《中国进行时》是一本面向海外读者展现当代中国的全英文读物。共收录20篇不同话题的深度文章,从海外的独特视角,看中国社会发展、城市化进程、艺术、时尚和美食等。该书全部以英文原创写作,文笔优美,内容生动。皆为实地采访,一手资料。每一篇故事都反映当代中国人的真实内心,亦包含来自普通人和专家的观点和意见,是 讲好中国故事,传播中国声音 的优秀作品。该书由《汉语世界》杂志社中外合作的专业团队合力策划、编辑和出版。作者是十余位来自来自中国、加拿大、英国、美国、韩国的资深专栏作家,他们都有多年的中国报道经验,在国际传媒领域享有良好的口碑。 A rising superpower. A billion customers. The factory of the world. China is rarely out of the international spotlight, but seldom does anyone hear from the human actors that live out its incredible modern transformations. For over a
Well known for coining the term 'Global Village', MarshallMcLuhan's thinking was, and still is, revolutionary. His theories,many of which are illustrated in this astonishing 'inventory ofeffects', force us to question how modes of communication haveshaped society. This is an astonishing work by a truly astonishingman. "The Penguin on Design" series includes the works of creativethinkers whose writings on art, design and the media have changedour vision forever. This is one of four books in that series.
On March 23, 2003, in the city of An Nasiriyah, Iraq, membersof the 507th Maintenance Company came under attack from Iraqiforces who killed or wounded twenty-one soldiers and took sixprisoners, including Private Jessica Lynch. For the next week, AnNasiriyah rocked with battle as the marines of Task Force Tarawafought Saddam's fanatical followers, street by street and buildingto building, ultimately rescuing Private Lynch.