A groundbreaking biography of Milton’s formative years that provides a new account of the poet’s political radicalization John Milton (1608–1674) has a unique claim on literary and intellectual history as the author of both Paradise Lost , the greatest narrative poem in English, and prose defences of the execution of Charles I that influenced the French and American revolutions. Tracing Milton’s literary, intellectual, and political development with unprecedented depth and understanding, Poet of Revolution is an unmatched biographical account of the formation of the mind that would go on to create Paradise Lost ―but would first justify the killing of a king. Biographers of Milton have always struggled to explain how the young poet became a notorious defender of regicide and other radical ideas such as freedom of the press, religious toleration, and republicanism. In this groundbreaking intellectual biography of Milton’s formative years, Nicholas McDowell draws on recent arc
On March 23, 2003, in the city of An Nasiriyah, Iraq, membersof the 507th Maintenance Company came under attack from Iraqiforces who killed or wounded twenty-one soldiers and took sixprisoners, including Private Jessica Lynch. For the next week, AnNasiriyah rocked with battle as the marines of Task Force Tarawafought Saddam's fanatical followers, street by street and buildingto building, ultimately rescuing Private Lynch.
“A model of scientific writing: erudite, witty, andclear.” — New York Review of Books The PulitzerPrize finalist and national bestseller How the Mind Works is a fascinating, provocative work exploring the mysteries of humanthought and behavior. How do we see in three dimensions? How do weremember names and faces? How is it, indeed, that we ponder thenature of our own consciousness? Why do we fall in love? In thisbold, extraordinary book, Pinker synthesizes the best of cognitivescience and evolutionary biology to explain what the mind is, howit has evolved, and, ultimately, how it works. This editionincludes a new afterword that explores the impact of the book andits relevance today.
Based on Bodynamic Analysis, a body-oriented psychologydeveloped in Denmark by the authors and their colleagues, BodyEncyclopedia describes the developmental sequence in whichpsychological and emotional elements are linked to specificmuscles. The book shows how certain responses to events in ourlives end up bound and connected with our movement patterns.Through extensive research, Marcher, Fich, and several others havemapped out the psychological functions of 154 muscles and relatedtissues. Featuring more than 200 detailed illustrations, BodyEncyclopedia opens with an introduction to the history anddevelopment of Bodynamic Analysis. The core of the book presents ade*ion of each muscle, including movement positions, age levelwhen the muscle is activated, and a summary of the psychologicalthemes associated with each muscle. Basic instructions are providedfor bodymapping , a hands-on procedure that involvespalpating and registering muscle response. Vivid case studiesdemonstrate how to apply the informatio
An absolutely wonderful book. --Russell Baker "Rick Bragg writes like a man on fire. And All Over but theShoutin' is a work of art. While reading this book, I fell in lovewith Rick Bragg's mother, Margaret Bragg, a hundred times. I feltlike I was reading one of the prophets in the Old Testament whenreading parts of this book. I thought of Melville, I thought ofFaulkner. Because I love the English language, I knew I was readingone of the best books I've ever read. By explaining his life to theworld, Rick Bragg explained part of my life to me. You feel thingsin every line this man writes. His sentences bleed on you. I weptwhen the book ended. I never met Rick Bragg in my life, but Icalled him up and told him he'd written a masterpiece, and I sentflowers to his mother." --Pat Conroy "Searingly honest, beautifully written, All Over but the Shoutin'is perhaps the most courageous thing Pulitzer Prize-winningjournalist Rick Bragg has ever written. Making his reputation on
When two of his American employees were held hostage in Iran,H. Ross Perot and a select group of his employees took matters intotheir own hands.
The long-awaited, complete guide to the popular, vigorousAmerican method of yoga that is deeply rooted in ancient wisdom and*ures “In this day and age of health and fitness trends, it is assuringto know that Sharon and David encourage their students to drawinspiration from the classical texts of Yoga and timeless*ural sources. What I appreciate so much about David andSharon is how they help their Yoga students to understand andappreciate the wisdom of all the great saints and jivamuktas whohave contributed to raising consciousness. Ultimately, it isSelf-Realization, that is the true goal of Yoga.” –SRI SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA Creators of the extremely popular Jivamukti Yoga method andcofounders of the New York City studios where it is taught, SharonGannon and David Life present their unique style of yoga for thefirst time in book form. As they explain their intensely physicaland spiritual system of flowing postures, they provide inspiringexpert instruction to guide you
Now comprising 25 nations and 450 million citizens, the EU hasmore people, more wealth, and more votes on every internationalbody than the United States. It eschews military force but offersguaranteed health care and free university educations. And the new"United States of Europe" is determined to be a superpower. Tracingthe EU’s emergence from the ruins of World War II and its influenceeverywhere from international courts to supermarket shelves, T. R.Reid explores the challenge it poses to American political andeconomic supremacy. The United States of Europe is essentialreading.
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Political Thoughtprovides a guide to understanding the central texts and problems inancient Greek political thought, from Homer through the Stoics andEpicureans. Composed of essays specially commissioned for thisvolume and written by leading scholars of classics, politicalscience, and philosophy, the Companion brings these texts to lifeby analysing what they have to tell us about the problems ofpolitical life. Focusing on texts by Homer, Herodotus, Thucydides,Plato, and Aristotle, among others, they examine perennial issues,including rights and virtues, democracy and the rule of law,community formation and maintenance, and the ways in whichtheorizing of several genres can and cannot assist politicalpractice.
This edited volume draws together a wide range of excitingdevelopments in the study of marital interaction. A significantfeature of the book is its focus, not only on conflict and negativeinteractions but also on the processes by which couples maintainhappy and constructive relationships. The chapters review andintegrate the extensive literature in this area, as well aspresenting important research findings. The contributors come fromthe disciplines of communication, social psychology and clinicalpsychology, and have national and international reputations fortheir work in this area. The findings reflect developments intheory and methodology, and have important implications for thoseworking to strengthen and repair marital relationships.
In the final decades of the nineteenth century, threebrilliant and visionary titans of America’s Gilded Age—ThomasEdison, Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse—battled bitterly aseach vied to create a vast and powerful electrical empire. InEmpires of Light, historian Jill Jonnes portrays this extraordinarytrio and their riveting and ruthless world of cutting-edge science,invention, intrigue, money, death, and hard-eyed Wall Streetmillionaires. At the heart of the story are Thomas Alva Edison, thenation’s most famous and folksy inventor, creator of theincandescent light bulb and mastermind of the world’s first directcurrent electrical light networks; the Serbian wizard of inventionNikola Tesla, elegant, highly eccentric, a dreamer whorevolutionized the generation and delivery of electricity; and thecharismatic George Westinghouse, Pittsburgh inventor and toughcorporate entrepreneur, an industrial idealist who in the era ofgaslight imagined a world powered by cheap and plentifulelectricity and
In 1927, the same year that The Jazz Singer became the firsttalkie, a group of film and studio visionaries organized TheAcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. What the Academy beganin 1927 has led to a 75 year parade of glitz, glamour, stars,stargazing, envy, embarrassment, tears, turmoil, controversy,cattiness, style, silliness, excitement and over-the-top emotion asonly Hollywood can serve up. Nowhere has the history of the Oscarsbeen chronicled so lavishly as in the pages of Life, and so, in theSpring of 2003, Life will publish a special celebratory edition:OSCAR! 75 Years of the Academy Awards.