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    • On Photography ISBN=9780141035789
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    • Susan Sontag 著 /2008-09-01/ Penguin
    • How do we see the world around us? "The Penguin on Design"series includes the works of creative thinkers whose writings onart, design and the media have changed our vision forever. SusanSontag's groundbreaking critique of photography asks forcefulquestions about the moral and aesthetic issues surrounding this artform. Photographs are everywhere. They have the power to shock,idealize or seduce, they create a sense of nostalgia and act as amemorial, and they can be used as evidence against us or toidentify us. In six incisive essays, Sontag examines the ways inwhich we use these omnipresent images to manufacture a sense ofreality and authority in our lives.

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    • LOST HISTORY(ISBN=9781426202803)
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    • Michael H. Morgan 著 /2008-06-01/ Random House US
    • In an era when the relationship between Islam and the Westseems mainly defined by mistrust and misunderstanding, it isimportant to remember that for centuries Muslim civilization wasthe envy of the world. Lost History fills a significant void and isessential reading for anyone seeking to understand the major theearly Muslims played in influencing modern society. Morgan reveals how early Muslim advancements in science andculture laid the cornerstones of the European Renaissance, theEnlightenment, and modern Western society. As he chronicles theGolden Ages of Islam, beginning in A.D. 570 with the birth ofMuhammad, and resonating today, he introduces scholars like IbnAl-Haytham, Ibn Sina, Al-Tusi, Al-Khwarizmi, and Omar Khayyam,towering figures who revolutionized the mathematics, astronomy, andmedicine of their time and paved the way for Newton, Copernicus,and many others. And he reminds us that inspired leaders fromMuhammad to Suleiman the Magnificent and beyond championedreligious tolerance, encou

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    • Mythology(ISBN=9780446574754)
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    • Edith Hamilton 编 /2011-01-01/ Hachette
    • Since its original publication by Little, Brown Companyin 1942, this author's Mythology has sold millions of copiesthroughout the world established itself as a perennialbestseller in its various available formats: hardcover, tradepaperback, mass market paperback. Mythology succeeds like noother book in bringing to life for the modern readeer the Greek,Roman Norse myths legends that are the keystone ofWestern culture - the stories of gods heroes that haveinspired human creativity from antiquity to the present. This newBack Bay trade paperback edition of Mythology replaces the Meridianedition formerly available from the Penguin Group. In August 1998 anew mass market paperback edition of Mythology published by WarnerBooks will replace the Mentor/Dutton Signet mass market editionformerly available from the Penguin Group

    • ¥56.6 折扣:6.5折
    • Unweaving the Rainbow(ISBN=9780618056736)
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    • Richard Dawkins 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Did Newton "unweave the rainbow" by reducing it to itsprismatic colors, as Keats contended? Did he, in other words,diminish beauty? Far from it, says acclaimed scientist RichardDawkins; Newton's unweaving is the key to much of modern astronomyand to the breathtaking poetry of modern cosmology. Mysteries don'tlose their poetry because they are solved: the solution often ismore beautiful than the puzzle, uncovering deeper mysteries. Withthe wit, insight, and spellbinding prose that have made him abest-selling author, Dawkins takes up the most important andcompelling topics in modern science, from astronomy and genetics tolanguage and virtual reality, combining them in a landmarkstatement of the human appetite for wonder. This is the bookRichard Dawkins was meant to write: a brilliant assessment of whatscience is (and isn't), a tribute to science not because it isuseful but because it is uplifting.

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    • The Penguin Freud Reader 9780141187433
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    • Sigmund Freud 著 /2006-01-01/ Penguin
    • 在线阅读本书 Book De*ion Here are the essential ideas of psychoanalytic theory, includingFreud's explanations of such concepts as the Id, Ego and Super-Ego,the Death Instinct and Pleasure Principle, along with classic casestudies like that of the Wolf Man. Adam Phillips's marvellousselection provides an ideal overview of Freud's thought in all itsextraordinary ambition and variety. Psychoanalysis may be known asthe talking cure', yet it is also and profoundly, a way of reading.Here we can see Freud's writings as readings and listenings,deciphering the secrets of the mind, finding words for desires thathave never found expression. Much more than this, however, ThePenguin Freud Reader presents a compelling reading of life as weexperience it today, and a way in to the work of one of the mosthaunting writers of the modern age. Book Dimension length: (cm)19.7 width:(cm)12.8

    • ¥59.8 折扣:8.8折