Author Robert Sitler’s immersion in Mayan culture began with atransformative spiritual experience more than three decades ago inthe ruins of Palenque, Mexico. Led by a local to a nearby Mayanvillage, Sitler discovered firsthand what traditional Mayan lifewas like—a community of people living in peace with each other andtheir physical surroundings. In The Living Maya, he shares thisexperience and many that followed. In the process, he immersesreaders in a rich indigenous culture and offers a fresh view of the2012 phenomenon, focusing on the valuable lessons Mayan culture canteach us in this time of transition. Personal anecdotes areinterwoven with factual information about the roots of traditionalMayan customs and traditions, presenting a rare multifaceted viewof their simple yet profound way of life. The book showcases Mayaninfant care, community building, ties to nature, attitudes towardthe elderly, and orientation to spirituality. In The Living Maya,Sitler shows how following “the Mayan way” can he
The author of the runaway bestseller How the Irish SavedCivilization has done it again. In The Gifts of the Jews ThomasCahill takes us on another enchanting journey into history, onceagain recreating a time when the actions of a small band of peoplehad repercussions that are still felt today. The Gifts of the Jews reveals the critical change that madewestern civilization possible. Within the matrix of ancientreligions and philosophies, life was seen as part of an endlesscycle of birth and death; time was like a wheel, spinningceaselessly. Yet somehow, the ancient Jews began to see timedifferently. For them, time had a beginning and an end; it was anarrative, whose triumphant conclusion would come in the future.From this insight came a new conception of men and women asindividuals with unique destinies--a conception that would informthe Declaration of Independence--and our hopeful belief in progressand the sense that tomorrow can be better than today. As ThomasCahill narrates this momentous shift,
While Chinese acupuncture and herbalism enjoy widespreadpopularity in the West, traditional Chinese exercisetechniques—with the exception of qi gong—have rarely been taughtoutside China. This book is designed to change that. Written by JunWang, a doctor of Chinese medicine, Cultivating Qi draws on classicChinese texts to introduce these body-mind healing exercises toWestern readers. In simple, accessible language, Wang presents three specific qiexercises: the Yijin Jing, a popular form of calisthenicsassociated with both Chinese Buddhist and Daoist traditions; TaijiNeigong, a series of 34 movements adapted from the Wu-Hao style ofTaiji Quan; and the “Six Healing Breaths,” which combines spokensounds with movements associated with the six major vital organs ofChinese medicine. Written for beginning students of Chinese medicine as well aslaypersons, healthcare practitioners, and martial artists,Cultivating Qi includes clear explanations of Chinese medicalterminology—and provides the
The Zen school of Mahayana Buddhism contends that each one ofus is already a Buddha — the enlightenment we seek is always withinus, waiting to be realized through mindfulness and concertedspiritual work. This truth pushes us toward practice, in the hopesthat we may awaken our potential and live up to what is insideus.?This is a?notion taught widely by ninth century Zen Master LinChi, and in his tradition Thich Nhat Hanh employs the teachings andwritings of Mahayana Buddhism to discuss specific topics inBuddhist study and practice. With these teachings, readers have thetools to awaken the Buddha within.
A noted historian of religion traces manifestations of thesacred from primitive to modern times, in terms of space, time,nature and the cosmos, and life itself. Index. Translated byWillard Trask.