the International Economy信贷报告系统
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    • Margaret J. Miller 著 /2003-04-01/
    • Credit reporting is a critical part of the financial system in most developed economies but is often weak or absent in developing countries. It addresses a fundamental problem of credit markets: asymmetric information between borrowers and lenders that can lead to adverse selection and moral hazard. The heart of a credit report is the record it provides of an individual's or a firm's payment history, which enables lenders to evaluate credit risk more accurately and lower loan processing time and costs. Credit reports also strengthen borrower discipline, since nonpayment with one institution results in sanctions with others. This book provides the first comprehensive review of credit reporting systems worldwide and documents the rapid growth in the industry. It offers empirical and theoretical evidence of the impact of credit reporting on financial markets, using examples from both developed and developing economies. Credit reporting, it shows, significantly contributes to predicting default risk of pote

    • ¥461.1 折扣:8.8折
    • Harvard Business Review on Appraising Employee Performance评价
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    • Harvard Business Review 著 /2005-03-01/
    • From the leading minds that have established Harvard Business Review as required reading for businesspeople around the globe. While often loathed by supervisors and subordinates alike, appraisals are necessary precursors of performance improvement. This helpful collection examines the employee review process from many angles, exploring why we dislike it, how it could be better, and how appraisals should differ depending on the employee in question. Whether concerned with retaining stars, guiding underperformers, or improving one's own performance-readers will learn to approach appraisals in new and more productive ways.

    • ¥161.3 折扣:7.5折
    • A Guide for the Young Economist 年轻的经济学家 指南
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    • William Thomson 著 /2001-01-01/
    • This book is an invaluable guide for young economists working on their dissertations, preparing their first articles for submission to professional journals, getting ready for their first presentations at conferences and job seminars, or facing their first refereeing assignments. In clear, concise language--a model for what he advocates--William Thomson shows how to make written and oral presentations both inviting and efficient. Thomson covers the basics of clear exposition, including such nuts-and-bolts topics as titling papers, writing abstracts, presenting research results, and holding an audience's attention.

    • ¥175.1 折扣:8.8折
    • The Long Tail: How Endless Choice Is Creating Unlimited Dema
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    • Chris Anderson 著 /2006-07-01/
    • With his brittiant theoryofthe Long Tai[-a powerfu[ new economic force in a world where the internet a[[ows almost un[imited choice - Chris Anderson has identified an important truth about our economy and cutture: the future does not lie in hits - the high-volume end of a traditional, demand curve-butin what used to be regarded as misses -the curve's endtessty tong tait. In this expanded and updated edition, pubtished forthe first time in paperback, he examines howniche interests, which make up the rail[ions of misses, havecome together in a gl.oba[ network.stimutating innovation on an unprecedented scale. The result, he" argues, is a cuttural, richness in which enthusiasms previously dismissed as "minority' thrive and everybody everywhere can find Something to their taste,

    • ¥115.4 折扣:8.8折
    • 市场阶级与政治:变迁中的华人社会
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    • 刘兆佳 等编 /2000-05-01/ 香港中文大学香港亚太研究所
    • 刚跨过世纪门坎的两岸三地华人社会是走向[治』还是走向『乱』?是趋向和谐安定还是冲突不稳?经济转型与亚洲金融危机的打击,是如何地冲击了原来的利益和资源分配格局?有没有造成新的矛盾?或者激化了旧的矛盾?社会冲突是纡缓了还是加剧了?危机是缓解了还是加深了? 本书邀请了中国大陆、台湾和香港的学者,从社会阶层、阶级和社会流动的角度,为思考和解答这些问题提供了客观的数据和有用的线索。

    • ¥79.6 折扣:8.8折
    • Roaring 90s 咆哮的90年代
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    • Joseph E. Stiglitz 著 /2004-11-01/ 华文出版社
    • A Nobel Prize-winning economist and author of Globalization and Its Discontents challenges perceptions about financial theories stemming from the apparent prosperity of the 1990s, noting such factors as reduced accounting standards and deregulation that caused the economic problems of today. Reprint. 50,000 first printing. Publisher Comments: "The Roaring Nineties offers not only an insider's illuminating view of policymaking but also a compelling case that even the Clinton administration was too closely tied to the financial community--that along with enormous economic success in the nineties came the seeds of the destruction visited on the economy at the end of the decade. The paperback includes a new introduction that reviews the continued failure of the Bush administration's policies, which have taken a bad situation and made it worse. Synopsis: Stiglitz offers not only an insider's illuminating view of policymaking but also alleges that even the Clinton administration was too closely tied to the finan

    • ¥102.4 折扣:7.9折
    • The Invisible Heart: An Economic Romance无形的情感:经济的浪漫
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    • Russell Roberts 著 /2002-03-01/
    • A love story that embraces the business and economic issues of the day? The Invisible Heart takes a provocative look at business, economics, and regulation through the eyes of Sam Gordon and Laura Silver, teachers at the exclusive Edwards School in Washington, D.C. Sam lives and breathes capitalism. He thinks that most government regulation is unnecessary or even harmful. He believes that success in business is a virtue. He believes that our humanity flourishes under economic freedom. Laura prefers Wordsworth to the Wall Street Journal. Where Sam sees victors, she sees victims. She wants the government to protect consumers and workers from the excesses of Sam's beloved marketplace. While Sam and Laura argue about how to make the world a better place, a parallel story unfolds across town. Erica Baldwin, the crusading head of a government watchdog agency, tries to bring Charles Krauss, a ruthless CEO, to justice. How are these two dramas connected? Why is Sam under threat of dismissal? Will Erica Ba

    • ¥174.2 折扣:8.8折