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    • 荒漠化与防治教程(高等院校环境类系列教材)
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • 赵景波 等主编 /2014-02-01/ 中国环境出版社
    • 赵景波编著的《荒漠化与防治教程(普通高等教育规划教材)》主要包括荒漠化地区的自然环境、风蚀荒漠化、水蚀荒漠化、蒸发盐渍荒漠化、石漠化和亚热带的红土退化、冻融荒漠化、生物动力荒漠化和荒漠化监测与评价,共十章内容。在各类荒漠化动力类型中,主要包括了荒漠化的分布、发生动力、条件、影响因素、形成的地表景观和物质组成类型、等级划分、治理技术与措施等。《荒漠化与防治教程(普通高等教育规划教材)》吸收了国内外新的研究成果,增加了生物动力荒漠化新类型,区分了荒漠化的动力和第二动力,内容全面系统。 本书为大专院校本科生教材,也可作为研究生教材,并可供地理、生态、水土保持、农牧业与环境科学研究人员和大专院校教师参考。

    • ¥30.6 ¥36 折扣:8.5折
    • Financial Development in Rural China
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • 高纹 著 /2012-02-01/ 经济科学出版社
    • 《中国农村的金融发展--以农村信用合作社的改革为中心(英文版)》:I ammost grateful to Professor Masaaki ISHIDA of the Graduate School ofBioresources, Mie University, Japan. He was my doctoral instructorwho guided me into the academic world of economics. He is veryfamous in the research of agricultural policies and cooperatives,excelling at micro analy- ses of farmers' action. He has won a lotof academic awards from the Agricul- tural Economics Society ofJapan and The Farm Management Society of Ja- pan, etc. He also hasgreat personalities of wisdom, diligence and generos- ity. I feelvery fortunate to be one of the overseas students of ProfessorMasaaki ISHIDA.

    • ¥25.2 折扣:7.9折
    • Freaknomics 魔鬼经济学 9780061956270
    •   ( 39 条评论 )
    • Steven D. Levitt Stephen J. Dubner 著 /2010-01-01/ HarperCollins
    • In the summer of 2003, the New York Times Magazine sent Stephen J. Dubner, an author and journalist, to write a profile of Steven D. Levitt, a heralded young economist at the University of Chicago. Levitt was not remotely interested in the things that interest most economists. More... Instead, he studied the riddles of everyday lifefrom cheating to crime to child-rearingand his conclusions turned the conventional wisdom on its head. For instance, he argued that one of the main causes of the crime drop of the 1990s was the legalization of abortion twenty years earlier. (Unwanted children have a greater likelihood of becoming criminals; with so many unwanted children being aborted in the 1970s, the pool of potential criminals had significantly shrunk by the 1990s.) The Times article yielded an unprecedented response, a deluge of interest from thousands of curious, inspired, and occasionally distraught readers. Levitt and Dubner collaborated on a book that gives full play to Levitts most compelling ideas.

    • ¥46.4 折扣:8折