本书系统地介绍了有关社会变迁的主要理论观点,清晰、准确地分析了社会变迁的原由、发展、模式及其对社会的影响,考察了在多元文化背景下促进或妨碍社会变迁的诸多因素,对促成变迁的方法及其评估方式进行了详细描述,同时对社会变迁中的重大现实问题,如国际恐怖组织、伊拉克战争等进行了深入的探讨和分析。 本书广泛借鉴了人类学、社会心理学、经济学、政治科学和历史学等领域的有关理论,进一步拓展了研究的深度与广度。 新版广泛参考了采用此书的教师和学生的建议,在保持原结构体系不变的前提下进行了内容的充实与修订,关键思想有了新的深入。
Combining orthodox mysteries with those of the paranormal, this engrossing compendium of the history of scientific mysteries and enigmas ranges from the origin of the universe to its ultimate fate Answering the questions How did the universe begin and how will it end? What happens to us when we die? and Do intelligent beings exist elsewhere in our galaxy and beyond?, this clear, informative, and entertaining book presents some of the most intriguing mysteries in the history of science. Some of these enigmas have been solved through the ingenuity of their investigators; others are so strange as to suggest no easy solution and have given rise to equally bizarre speculations. From the Tunguska explosion of 1908 to the enigma of the moon’s origin, from the possibility of time travel to the search for zero-point energy, the many theories and speculations that have been presented to account for the mystery of the world are examined. Each chapter deals with an enigma that has caused wonder, excitement, or fear
Giovanni Bellini was the dominate painter of Early RenaissanceVenice. This volume brings together commissioned essays that focuson important topics and themes in Bellini's career. They include aconsideration of Bellini's position in the social and professionallife of early modern Venice; reassessments of his artisticrelationships with his brother-in-law Mantegna, with Flemishpainting, and with the "modern style" that emerged in Italy around1500; and explorations of Bellini's approaches to sculpture andarchitecture, and to landscape and color, elements that have alwaysbeen recognized as central to his pictorial genius.
"Tena's real-life stories are modern-day parables for the lessons horses have to teach us: Learn from your mistakes, trust your instincts and, above all, have fun. Some stories made me laugh out loud as I recalled being in similar predicaments. Others touched an emotional chord and made me cry. I came away from them longing to be in the nurturing presence of horses, soaking up all they have to offer—and always becoming a better person for it." —Stacey Nedrow-Wigmore, Managing Editor, Practical Horseman "This book captures the reader's attention and prompts a smile as each chapter concludes. Horsemen and non-horsemen alike will find the pages easy to read, inspiring, and down-to-earth as we are reminded to treasure all of life's experiences and practical lessons." —Coagi Long, Program Director, Equine Affaire A tribute to horses and a treasure for horse-lovers This unique book shares life lessons lovingly learned in the company of horses—universal lessons about facing a
Have you ever wanted to set up your own totally cool club?Then check out this fabulous book to guide you on your way.
Rhetoric thoroughly infused the world and literature ofGraeco-Roman antiquity. This Companion provides a comprehensiveoverview of rhetorical theory and practice in that world, fromHomer to early Christianity, accessible to students andnon-specialists, whether within classics or from other periods anddisciplines. Its basic premise is that rhetoric is less a discreteobject to be grasped and mastered than a hotly contested set ofpractices that include disputes over the very definition ofrhetoric itself. Standard treatments of ancient oratory tend totake it too much in its own terms and to isolate it unduly fromother social and cultural concerns. This volume provides anoverview of the shape and scope of the problems while alsoidentifying core themes and propositions: for example, persuasion,virtue, and public life are virtual constants. But they mix andmingle differently, and the contents designated by each of theseterms can also shift.
The tormenting of the body by the troubled mind, hysteria isamong the most pervasive of human disorders - yet at the same timeit is the most elusive. Freud's recognition that hysteria stemmedfrom traumas in the patient's past transformed the way we thinkabout sexuality. "Studies in Hysteria" is one of the founding textsof psychoanalysis, revolutionizing our understanding of love,desire and the human psyche.
If you work nonstop without a break...worry about offending others and back down too easily...explain too much when asked for information....or "poll" your friends and colleagues before making a decision, chances are you have been bypassed for promotions and ignored when you expressed your ideas. Although you may not be aware of it, girlish behaviors such as these are sabotaging your career! Dr. Lois Frankel reveals why some women roar ahead in their careers while others stagnate. She's spotted a unique set of behaviors--101 in all--that women learn in girlhood that sabotage them as adults. Now, in this groudbreaking guide, she helps you eliminate these unconscious mistakes that could be holding you back--and offers invaluable coaching tips you can easily incorporate into your social and business skills. If you recognize and change the behaviors that say "girl" not "woman", the results will pay off in carrer opportunites you never thought possible--and in an image that identifies you as someone with the powe
The only thing wrong with this readable, funny memoir of a magazine writer's yearlong travels across the world in search of pleasure and balance is that it seems so much like a Jennifer Aniston movie. Like Jen, Liz is a plucky blond American woman in her thirties with no children and no major money worries. As the book opens, she is going through a really bad divorce and subsequent stormy rebound love affair. Awash in tears in the middle of the night on the floor of the bathroom, she begins to pray for guidance, "you know -- like, to God." God answers. He tells her to go back to bed. I started seeing the Star headlines: "Jen's New Faith!" "What Really Happened at the Ashram!" "Jen's Brazilian Sugar Daddy -- Exclusive Photos!" Please understand that Gilbert, whose earlier nonfiction book, The Last American Man, portrayed a contemporary frontiersman, is serious about her quest. But because she never leaves her self-deprecating humor at home, her journey out of depression and toward belief lacks a certain gravit
A great master of the early Renaissance, Piero della Francescacre-ated paintings for ecclesiastics, confraternities, andillustriousnobles throughout the Italian peninsula. Since the earlytwentiethcentury, the rational space, abstract designs, lucidillumination,and naturalistic details of his pictures haveattracted a wide audi-ence. Piero's treatises on mathematics andperspective also fasci-nate scholars in a wide range ofdisciplines. The Cambridge Com-panion to Piero della Francescabrings together new essays thatoffer a synthesis and overview ofPiero's life and accomplishmentsas a painter and theoretician. Theyexplore a variety of themesassociated with the artist's career,including the historical and reli-gious circumstances surroundingPiero's altarpieces and frescoes;the politics underlying hisportraits; the significance of clothing inhis paintings; theinfluence of his theories on perspective andmathematics; and theartist's enduring fascination for modernpainters and writers.
In December 1978, at the 1 l th Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party,the Central Committee under Dang Xiaoping embarked on a policy of reformthat opened the doors to the rest of the world, helping to make China the economic superpower it is today and transforming the lives of its people. For the few foreign business people who have been engaged with China since this time, the changes have been equally dramatic My Thirty Years in China is a compilation of true-life stories by foreign nationals, allindividually successful in their chosen field of business, who have been pioneers in living and working in this challenging country. Their memories and insights - sometimes comic, sometimes sad- recall the joys and frustrations of their adopted home and paint a fascinating picture of what has changed in China over the past three decades - and what has not.
August Strindberg is one of the most enduring ofnineteenth-century dramatists, and is also an internationallyrecognised novelist, autobiographer, and painter. This Companionpresents contributions by leading international scholars ondifferent aspects of Strindberg's highly colourful life and work.The essays focus primarily on his most celebrated plays; theseinclude the Naturalist Dramas, The Father and Miss Julie; theexperimental dramas with which he created a true modernist theatre– To Damascus and A Dream Play; and the Chamber Plays of 1908which, like so much of his work, exerted a powerful influence onmuch later twentieth-century drama. His plays are contextualisedfor what they contribute both to the history of drama anddevelopments in theatre practice, and other essays clarify theenormous importance to these dramas of his other work, most notablythe autobiographical novel Inferno, and his lifelong interest inscience, the occult, sexual politics, and the visual arts. · Includes a detailed ch
The only official verbal review for the GMAT from the creatorsof the test Anyone preparing for the Graduate Management AdmissionTest(r) (GMAT) knows it's important to study with the experts. WithThe Official GMAT Verbal Review, 2nd Edition, you'll get questions,answers, and explanations straight from the source. The onlyofficial verbal review for the GMAT Exam, this book targets yourstudy and helps you improve your verbal skills by focusing on yourability to read and comprehend written material, to reason andevaluate arguments, and to correct written material to conform tostandard English. Inside, you'll find: * 300 actual questions frompast GMAT tests, including 75 questions new to this edition *Sections on Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, and SentenceCorrection * Questions organized in order of difficulty to savestudy time
Teaches students of all ages the basics of phonics with atime-tested, foolproof method This tenth edition of the best-selling book teaches reading usingsounds and spelling patterns. These sounds and patterns areintroduced one at a time, and slowly built into words, syllables,phrases, and sentences. Simple step-by-step directions begin everylesson. Although originally designed for K-2 emergent readers, thisaward-winning book is also successfully being used with adolescentand adult learners, as well as second language learners andstudents with learning disabilities. Wise and humorous proverbsencourage virtues such as patience, perseverance, honesty,kindness, compassion, courage, and loyalty. Offers help for all students including those with learningdisabilities or very short attention spans Includes extensive examples, word lists, and practice readingsthat are 100% decodable Uses a multisensory method that benefits all learningstyles This bestselling, much-loved book offers
The NEW edition of the best–selling guide to the GMAT Test.The Official Guide to the GMAT, 13th Edition will be the firstguide on the market that contains official questions from the newIntegrated Reasoning component being fully integrated into the testin June 2012. Because this component is more interactive than othercore components in the GMAT exam (Verbal, Quantitative, andAnalytical Writing), the Integrated Reasoning practice questionswill be housed on a companion website that readers will be able toaccess after purchasing the book. In addition, 20% of the current questions will be replaced – allwith official questions used on actual GMAT exams – more than 800questions are included!. No other GMAT study guide can providethis. The book will publish three months before the new test isintegrated and will be the only guide on the market to includestudy information and practice questions written by the writers ofthe test. To use the Integrated Reasoning companion website, you must have
The Eagles are the bestselling, and arguably the tightest-lipped, American group ever. Now band member and guitarist Don Felder finally breaks the Eagles’ years of public silence to take fans behind the scenes. He shares every part of the band’s wild ride, from the pressure-packed recording studios and trashed hotel rooms to the tension-filled courtrooms, and from the joy of writing powerful new songs to the magic of performing in huge arenas packed with roaring fans.
Packing spheres, Reversi, braids, polyominoes, board games, andthe puzzles of Lewis Carroll. These and other mathematicaldiversions return to readers with updates to all the chapters,including new game variations, mathematical proofs, and otherdevelopments and discoveries. Read about Knuth's Word Laddersprogram and the latest developments in the digits of pi. Once againthese timeless puzzles will charm readers while demonstratingprinciples of logic, probability, geometry, and other fields ofmathematics.
'Laughter', says Eric Weitz, 'may be considered one of themost extravagant physical effects one person can have on anotherwithout touching them'. But how do we identify something which ismeant to be comic, what defines something as 'comedy', and whatdoes this mean for the way we enter the world of a comic text?Addressing these issues, and many more, this is a 'how to' guide toreading comedy from the pages of a dramatic text, with relevance toanything from novels and newspaper columns to billboards andemails. The book enables you to enhance your grasp of the comicthrough familiarity with characteristic structures and patterns,referring to comedy in literature, film and television throughout.Perfect for drama and literature students, this Introductionexplores a genre which affects the everyday lives of us all, andwill therefore also capture the interest of anyone who loves tolaugh.
This book is an unrivalled indictment of the banality of mass culture - Adorno's finest essays are collected here, offering the reader unparalleled insights into Adorno's thoughts on culture.
Are you getting the most learning value from visuals?Thoroughly revised and updated, Graphics for Learning is thesecond edition of the bestselling book that summarizes theguidelines for the best use of graphics for instructionalmaterials, including multimedia, texts, working aids, and slides.The guidelines are based on the most current empirical scientificresearch and are illustrated with a wealth of examples from diversetraining materials. The authors show how to plan illustrations forvarious types of content, including facts, concepts, processes,procedures, and principles. The book also discusses technical andenvironmental factors that will influence how instructionalprofessionals can apply the guidelines to their trainingprojects.
True fulfillment in life doesn't come solely from success at the office or happiness at home; it comes from both. What if there was a way for you to balance the pressures and demands of work against the needs of your personal life—while simultaneously increasing your success at living and working? There is a way, and The Power of You! is it. Scott Martineau shows that real, sustainable happiness and personal growth can only come about when you do powerful inner work, challenging old beliefs, habits, and patterns that no longer serve you. The Power of You! addresses the needs of today's busy professionals with tools, techniques, skills, and a philosophy that does away with short-term fixes and cheap emotional highs. Together, these tools and tactics provide a comprehensive guide to ultimate balance, happiness, and wealth for anyone who wants to understand what it takes to succeed and be happy in the twenty-first century. The Power of You! is a self-help book like no other. In addition to
Since her death in 1979, Jean Rhys's reputation as an importantmodernist author has grown. Her finely crafted prose fiction lendsitself to multiple interpretations from radically differentcritical perspectives; formalism, feminism, and postcolonialstudies among them. This Introduction offers a reliable andstimulating account of her life, work, contexts and criticalreception. Her masterpiece, Wide Sargasso Sea, is analyzed togetherwith her other novels, including Quartet and After Leaving MrMackenzie, and her short stories. Through close readings of theworks, Elaine Savory reveals their common themes and connects theseto different critical approaches. The book maps Rhys's fictionaluse of the actual geography of Paris, London and the Caribbean,showing how key understanding her relationships with themetropolitan and colonial spheres is to reading her texts. In thisinvaluable introduction for students, Savory explains thesignificance of Rhys as a writer both in her lifetime andtoday.