Every meditation tradition explains that there are two aspectsto any effective meditation practice: insight and concentration. InMindfulness in Plain English, author Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, amonk from Sri Lanka and venerated teacher of Buddhism, offeredbasic instruction on the meaning of insight (or vipassana)meditation through concepts that could be applied to any tradition.In Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English, he presents the levels ofconcentration with the same simplicity and humor that made theprevious book so successful. The focus here is on the Jhanas, thosemeditative states of profound stillness and concentration in whichthe mind becomes fully immersed and absorbed in the chosen objectof attention. Using the Jhanas to guide readers along the path tojoy, happiness, equanimity, and one-pointedness, the authorprovides all of the instruction necessary to utilize meditation asa tool for building a more fulfilling life
At many points in Dan Millman’s seminal story of personaltransformation, the old warrior Socrates shrugs off Dan’s questionswith a laconic “It’s the House Rules.” Here, Millman takes morethan 100 of the book’s most interesting and enigmatic passages andexplores in detail the key ideas behind them, showing their genesisin spiritual philosophies old and new. Drawing on 25 years ofexperience since first writing the book, he reveals an evolvingsensibility and perspective, he drawing practical lessons thatreaders can apply directly to their lives from even the mostmysterious passages. Millman gives readers fresh insight and wisdomby clarifying seemingly paradoxical statements and applyingessential teachings to life's toughest questions. Whether readersare coming to Way of the Peaceful Warrior for the first timeor belong to its legions of long-time fans, The Peaceful WarriorCompanion deepens their experience of this beloved spiritualclassic.
女人只有感受到自己身上蕴藏的能力,洞悉男女在思维方式、工作方法等方面的差异,才能更好地在职场上、生活中与异性相处,并且利用这些优势去获取生活的乐趣。 没有人真正了解若干年后,生活会给自己带来些什么。重要的是清醒地发现自身的优势,及时采取行动,让自己走向内心满意的道路。 成功和幸福的核心在于发挥你的优势。 没有女人的男人是一枚滴答作响的定时炸弹。 让兔子去跑,别教猪唱歌。 要行动,不要犹豫。
In 1202, zealous western Christians gathered in Venicedetermined to liberate Jerusalem from the grip of Islam. But thecrusaders never made it to the Holy Land. Steered forward by theshrewd Venetian doge, they descended instead on Constantinople,wreaking devastation so terrible and inflicting scars so deep thatas recently as 2001 Pope John Paul II offered an apology to theGreek Orthodox Church. The crusaders spared no one: They raped and massacred thousands,plundered churches, and torched the lavish city. A prostitutedanced on the altar of the ravaged Hagia Sophia. And by 1204,barbarism masquerading as piety had shattered one of the greatcivilizations of history. Here, on the eight hundredth anniversaryof the sack, is the extraordinary story of this epic catastrophe,told for the first time outside of academia by Jonathan Phillips, aleading expert on the crusades. Knights and commoners, monastic chroniclers, courtly troubadours,survivors of the carnage, and even Pope Innocent III left vividac