In Symposium, a group of Athenian aristocrats attend a party and talk about love, until the drunken Alcibiades bursts in and decides to discuss Socrates instead. Symposium gives an unsurpassed picture of the sparkling society that was Athens at the height of her empire. The setting of the other dialogues is more sombre. Socrates is put on trial for impiety, and sentenced to death. Euthyphro discusses the nature of piety, Apology is Socrates' speech in his own defence, Crito explains his refusal to escape punishment, and Phaedo gives an account of Socrates' last day. These dialogues have never been offered in one volume before. Tom Griffith's Symposium has been described as 'possibly the finest translation of any Platonic dialogue'. All the other translations are new.
Benedict de Spinoza lived a life of blameless simplicity as alens-grinder in Holland. And yet in his lifetime, he was expelledfrom the Jewish community in Amsterdam as a heretic, and after hisdeath his words were first banned by the Christian authorities asatheistic, then hailed by humanists as the gospel of Pantheism. His"Ethics Demonstrated in Geometrical Order" shows us the realitybehind this enigmatic figure. First published by his friends afterhis premature death at the age of 44, the "Ethics" uses the methodsof Euclid to describe a single entity, properly called both "God"and "Nature", of which mind and matter are two manifestations. Fromthis follow, in ways that are strikingly modern, the identity ofmind and body, the necessary causation of events and actions, andthe illusory nature of free will.
Whether we love or hate Sigmund Freud, we all have to admit that he revolutionized the way we think about ourselves. Much of this revolution can be traced to The Interpretation of Dreams, the turn-of-the-century tour de force that outlined his theory of unconscious forces in the context of dream analysis. Introducing the id, the superego, and their problem child, the ego, Freud advanced scientific understanding of the mind immeasurably by exposing motivations normally invisible to our consciousness. While there's no question that his own biases and neuroses influenced his observations, the details are less important than the paradigm shift as a whole. After Freud, our interior lives became richer and vastly more mysterious. These mysteries clearly bothered him--he went to great (often absurd) lengths to explain dream imagery in terms of childhood sexual trauma, a component of his theory jettisoned mid-century, though now popular among recovered-memory therapists. His dispassionate analyses of his own dr