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    • 商业会计与纳税真账实操从入门到精通【正版书籍 无忧售后】
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    • 于秉汝著 /2019-08-01/ 中国铁道出版社
    • 本书是系统学习SolidWorks?2019软件的快速自学用书籍,内容包括SolidWorks?2019的安装方法和过程、软件用户设置、二维草图的设计、零件设计、曲面设计、钣金设计、焊件设计、装配设计、工程图设计和模具设计等,各功能模块都配有大量综合实例,供读者进一步深入学习和演练。? 本书以“快速入门、简明实用”为编写原则,讲解由浅入深,内容清晰简明、图文并茂。在内容安排上,书中结合大量的范例对SolidWorks?2019软件各个模块中一些抽象的概念、命令、功能和应用技巧进行讲解,所使用的范例或综合实例均为一线真实产品,这样的安排能使读者较快地进入工作实战状态。在写作方式上,本书紧贴SolidWorks?2019软件的真实界面进行讲解,使读者能够直观、准确地操作软件,从而提高学习效率。本书附带1张多媒体DVD教学光盘,制作了与本书全程同步的语音视频教学文件

    • ¥44.75 ¥113.99 折扣:3.9折
    • 创投之巅中国创投精彩案例【正版】
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    • 投资界网站著 /2018-11-01/ 人民邮电出版社
    • 中国的科技产业发展,与创投行业密不可分。在过去的几十年间,资本与科技的结合,缔造了众多创业“神话”。回顾这些科技巨头背后的资本路径,可以给如今的国内创业者很多有益的启发。 本书从风险投资回报率、投资周期、利润水平、未来趋势等多个维度,筛选出了我国过去几十年中*具代表性的创业投资案例,对其投资过程和企业成长过程进行复盘和解读,使读者可以清晰地看到优秀创业公司的价值与卓越投资人的投资逻辑。

    • ¥34.91 ¥84 折扣:4.2折
    • 人力资源的绩效评估之发展Assessing The Financial Benefits Of Human Resour
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    • Richard Swanson 著 /2001-07-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • In this practical book, Richard A. Swanson offers a comprehensive approach to forecasting and analyzing the financial implications of any HRD initiative. Packed with step-by-step tools and worksheets, illustrated through a variety of case studies, and featuring the author's state-of-the-art insights, this book offers HRD professionals an essential resource for planning and budgeting, presenting recommendations to executives and department leaders, and keeping their organizations on the cutting edge.

    • ¥27 折扣:4.5折
    • 金融超级人脉:金融圈人脉财富与权力的运作哲学【正版书籍】
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    • (德)桑德拉·纳薇蒂 /2018-08-01/ 广东人民出版社
    • 如今,世界上*影响力的组织不是政府,而是金融机构。金融业在整个社会中拥有至高无上的地位,金融精英们也因此获得了不可思议的影响力。他们拥有着相似的社会、教育、专业背景,掌控着数亿甚至千亿资产,通过极具排他性的人脉网络,交换常人无法企及的资源,指数级地扩大其财富与权力。作为世界顶层金融圈的亲历者与*犀利的观察者,华尔街*投资顾问桑德拉·纳薇蒂给出了成为金融圈顶层精英的条件: ??△?好胜、自我挑战的阿尔法人格(摩根大通CEO杰米·戴蒙); ??△拥有非凡沟通力和销售力(黑石集团创始人施瓦茨曼); ??△低调、敏感、执着于使命与原则(对冲基金教父达利欧); ??△赚钱只是进入圈子的基本条件,把钱分发出去才是积累高级社会资本的有效方法(*)。

    • ¥47.99 ¥97 折扣:4.9折
    • 机构投资的创新之路【正版保证】
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    • 大卫·F·史文森著;张磊译;杨巧智译;梁宇峰译;张惠娜译 /2015-04-01/ 中国人民大学出版社
    • 在《机构投资的创新之路》中,史文森将机构基金经理、养老基金受托人、投资经理以及大学、博物馆、医院、基金会的受托人所构成的投资领域生动地展示在读者面前。他经自己管理耶鲁基金的感受和经验私地奉献给了读者,大到捐赠基金的目的与投资理念,小到组合管理的战略与战术,还强调了一些基本概念,例如操作风险、投资顾问的选择、单个资产类别投资的机会与缺陷等,并且借助于具体案例来加强读者对这些概念的理解。在我们这个突飞猛进的时代里,金融市场上的竞争态势越来越激烈,史文森的这本书疑可以帮助机构基金经理构建成功的投资框架。

    • ¥30.19 ¥200.56 折扣:1.5折
    • MADE IN DETROIT(ISBN=9781400075966) 英文原版
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    • Paul Clemens 著 /2006-10-01/ Random House US
    • “Excellent. . . . A funny and moving memoir, it is one of thefrankest accounts of race relations in America in recent years.”–The New York Times Book Review“With clarity, courage, and a deepfamiliarity with his literary predecessors–from James Joyce toJames Baldwin–Clemens has written a book as riven, wounded, and yetsurprisingly durable as its subject.” –Jeffrey Eugenides, author ofMiddlesex“Compelling. . . . his relationship to Detroit is rich andcomplex, brimming with experiences both hurtful and redemptive.”–The Los Angeles Times“Marvelous. . . . Passionate, intelligent.”–Entertainment Weekly

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折
    • Financial Development in Rural China
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    • 高纹 著 /2012-02-01/ 经济科学出版社
    • 《中国农村的金融发展--以农村信用合作社的改革为中心(英文版)》:I ammost grateful to Professor Masaaki ISHIDA of the Graduate School ofBioresources, Mie University, Japan. He was my doctoral instructorwho guided me into the academic world of economics. He is veryfamous in the research of agricultural policies and cooperatives,excelling at micro analy- ses of farmers' action. He has won a lotof academic awards from the Agricul- tural Economics Society ofJapan and The Farm Management Society of Ja- pan, etc. He also hasgreat personalities of wisdom, diligence and generos- ity. I feelvery fortunate to be one of the overseas students of ProfessorMasaaki ISHIDA.

    • ¥25.2 折扣:7.9折
    • 冲浪涨停板【达额立减】
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    • 安阳 /2013-01-01/ 海天出版社
    • 在《冲浪涨停板》中安阳和广大读者分享了他在强势股操作中的经验,详细披露了20余种战法。书里,有他“行股”10多年执著追求的坚实足迹;有他对云谲波诡市场的深刻理解。他认为:连续涨停板是长期量变累积的必然结果,技术共振是其最重要保障,成交量是出现连续涨停板的命根子。其字里行间无不浸透着他严谨不倦的探求和坦诚无悔的付出。对于读者而言,这是一笔不可多得的宝贵财富。

    • ¥39.5 ¥101 折扣:3.9折
    • What the Dog Saw 狗眼看世界 9780141047980
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    • 本社 编 /1970-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Malcolm Gladwell is the master of playful yet profound insight. His ability to see underneath the surface of the seemingly mundane taps into a fundamental human impulse: curiosity. From criminology to ketchup, job interviews to dog training, Malcolm Gladwell takes everyday subjects and shows us surprising new ways of looking at them, and the world around us.Are smart people overrated? What can pit bulls teach us about crime? Why are problems like homelessness easier to solve than to manage? How do we hire when we can't tell who's right for the job? Gladwell explores the minor geniuses, the underdogs and the overlooked, and reveals how everyone and rything contains an intriguing story. What the Dog Saw is Gladwell at his very best - asking questions and seeking answers in his inimitable style.

    • ¥30 折扣:6折
    • 国际人THE GLOBAL ME
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    • G. Pascal Zachary 著 /2000-12-01/ 上海蓝泉外文图书有限公司
    • Why is Japan, a country that looked economically invincible a decade ago stagnating, while long-moribund Ireland booms? What qualities will insure the continued dominance in the new millennium of U.S. culture, society and business? In The Global Me, The Wall Street Journal's G. Pascal Zachary provides a provocative roadmap to the new civilization arising out of sweeping shifts in the world economy. He reveals—through vivid examples of individuals and institutions—that the key new determinants for economic, political and cultural success are, surprisingly, national diversity and a "mongrel" sense of self. Roaming the globe, Zachary shows how the rise of new forms of identity and migration are helping to determine exactly who will win and lose in the next century. Zachary's thesis isn't just about countries, but about individuals, too. In his tour of a new global civilization, we meet a fascinating gallery of characters who possess an intriguing mix of "roots" and "wings." Strong enough to know who they are

    • ¥47.5 折扣:8.8折
    • China CEO: Voices of Experience from 20 International Busine
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    • Juan Antonio胡安·安东尼奥·费尔南德斯 /2006-02-01/ Wiley
    • ManymanagersdreamofbecomingaChiefExecutiveOfficerinChina.MaybetheythinkthatCEOstandsforCashEnhancementOpportunity-butofcourse,failurecouldturntheassignmentintoaCareerEndingOption.SohowcanyouensurethatyourassignmentinChinaissuccessful? ManagementProfessorFernandezandbusinessjournalistUnderwoodtackledthisquestionbyinterviewing20topexecutivesworkinginChina,pluseightexperiencedconsultants.TheydiscussedtopicslikemanaginginChina,settinguplocaloperations,adaptingregional/globalbusinessestoChina,tacklingthelocalmarketandlivinginChina. Buthowdoyoureporttheresultsof28interviews?Theeasiestsolutionwouldbetopresenteachinterviewasaseparatechapter.However,FernandezandUnderwoodwantedtounderstandthechallengesfacinginternationalexecutivesinChinatoday.Sotheytooktheharder-butmoreuseful-approachofanalysingtheinterviewsandthenwritingaboutthemainunderlyingthemes,quotingfromtheintervieweestoillustrateparticularpoints. ThatapproachmeansthattopicslikeworkingwithChinesebusinesspartnersordealingwithIPpiracyarepulledtogetherintoawell

    • ¥39.1 ¥183.77 折扣:2.1折
    • REVOLT ON GOOSE ISLAND(ISBN=9781933633824) 英文原版
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    • Kari Lydersen 著 /2009-06-01/ Random House US
    • “I think they’re absolutely right... what’s happening to themis reflective of what’s happening across this economy.”--PresidentBarack Obama on the workers at Republic Windows Doors December 5, 2008: It wasn’t supposed to work like this. Daysafter getting a $45 billion bailout from the U.S. government, Bankof America shut down a line of credit that kept Chicago’s RepublicWindows Doors factory operating. The bosses, who knew whatwas coming, had been sneaking machinery out in the middle of thenight. They closed the factory and sent the workers home. Thensomething surprising happened: Republic’s workers occupied thefactory and refused to leave. Kari Lydersen, an award-winning Washington Post reporter, tellsthe story of the factory takeover, elegantly transforming theworkers’ story into a parable of labor activism for the 21stcentury, one that concludes with a surprising and little-reportedvictory.

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折
    • The Richest Man in Babylon 巴比伦富翁的秘密 9780451205360
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    • 乔治·塞缪尔·克拉森(George S. Clason ) 著 /2004-02-01/ Penguin
    • 这本畅销经典受到无数人的喜爱,它揭示出古老的“巴比伦寓言”的成功秘诀,被誉为关于节俭、理财和个人财富成功的励志书。 THE MULTI-MILLION COPY BESTSELLING CLASSIC Read by millions, this timeless book holds the key to success-in the secrets of the ancients. Based on the famous "Babylonian principles," it's been hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on the subject of thrift and financial planning. ACHIEVE PERSONAL WEALTH... This celebrated bestseller offers an understanding of-and a solution to-personal money problems.This is the original classic that reveals the secrets to acquiring money, keeping money, and making money earn even more money. Simply put: the original money-management favorite is back!

    • ¥38.6 折扣:6.9折
    • 公司兼并与收购教程第二版中国律师实训经典·业务系列【正版】
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    • 肖微著 /2018-01-01/ 中国人民大学出版社
    • 上市公司并购是资本市场中常见的资本运作活动,而对于上市公司并购提供财务顾问业务是投资银行传统与核心的业务之一。按照中国证券监管制度的要求,上市公司并购必须由符合监管资格的的投资银行作为财务顾问进行辅导操作。在此过程中,律师、注册会计师、资产评估师等其它中介机构均要在财务顾问的领导下辅助上市公司并购业务操作,这同时也给作为保荐人的投资银行在知识面上提出了很高的要求。本书针对此类内容做出介绍。

    • ¥40.19 ¥252.56 折扣:1.6折