这是作者公开出版的第二部文集,包含了作者对世界事务的看法和对一些关于中国的问题的回答。 全书共分 9 章,包括世界秩序、全球变化与中国角色、中美关系、中俄关系和亚洲问题等。鉴于当前国际形势的深刻变化,她希望这本书能让读者更多地了解中国人如何看待世界。 This is the second anthology by the author. It contains her views on world affairs, including her response to some of the questions raised about China. The anthology is divided into nine chapters that include: world order, global changes and China s role, China-US relations, China-Russia relations and Asian issues. Given the profound changes in the current international situation, she hopes this book will give readers more insights about how people in China see the world.
Reagan’s War is the story of Ronald Reagan’s personaland political journey as an anti-communist, from his early days asan actor to his years in the White House. Challenging popularmisconceptions of Reagan as an empty suit who played only a passiverole in the demise of the Soviet Union, Peter Schweizer detailsReagan’s decades-long battle against communism. Bringing to light previously secret information obtained fromarchives in the United States, Germany, Poland, Hungary, andRussia—including Reagan’s KGB file—Schweizer offers a compellingcase that Reagan personally mapped out and directed his war againstcommunism, often disagreeing with experts and advisers. Anessential book for understanding the Cold War, Reagan’s War should be read by open-minded readers across the politicalspectrum.
Niall Ferguson is Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History atHarvard University, a Senior Research Fellow of Jesus College,Oxford University, and a Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution,Stanford University. The bestselling author of Paper andIron , The House of Rothschild , The Pity of War , The Cash Nexus , Empire , and Colossus , he alsowrites regularly for newspapers and magazines all over the world.Since 2003 he has written and presented three highly successfultelevision documentary series for British television: Empire , American Colossus , and, most recently, TheWar of the World .
The "dean of Cold War historians" ( The New York Times )now presents the definitive account of the global confrontationthat dominated the last half of the twentieth century. Drawing onnewly opened archives and the reminiscences of the major players,John Lewis Gaddis explains not just what happened but why —from the months in 1945 when the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.went from alliance to antagonism to the barely averted holocaust ofthe Cuban Missile Crisis to the maneuvers of Nixon and Mao, Reaganand Gorbachev. Brilliant, accessible, almost Shakespearean in itsdrama, The Cold War stands as a triumphant summation of theera that, more than any other, shaped our own.
Welcome to a top-level clearance world that doesn'texist...Now with updated material for the paperback edition. This is the adventurous, insightful, and often chilling story ofa road trip through a shadow nation of state secrets, clandestinemilitary bases, black sites, hidden laboratories, and top-secretagencies that make up what insiders call the "black world." Here, geographer and provocateur Trevor Paglen knocks on thedoors of CIA prisons, stakes out a covert air base in Nevada from amountaintop 30 miles away, dissects the Defense Department'smultibillion dollar "black" budget, and interviews those who liveon the edges of these blank spots. Whether Paglen reports from a hotel room in Vegas, a secretprison in Kabul, or a trailer in Shoshone Indian territory, he isimpassioned, rigorous, relentless-and delivers eye-openingdetails.
Are you ready for the leadership moment? Merck's Roy Vagelos commits millions of dollars to develop a drugneeded only by people who can't afford it · Eugene Kranz strugglesto bring the Apollo 13 astronauts home after an explosion ripsthrough their spacecraft · Arlene Blum organizes the first women'sascent of one of the world's most dangerous mountains · Lawrence Chamberlain leads his tattered troops into a pivotal CivilWar battle at Little Round Top · John Gutfreund loses SalomonBrothers when his inattention to a trading scandal almost topplesthe Wall Street giant · Clifton Wharton restructures a $50 billionpension system direly out of touch with its customers · AlfredoCristiani transforms El Salvador's decade-long civil war into anegotiated settlement · Nancy Barry leads Women's World Banking inthe fight against Third World poverty · Wagner Dodge faces thedecision of a lifetime as a fast-moving forest fire overtakes hisfirefighting crew
Now the inspiration for the CBS Television drama, "TheUnit." Delta Force. They are the U.S. Army's most elite top-secretstrike force. They dominate the modern battlefield, but you won'thear about their heroics on CNN. No headlines can reveal theirtop-secret missions, and no book has ever taken readersinside—until now. Here, a founding member of Delta Force takes usbehind the veil of secrecy and into the action-to reveal thenever-before-told story of 1st Special Forces OperationalDetachment-D (Delta Force). Inside Delta Forece The Story of America's Elite Counterterrorist Unit He is a master of espionage, trained to take on hijackers,terrorists, hostage takers, and enemy armies. He can deploy byparachute or arrive by commercial aircraft. Survive alone inhostile cities. Speak foreign languages fluently. Strike at enemytargets with stunning swiftness and extraordinary teamwork. He isthe ultimate modern warrior: the Delta Force Operator. In this dramatic behind-the-scenes ch
Reinaldo Arenas was born in Cuba in 1943. In 1980, he was oneof 120,000 Cubans who arrived in the United States on the Marielboatlift. Arenas settled in New York where he lived until hisdeath from AIDS ten years later. Andrew Hurley is a translator of numerous works of literature,criticism, history, and memoir. He is professor emeritus at theUniversity of Puerto Rico. Thomas Colchie is an acclaimed translator, editor, and literaryagent for international authors. He is the editor of A HammockBeneath the Mangoes. He has written for the Village Voice and TheWashington Post. His translations include Manuel Puig's Kiss of theSpider Woman and (with Elizabeth Bishop, Gregory Rabassa, and MarkStrand) Carlos Drummond de Andrade's Travelling in the Family.
Rights of Man is a classic statement of the belief in humanity's potential to change the world for the better. Published as a reply to Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France, it differs from that great work in every relevant respect. Where Burke uses the language of the governing classes, Paine writes with the vigour of a self-taught mast-maker and exciseman. With passionate and rapier wit, Paine challenges Burke's assertion that society cannot be judged by rational standards and found wanting. Rights of Man contains a fully-costed budget, advocating measures such as free education, old age pensions, welfare benefits and child allowance over 100 years before these things were introduced in Britain. It remains a compelling manifesto for social change.
Party Influence in Congress challenges current arguments andevidence about the influence of political parties in the U.S.Congress. Steven S. Smith argues that theory must reflect policy,electoral, and collective party goals. These goals call forflexible party organizations and leadership strategies. They demandthat majority party leaders control the flow of legislation;package legislation and time action to build winning majorities andattract public support; work closely with a president of theirparty; and influence the vote choices for legislators. Smithobserves that the circumstantial evidence of party influence isstrong, multiple collective goals remain active ingredients afterparties are created, party size is an important factor in partystrategy, both negative and positive forms of influence areimportant to congressional parties, and the needle-in-the-haystacksearch for direct influence continues to prove frustrating.
1 On Interpretation: Literature as a Socially Symbolic Act 2 Magical Narratives: On the Dialectical Use of'Genre Criticism 3 Realism and Desire: Balzac and the Problem of the Subject 4 Authentic Resscntiment: Generic Discontinuities and Ideologemes in the "Experimental" Novels of George Gissing 5 Romance and Reification: Plot Construction and Ideological Closure in Joseph Conrad 6 Conclusion: The Dialectic of"Utopia and Ideology INDEX
Written by one of the twentieth century’s most significantthinkers, Freedom and Organization, is considered to beBertrand Russell’s major work on political history. It traces themain causes of political change during a period of one hundredyears, which he argues were predominantly influenced by three majorelements – economic technique, political theory and certainsignificant individuals. In the witty, approachable style that hasmade Bertrand Russell’s works so revered, he explores in detail themajor forces and events that shaped the nineteenth century.
The world looks far different today than it did before theglobal financial crisis struck. Reeling from the most brutalimpacts of the recession, governments, economies, and societieseverywhere are retrenching and pushing hard for increasedprotectionism. That's understandable, but it's also dangerous,maintains global economy expert Pankaj Ghemawat in World 3.0. Leftunchecked, heightened protectionism could prevent peoples aroundthe world from achieving the true gains afforded by cross-borderopenness. Ghemawat paints a disturbing picture of what could happen--tohousehold income, availability of goods and services, and otherquality-of-life metrics--should globalization continue to reversedirection. He then describes how a wide range of players' privatebusinesses, policy makers, citizens, the press' could help openflows of ideas, people, and goods across borders, but in ways thatmaximize economic benefits for all. World 3.0 reveals how we're not nearly as globalized as we thinkwe are, and how pe
Never before has a journalist penetrated the wall of secrecythat surrounds the U.S. Secret Service. After conducting exclusiveinterviews with more than one hundred current and former SecretService agents, bestselling author and award-winning reporterRonald Kessler reveals their secrets for the first time. ? George W. Bush’s daughters would try to losetheir agents. ? Based on a psychic’s vision that a sniper wouldassassinate President George H. W. Bush, the Secret Service changedhis motorcade route. ? To make the press think he came to work early,Jimmy Carter would walk into the Oval Office at 5 a.m., then nodoff to sleep. ? Lyndon Johnson gave dangerous instructions tohis Secret Service agents and ?engaged in extensive philandering atthe White House.
An account of the CIA's involvement in the covert wars inAfghanistan that fueled Islamic militancy and gave rise to binLaden's al Qaeda. For nearly the past quarter century, while mostAmericans were unaware, Afghanistan has been the playing field forintense covert operations by U.S. and foreign intelligenceagencies-invisible wars which sowed the seeds of the September 11attacks and which provide its context. From the Soviet invasion in1979 through the summer of 2001, the CIA, KGB, Pakistan's ISI, andSaudi Arabia's General Intelligence Department all operateddirectly and secretly in Afghanistan. They primed Afghan factionswith cash and weapons, secretly trained guerrilla forces, fundedpropaganda, and manipulated politics. In the midst of thesestruggles bin Laden conceived and then built his globalorganization. The author tells the secret history of the CIA's rolein Afghanistan, from its covert program against Soviet troops from1979 to 1989, to the rise of the Taliban and the emergence of binLaden, to th
A driving force behind the social revolution of the 1960s and1970s, Hoffman inspired a generation to challenge the status quo.Meant as a practical guide for the aspiring hippie, Steal This Bookcaptures Hoffman's puckish tone and became a cult classic with over200,000 copies sold. Outrageously illustrated by R. Crumb, itnevertheless conveys a serious message to all would-berevolutionaries: You don't have to take it anymore. "All Power tothe Imagination was his credo. Abbie was the best. " StudsTerkel
To lead is not to be “the boss,” the “head honcho,” or “thebrass.” To lead is to serve. Although serving may imply weakness to some, conjuring up apicture of the CEO waiting on the workforce hand and foot, servantleadership is actually a robust, revolutionary idea that can havesignificant impact on an organization’s performance. Jim Hunter champions this hard/soft approach to leadership, whichturns bosses and managers into coaches and mentors. By “hard,”Hunter means that servant leaders can be hard-nosed, evenautocratic, when it comes to the basics of running the business:determining the mission (where the company is headed) and values(what the rules are that govern the journey) and setting standardsand accountability. Servant leaders don’t commission a poll or takea vote when it comes to these critical fundamentals. After all,that’s what a leader’s job is, and people look to the leader to setthe course and establish standards. But once that direction is
The catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has broughtnew attention to the huge costs of our oil dependence. In thisstunning and revealing book, Peter Maass examines the social,political, and environmental impact of petroleum on the countriesthat produce it. Every unhappy oil-producing nation is unhappy in its own way, butall are touched by the “resource curse”—the power of oil toexacerbate existing problems and create new ones. Peter Maasspresents a vivid portrait of the troubled world oil has created.From Saudi Arabia to Equatorial Guinea, from Venezuela to Iraq, thestories of rebels, royalty, middlemen, environmentalists,indigenous activists, and CEOs—all deftly and sensitivelypresented—come together in this startling and essential account ofthe consequences of our addiction to oil.
whose modern relations with the West he helped shape. Drawingon historical records as well as his conversations with Chineseleaders over the past forty years, Kissinger examines how China hasapproached diplomacy, strategy, and negotiation throughout itshistory, and reflects on the consequences for the global balance ofpower in the 21st century. Since no other country can claim a more powerful link to itsancient past and classical principles, any attempt to understandChina's future world role must begin with an appreciation of itslong history. For centuries, China rarely encountered othersocieties of comparable size and sophistication; it was the "MiddleKingdom," treating the peoples on its periphery as vassal states.At the same time, Chinese statesmen-facing threats of invasion fromwithout, and the contests of competing factions within-developed acanon of strategic thought that prized the virtues of subtlety,patience, and indirection over feats of martial prowess. In On China, Kissinger exa