这是作者公开出版的第二部文集,包含了作者对世界事务的看法和对一些关于中国的问题的回答。 全书共分 9 章,包括世界秩序、全球变化与中国角色、中美关系、中俄关系和亚洲问题等。鉴于当前国际形势的深刻变化,她希望这本书能让读者更多地了解中国人如何看待世界。 This is the second anthology by the author. It contains her views on world affairs, including her response to some of the questions raised about China. The anthology is divided into nine chapters that include: world order, global changes and China s role, China-US relations, China-Russia relations and Asian issues. Given the profound changes in the current international situation, she hopes this book will give readers more insights about how people in China see the world.
Barack Obama's first book, Dreams from My Father, was a compelling and moving memoir focusing on personal issues of race, identity, and community. With his second book The Audacity of Hope, Obama engages themes raised in his keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, shares personal views on faith and values and offers a vision of the future that involves repairing a "political process that is broken" and restoring a government that has fallen out of touch with the people. We had the opportunity to ask Senator Obama a few questions about writing, reading, and politics, see his responses below. --Daphne Durham
The former president's personal tale of political intrigue andsocial conflict during his first campaign for public office.Iluminates the origins of his commitment to human rights and bearsfurther witness to the accomplishments of an extraordinary man.
A brilliant account of religion's role in the politicalthinking of the West, from the Enlightenment to the close of WorldWar II. The wish to bring political life under God's authority is nothingnew, and it's clear that today religious passions are again drivingworld politics, confounding expectations of a secular future. Inthis major book, Mark Lilla reveals the sources of this age-oldquest-and its surprising role in shaping Western thought. Making uslook deeper into our beliefs about religion, politics, and the fateof civilizations, Lilla reminds us of the modern West's uniquetrajectory and how to remain on it. Illuminating and challenging, The Stillborn God is a watershed in the history ofideas.
"In wartime," Winston Churchill wrote, "truth is so preciousthat she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." ForBritain's counterintelligence operations, this meant finding theunlikeliest agent imaginable-a history professor named AlfredVicary, handpicked by Churchill himself to expose a highlydangerous, but unknown, traitor. The Nazis, however, have alsochosen an unlikely agent: Catherine Blake, a beautiful widow of awar hero, a hospital volunteer-and a Nazi spy under direct ordersfrom Hitler to uncover the Allied plans for D-Day...
Winston Churchill's six-volume history of the cataclysm thatswept the world remains the definitive history of the Second WorldWar. Lucid, dramatic, remarkable both for its breadth and sweep andfor its sense of personal involvement, it is universallyacknowledged as a magnificent reconstruction and is an enduring,compelling work that led to his being awarded the Nobel Prize forliterature. The Grand Alliance recounts the momentous events of1941 surrounding America's entry into the War and Hitler's march onRussia the continuing onslaught on British civilians during theBlitz, Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor and the alliance betweenBritain and America that shaped the outcome of the War.
Cooper Ramo is Managing Director and a partner at Kissinger Associates, one of the world's leading strategic advisory firms. Prior to joining Kissinger Associates, he was Assistant Managing Editor of Time and worked in the advisory and banking business in China.
Since it was first published in 1952, Lincoln and HisGenerals has remained one of the definitive accounts ofLincoln’s wartime leadership. In it T. Harry Williams dramatizesLincoln’s long and frustrating search for an effective leader ofthe Union Army and traces his transformation from a politician withlittle military knowledge into a master strategist of the CivilWar. Explored in depth are Lincoln’s often fraught relationshipswith generals such as McClellan, Pope, Burnside, Hooker, Fremont,and of course, Ulysses S. Grant. In this superbly writtennarrative, Williams demonstrates how Lincoln’s persistent“meddling” into military affairs was crucial to the Northern wareffort and utterly transformed the president’s role ascommander-in-chief.
Spy tells, for the first time, the full, authoritative storyof how FBI agent Robert Hanssen, code name grayday, spied forRussia for twenty-two years in what has been called the “worstintelligence disaster in U.S. history”–and how he was finallycaught in an incredible gambit by U.S. intelligence. David Wise, the nation’s leading espionage writer, has called onhis unique knowledge and unrivaled intelligence sources to writethe definitive, inside story of how Robert Hanssen betrayed hiscountry, and why. Spy at last reveals the mind and motives of a man who was awalking paradox: FBI counterspy, KGB mole, devout Catholic,obsessed pornographer who secretly televised himself and his wifehaving sex so that his best friend could watch, defender of familyvalues, fantasy James Bond who took a stripper to Hong Kong andcarried a machine gun in his car trunk. Brimming with startling new details sure to make headlines, Spydiscloses: -the previously untold story of how the FBI got the a
The complete American presidential inaugural addressesfeaturing historical background by a National Book Awardwinner A testament to the power of oratory, this stirring and oftensurprising collection includes all fifty-five United Statespresidential inaugural addresses, as well as a general introductionand commentary that provides historical context for each speech.Marking pivotal moments in American history, readers willlearn: ? How George Washington came to ad-lib “So help me, God” at theend of his first inaugural address ? Why Thomas Jefferson’s first inaugural address is consideredone of the finest ever delivered ? The historical background behind Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Theonly thing we have to fear is fear itself” and John F. Kennedy’s “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what youcan do for your country.”
The Politics of Upheaval, 1935-1936, volume three of PulitzerPrize-winning historian and biographer Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr."sAge of Roosevelt series, concentrates on the turbulent concludingyears of Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term. A measure of economicrecovery revived political conflict and emboldened FDR's critics todenounce "that man in the White house." To his left were demagoguesHuey Long, Father Coughlin, and Dr. Townsend. To his right were thechampions of the old order ex-president Herbert Hoover, theAmerican Liberty League, and the august Supreme Court. For a time,the New Deal seemed to lose its momentum. But in 1935 FDR ralliedand produced a legislative record even more impressive than theHundred Days of 1933 a set of statutes that transformed the socialand economic landscape of American life. In 1936 FDR coasted toreelection on a landslide. Schlesinger has his usual touch withcolorful personalities and draws a warmly sympathetic portrait ofAlf M. Landon, the Republican candidate of 1936.
Reagan’s War is the story of Ronald Reagan’s personaland political journey as an anti-communist, from his early days asan actor to his years in the White House. Challenging popularmisconceptions of Reagan as an empty suit who played only a passiverole in the demise of the Soviet Union, Peter Schweizer detailsReagan’s decades-long battle against communism. Bringing to light previously secret information obtained fromarchives in the United States, Germany, Poland, Hungary, andRussia—including Reagan’s KGB file—Schweizer offers a compellingcase that Reagan personally mapped out and directed his war againstcommunism, often disagreeing with experts and advisers. Anessential book for understanding the Cold War, Reagan’s War should be read by open-minded readers across the politicalspectrum.
As his parents finished packing the few personal belongines they were permitted to take out of Germany,the bespectacled 15-year-old stood in the corner of the apartment memorizing the details of the scene.He was a bookish and reflective child,with that odd mixture of ego and insecurity that can come from growing up smart yet persecuted.“I'll be back someday.”he saide to the cutoms inspector who was surveying the boses.Years later,he would recall how the offciual looded at him“with the disdain of ages”and said nothing. Henry Kissinger was right:he did come bacd to his Bavarian birthplace,first as a soldier with the U.S. Army counterintelligence corps,them as a ren owned scholar of international relations,and eventually as the dominant relations,and eventually as the dominant statesman of his era. Bya the time he was made secretary of stalte in 1973,he had become,according to the Gallup Poll,the most admired person in America.In addition.as the conducted foreign ploicy with the air of a gues
The assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963,continues to inspire interest ranging from well-meaning speculationto bizarre conspiracy theories and controversial filmmaking. But inthis landmark book, reissued with a new afterword for the 40thanniversary of the assassination, Gerald Posner examines all of theavailable evidence and reaches the only possible conclusion: LeeHarvey Oswald acted alone. There was no second gunman on the grassyknoll. The CIA was not involved. And although more than fourmillion pages of documents have been released since Posner firstmade his case, they have served only to corroborate his findings. Case Closed remains the classic account against which allbooks about JFK’s death must be measured.
In Brown's Britain, award-winning journalist Robert Peston explains for the first time the REAL nature of the relationship between Blair and Brown. With the ease of a born storyteller, he gives the first truly authoritative account of the extraordinary deal they did back in 1994, the subsequent collapse of trust between them, and the growing crisis as they became completely alienated from each other in the run-up to the 2005 election. This book, for which Peston was granted unprecedented access to the Chancellor and his friends and colleagues, draws back the veil on the brooding man who has been Britain's longest serving and arguably most powerful Chancellor in more than 100 years Filled with telling quotes and unexpected insights, it takes you right to the heart of the secret power games that go on behind the gates of Downing Street, and looks ahead to what Brown will do when he becomes Prime Minister in name as well as deed.
For more than a half-century, Israel has been forced to defendits existence against international political disapproval, racistcalumny, and violence visited upon its citizens by terrorists ofmany stripes. While nations have always been made to defend theirmoral, political, economic, or social actions, Israel has theunique plight of having to defend its very right to exist. Covering Israel's struggle for existence from the Britishoccupation and the UN’s partition of Palestine, to the dashed hopesof the Oslo Accords and the second intifada, Yaacov Lozowick trainsan enlightening, forthright eye on Israel’s strengths and failures.A lifelong liberal and peace activist, he explores Israel’snational and regional political, social, and moral obligations aswell as its right to secure its borders and repel attacks bothphilosophical and military. Combining rich historical perspectiveand passionate conviction, Right to Exist sets forth theagenda of a people and a nation, and elegantly articulates Isra
Are you ready for the leadership moment? Merck's Roy Vagelos commits millions of dollars to develop a drugneeded only by people who can't afford it · Eugene Kranz strugglesto bring the Apollo 13 astronauts home after an explosion ripsthrough their spacecraft · Arlene Blum organizes the first women'sascent of one of the world's most dangerous mountains · Lawrence Chamberlain leads his tattered troops into a pivotal CivilWar battle at Little Round Top · John Gutfreund loses SalomonBrothers when his inattention to a trading scandal almost topplesthe Wall Street giant · Clifton Wharton restructures a $50 billionpension system direly out of touch with its customers · AlfredoCristiani transforms El Salvador's decade-long civil war into anegotiated settlement · Nancy Barry leads Women's World Banking inthe fight against Third World poverty · Wagner Dodge faces thedecision of a lifetime as a fast-moving forest fire overtakes hisfirefighting crew
During the first Palestinian uprising in 1990, JeffreyGoldberg – an American Jew – served as a guard at the largestprison camp in Israel. One of his prisoners was Rafiq, a risingleader in the PLO. Overcoming their fears and prejudices, the twomen began a dialogue that, over more than a decade, grew into aremarkable friendship. Now an award-winning journalist, Goldbergdescribes their relationship and their confrontations overreligious, cultural, and political differences; through thesediscussions, he attempts to make sense of the conflicts in thisembattled region, revealing the truths that lie buried within theanimosities of the Middle East.
As the world's largest democracy and a rising internationaleconomic power, India has long been heralded for its great stridesin technology and trade. Yet it is also plagued by poverty,illiteracy, unemployment, and a vast array of other social andeconomic issues. Here, noted journalist and former Financial TimesSouth Asia bureau chief Edward Luce travels throughout India's manyregions, cultures, and religious circles, investigating its fragilebalance between tradition and modernity. From meetings with keypolitical figures to fascinating encounters with religious pundits,economic gurus, and village laborers, In Spite of the Gods is afascinating blend of analysis and reportage that comprehensivelydepicts the nuances of India's complex situation and its place inthe world.