Grade 3 Up–While other books on the topic go into more depth on specific sports, athletes, or historical events, none are as enthusiastically broad or as enjoyable to read as this one. And, it's superbly illustrated with colorful, well-chosen, and enticing photographs. Following a foreword from sportscaster Bob Costas, Macy shares her own young Olympic dreams to represent the appeal of the Games and how they have changed over time. She tells of the rebirth of the Olympic movement in the late 1800s, the changing status of female participants, and the triumph of the thousands of "awe-inspiring athletic performances." Different personalities throughout the years emerge; likewise, fair attention is given to some of the controversies and tragedies that have befallen the event. Nary a spread goes by without dynamic photographs and artifacts, both contemporary and historical; some show, and photo galleries present, compilations of diverse athletes competing, excelling, and celebrating. A world map indicating Summe
A collection of some of Freud's most famous essays, including"On The Introduction of Narcissism", "Remembering, Repeating andWorking Through", "Beyond the Pleasure Principle", "The Ego and theID" and "Inhibition, Symptom and Fear".
THE SEVENTIES IN PICTURES is one of a series of books that together provide a comprehensive pictorial history of the mid 20th century, decade by decade. With over 250 pictures, this votume is a unique record of an age at once charming and terrifying, under a pair of insecurity extending over a frightened wortd: The troubtes in Northern IreLand and terrorism at the Munich Olympic Games, "beautiful people" and the arrivat of Punk, the inspiring "giant Leap for mankind" and the shame of the Watergate Scandal.
Review 'A genuine contribution to the problems of moral philosophy. These essays emphasize the essential unity of human beings, and make a plea for an interdisciplinary approach to the study of moral philosophy and moral psychology. It is a welcome antidote to the abstract and general ideas (not to mention the pseudo-technicalities) which bedevil much modern moral philosophy.' - British Book News 'It is a book of superb spirit and style, more entertaining than a work of philosophy has any right to be.' - The Times Literary Supplement 'Midgley is a very friendly and cultured philosopher, always ready to quote Byron or imagine aliens, and like all good philosophy this is interesting and provocative even if one doesn't agree with it.' - The Guardian 'This is not the usual introduction to moral philosophy, but an invitation to think about the issues. Mary Midgley clearly belongs among those who believe that there are facts, facts of human nature, which have to be the starting-point for any
Can moral philosophy alter our moral beliefs or our emotions? Does moral scepticism mean making up our own values,or does it leave us without moral commitments at all? Is it possible to find a basis for ethics in human nature? These are some of the main questions explored in this volume,which is devoted to the ethics of the Hellenistic schools of philosophy。Some of the leading scholars in the field have here taken a look at the bases of the Stoics’and Epicureans’ thinking about what the Greeks took to be the central questions of philosophy。Their essays,which originated in a conference held at Bad Homburg in 1983,the third in a series of conferences on Hellenistic philosophy,propose important interpretations of the texts,and pose some fascinating problems about the different roles of argument and reason in ancient and modern moral philosophy。This book will be of interest to moral philosophers and to scholars of Greek philosophy too。 This volume is devoted to the ethics
How do we see the world around us? "The Penguin on Design"series includes the works of creative thinkers whose writings onart, design and the media have changed our vision forever. SusanSontag's groundbreaking critique of photography asks forcefulquestions about the moral and aesthetic issues surrounding this artform. Photographs are everywhere. They have the power to shock,idealize or seduce, they create a sense of nostalgia and act as amemorial, and they can be used as evidence against us or toidentify us. In six incisive essays, Sontag examines the ways inwhich we use these omnipresent images to manufacture a sense ofreality and authority in our lives.
In this book, Folke Tersman explores what we can learn about the nature of moral thinking from moral disagreement. He explains how diversity of opinion on moral issues undermines the idea that moral convictions can be objectively valued. Arguments on moral thinking are often criticized for not being able to explain why there is a contrast between ethics and other areas in which there is disagreement, but where one does not give up the idea of an objective truth, as in the natural sciences. Tersman shows that the contrast has to do with facts about when, and on what basis, moral convictions can be correctly attributed to an agent or speaker.
Robert M. Adams’s celebrated translation of Utopia has been meticulously revised for the Second Edition of this Norton Critical Edition as have the accompanying annotations.Backgrounds is designed to assist student readers in an appreciation of Utopia by shedding light on the different points of view contemporary with More’s work.Included are new selections from Saint Benedict and Tasso, as well as a medieval satire on the land of Cockayne.The Humanist Circle, a carefully chosen selection of letters, includes another important contribution by Erasmus. Criticism includes five new thought-provoking essays by Alistair Fox, Edward L. Surtz, G. R. Elton, Northrop Frye, and Robert M. Adams.Also new are selections from two modern anti-utopias or quasi-utopias—Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and B. F. Skinner’s Walden Two—plus a selection from Edward Bellamy’s once futuristic but now almost contemporary Looking Backward, which may be compared and contrasted with More’s masterpiece. 作者简
This must-have hardcover edition--the only official guide--is the definitive encyclopedic reference to the TwilightSaga and provides readers with everything they need to furtherexplore the unforgettable world Stephenie Meyer created in Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn .With exclusive new material, character profiles, genealogicalcharts, maps, extensive cross-references, and much more, thiscomprehensive handbook is essential for every Twilight Sagafan.
The first edition of The Interpretation of Dreams is muchshorter than its subsequent editions; each time the text wasreissued, from 1909 onwards, Freud added to it. The mostsignificant, and in many ways the most unfortunate addition, is a50-page section devoted to the kind of mechanical reading of dreamsymbolism--long objects equal male genitalia, etc.--that has gainedpopular currency and partially obscured Freud's more profoundinsights into dreams. In the original version presented here,Freud's emphasis falls more clearly on the use of words in dreamsand on the difficulty of deciphering them. Without the strata oflater additions, readers will find here a clearer development ofFreud's central ideas--of dream as wish-fulfillment, of the dream'smanifest and latent content, of the retelling of dreams as acontinuation of the dreamwork, and much more. Joyce Crick'stranslation is lighter and faster-moving than previous versions,enhancing the sense of dialogue with the reader, one of Freud'ssyllogistic strengths, a
This volume brings together Freud's main contributions to thepsychology of love. His illuminating discussions of the ways inwhich sexuality is always psychosexuality - that there is nosexuality without fantasy, conscious or unconscious - have changedthe ways we think about erotic life. In these papers Freud developshis now famous theories about the sexuality of childhood and thetransgressive nature of human desire. In the famous case study ofthe eighteen-year-old Dora', we see Freud at work, both puttinginto practice and testing his sexual theories that were to changethe modern world.
"These essays, spanning 20 years of Bowlby's speaking about the forming and breaking of relationships of affection, are clear and systematic. They make an excellent introduction to his thought." British Journal of Psychiatry John Bowlby's interest in the effects on a developing child of different forms of family experience began in 1929 when he worked for six months in a school for behaviorally-challenged children. Soon after, the spark of his illustrious career would help parents and psychologists arrive at a better understanding of the inner emotional world of the infant. Informed by wide clinical experience, and written with the author's well known humanity and lucidity, these key lectures provide an invaluable introduction to John Bowlby's thought and work, as well as much practical guidance of use both to parents and to members of the mental health professions.
Like the Flowing River is an intimate collection of Paulo Coelho's reflections and short stories, written from 1998 to 2005. These are powerful tales of living and dying, of destiny and choice, of love lost and found. Sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, but always profound, this book, like all of Coelho's work, explores what it means to be truly alive.
One of Freud’s central achievements was to demonstrate howunacceptable thoughts and feelings are repressed into theunconscious, from where they continue to exert a decisive influenceover our lives. This volume contains a key statement about evidencefor the unconscious, and how it works, as well as major essays onall the fundamentals of mental functioning. Freud explores how weare torn between the pleasure principle and the reality principle,how we often find ways both to express and to deny what we mostfear, and why certain men need fetishes for their sexualsatisfaction. His study of our most basic drives, and how they aretransformed, brilliantly illuminates the nature of sadism,masochism, exhibitionism and voyeurism.
Galen of Pergamum (AD 129–c.216) was the most influential doctorof later antiquity, whose work was to influence medical theory andpractice for more than fifteen hundred years. He was a prolificwriter on anatomy, physiology, diagnosis and prognosis,pulse-doctrine, pharmacology, therapeutics, and the theory ofmedicine; but he also wrote extensively on philosophical topics,making original contributions to logic and the philosophy ofscience, and outlining a scientific epistemology which married adeep respect for empirical adequacy with a commitment to rigorousrational exposition and demonstration. He was also a vigorouspolemicist, deeply involved in the doctrinal disputes among themedical schools of his day. This volume offers an introduction toand overview of Galen's achievement in all these fields, whileseeking also to evaluate that achievement in the light of theadvances made in Galen scholarship over the past thirty years.
Building on the crucial insight that jokes use many of thesame mechanisms he had already discovered in dreams, Freuddeveloped one of the richest and most comprehensive theories ofhumor that has ever been produced. Jokes, he argues, provideimmense pleasure by allowing us to express many of our deepestsexual, aggressive and cynical thoughts and feelings which wouldotherwise remain repressed. In elaborating this central thesis, hebrings together a dazzling set of puns, anecdotes, snappyone-liners, spoonerisms and beloved stories of Jewish beggars andmarriage-brokers. Many remain highly amusing, while others throw avivid light on the lost world of early twentieth-centuryVienna.
“A rich resource that should be widely drawn upon. . . . The author has courageously put together a real tract for our times.” —Nature "A cool and rational analysis . . . for those feeling a bit confused or helpless in the face of an upredictable future. . . . A book that could make a difference." —The Guardian “Capra has forged and interesting book, which challenges conventional wisdom, provides insights into social and economic pitfalls and offers some light at the end of the tunnel.” —The Sunday Times (London)
The expert witness’ job is often described as a balancing act: duty to clients on the one hand, duty to society on the other. Forensic Ethics and the Expert Witness probes beyond this familiar conflict of interest framework to present a new, innovative model of professional ethics. Richly illustrated with cases from medicine, psychiatry, and law, this elegantly written volume examines the common moral ground that links these usually separate domains, and relates forensic ethics to larger concepts of morality and justice. In this integrative approach, the expert witness is redefined as one who can balance professional with societal and personal codes in what the authors call "robust professionalism." Three renowned ethicists: Analyze ethical dilemmas expert witnesses commonly encounter in the courtroom Explore the thought and practice of ethical expert witnesses Address important questions concerning confidentiality, objectivity in testimony, and the relationship between witness
‘It is in every sense an epoch-making book: one that has been needed and expected for years.’ - Cambridge Magazine ‘The author maintains a fresh and brilliant yet easy style which always makes his writings a pleasure to read.’ - Nature The very relevance and legitimacy of philosophy is examined in this explosive and controversial work which investigates the relationship between ‘individual’ and ‘scientific’ knowledge, and questions the means by which we come to understand the physical world.
The new "Penguin Freud", under Adam Phillips' generaleditorship, offers a fantastic opportunity to see Freud in a freshlight. This endlessly beguiling, suggestive, thought-provokingwriter can be appreciated nowhere more vividly than in "The CaseHistories": "Little Hans", "The Rat Man", "The Wolf Man" and "SomeCharacter Types Met within Psychoanalytic Work".
Anthony Parel affords a novel perspective on the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. He explores how Gandhi connected the spiritual with the temporal. As Parel points out 'being more things than one' is a good de*ion of Gandhi and, with these words in mind, he shows how Gandhi, drawing on the Indian time-honoured theory of the purusharthas or 'the aims of life', fitted his ethical, political, aesthetic and religious ideas together. In this way Gandhi challenged the notion which prevailed in Indian society that a rift existed between the secular and the spiritual, the political and the contemplative life. Parel's revealing and insightful book shows how far-reaching were the effects of Gandhi's practical philosophy on Indian thought generally and how these have survived into the present.
Andy Warhol kept these diaries faithfully from November 1976right up to his final week, in February 1987. Written at the heightof his fame and success, Warhol records the fun of an AcademyAwards party, nights out at Studio 54, trips between London, Parisand New York, and surprisingly even the money he spent each day,down to the cent. With appearances from and references to everyonewho was anyone, from Jim Morrison, Martina Navratilova and CalvinKlein to Shirley Bassey, Estee Lauder and Muhammad Ali, thesediaries are the most glamorous, witty and revealing writings of thetwentieth century.