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    • 【正版】吾国与吾民中英双语上下全两册
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    • 林语堂著 /2017-06-01/ 湖南文艺出版社
    • 《吾国与吾民》My?Country?and?My?People又名《中国人》,是林语堂在西方文坛的成名作与代表作。该用坦率幽默的笔调、睿智通达的语言娓娓道出了中国人的道德、精神状态与向往,以及中国的社会、文艺与生活情趣。? ????该书将中国人的性格、心灵、理想、生活、政治、社会、艺术剖析得非常美妙,并与西方人的性格,理想、生活等做了相应的广泛深入的比较,在海内外引起轰动,美国许多知名人士推崇备至。被译成多种文字,在世界各国广泛流传。

    • ¥58.9 ¥83.36 折扣:7.1折
    • 坏事变好事:大众文化让我们变得更聪明【可开电子发票】
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    • (美)约翰逊,苑爱玲 /2006-09-01/ 中信出版社
    • 本书的作者约翰逊吸收了经济学、神经系统科学、传媒学的理论,指出人们唯恐避之不及的 垃圾 文化其实正使人类变得更聪明。他认为,一款电子游戏、一部影视剧不可能像一本书,也没有理由 渴望 成为一本书。事实证明,从游戏《俄罗斯方块》到影视剧《反恐24小时》,再到真人秀节目《学徒》(The Apprentice),都提高了人们的lQ值与认知能力,而这些未必能从书本中学到。约翰逊以实例证明了当今的大众文化不是在衰退,而是在变化 似令人兴奋而刺激的方式在变化,这一点可以从我们日常生活中轻松地理解。 游戏、电影、电视、网络这些大众文化是否像传统看法认为的那样庸俗、肤浅?在《坏事变好事》这本书中,著名畅销书作家、文化学者史蒂文 约翰逊提出了与众不同的观点,他认为我们每天沉浸其中的大众文化,在逐年变得成熟,它所带来的认知挑

    • ¥53.9 ¥120 折扣:4.5折
    • 大学现代化之路【正版保证】
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    • 李工真著 /2013-08-01/ 商务印书馆
    • 《大学现代化之路》的内容主要基于作者从2005年起在武汉大学开设的一门全校公选的通识课。本书系统讲述了自12世纪以来的欧美大学史,尤其是自1810年柏林大学创建以来的现代化大学发展史。书中详尽地讲述欧美大学现代化的发展历程,分析了大学现代化的本质特点及其与科学文化发展的密切关系。通过阅读本书有助于读者充分理解大学现代化的真正内涵,吸取人类现代教育科学发展史的经验教训。

    • ¥54.96 ¥222.87 折扣:2.5折
    • 逝去的武林:1934年的求武纪事【正版保证】
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    • 徐皓峰著;李仲轩著 /2006-11-01/ 当代中国出版社
    • 一代武学宗师,为什么竟甘愿做西单商场一个普通的看门人?而在人生的最后几年,他为什么又突然开口,大公无私地将自己毕生经验和盘托出?本书讲述您不知道的武林故事,讲述在那个武术被称为国术的时代,中国传统武者的爱恨情仇。在不经意间,您也许会忽然明白,我们中国人,原来竟也是尚武的! 书中有武林事件,有老一辈武者的思维意识,更有区别于西方体育、为我中华所独有的训练体系。武术来源于道家文化,但当今往往练武是练武、道学是道学,武术失去了上通道学的途径,此书则把两者沟通在一起,说出了武术的无限进境。 李仲轩先生年轻时,拜入三位形意拳大师门下,后退隐几十年,未曾受过武术表演化和商品化潮流的侵扰,他所见证的三位大师的生活、功夫造诣,令人窥见了原汁原味的中华武学。 李仲轩先生生于书香门第,

    • ¥60.1 ¥434 折扣:1.4折
    • 廖平卷中国近代思想家文库【正版保证】
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    • 蒙默编;蒙怀敬编 /2015-05-01/ 中国人民大学出版社
    • 廖平先生深通六经,洞彻天人,能阐孔孟遗言,承周汉绝学。时值国社危于累卵,举国莫不思变图强,群以六艺为用之学,震眩于先生多变之论,鲜能得其旨要,甚者更以怪诞视之。而先生独能度越群伦,以“推倒一时,开拓万古;光被四表,周流六虚”自许,首揭“素王改制”为经学微言大义之核心;以《王制》为主脑,遍说群经,择善取同,新义创制,冀以保国、保种、保教,救亡而图存;且能顺应时代之变易,发展其改制理论之内涵;晚年更萌生突破六经藩篱之微意,自改制而进谈说革命,一扫魏晋以来近两千年传统经学之迂腐积习,开创一途辙新颖、立论高远独特之新经学。编者本此意选录先生讲论以为此卷,天学之论亦略备之,医经、刑法则概不与。

    • ¥53.53 ¥319.44 折扣:1.7折
    • 建构主义教育研究【正版图书 无忧售后】
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    • 高文编;徐斌艳编;吴刚编 /2008-02-01/ 教育科学出版社
    • 建构主义以人类历史的长时间视点、人类实践的宽维度关照,提出了知识和学习的建构性特点,解释了知识的生产和学习——从人类整体看和从个体的人看——何以可能,探讨了如何以此为基点对学习和教育进行设计。 《建构主义教育研究》汇集了近几年我国学者对于建构主义教育进行理论追踪与建构、实践探索与创新的成果。全书分为关于教育中建构主义的理论与理论基础研究,建构主义视野中的学习、课程与教学,建构主义与学科课程教学设计,建构主义课程与教学案例研究,关于建构主义教育的反思与建构五个部分,为不同层面的教育研究者和实践者深入理解建构主义教育提供了全景式的参照。

    • ¥60.1 ¥434 折扣:1.4折
    • 辑殡葬学科丛书:殡葬公共关系学0442Z 沈明德著;丁长有著 中国社会出版社【正版书】
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    • 沈明德著;丁长有著 /2014-10-01/ 中国社会出版社
    • 《殡葬学科丛书:殡葬公共关系学》中介绍了殡葬业属于服务业的范畴,而且是服务业中一个特殊的永恒的行业。殡葬服务是一个专业服务领域,并与许多科学技术专业密切相关。殡葬业要发展,需要一大批掌握专业知识和技术、适应殡葬业发展需求的专门人才和高素质员工。 殡葬业要加快发展,就必须贯彻落实“以人为本”的科学发展观和“科教兴国”战略,加强科学技术研究和专业教育,加速培养一大批殡葬专业人才和高素质员工。要把殡葬业和殡葬活动作为科学技术研究对象,广泛深入地进行有关理论研究,将日新月异的现代科学技术成果应用到殡葬行业中来。要加强教育和培训,培养专业人才,提高殡葬业从业人员素质,提高殡葬服务专业化水平。系统、科学

    • ¥64.46 ¥139.12 折扣:4.6折
    • Chairlie Chaplin 查理·卓别林
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    • David Robinson M.A sol Dr 著 /2006-09-01/
    • The unparalleled career of the Little Tramp Charles Chaplin’s Little Tramp is the supreme icon of motion pictures—still recognized and loved throughout the world, more than 90 years since he first burst on the screen. The shabby little figure—with derby hat, too-tight jacket, oversized boots and pants, dandified bow tie, and swagger cane—seemed to symbolize the hopes and fears, defeats and optimism of all humanity. Chaplin’s own biography was a rags-to-riches story that saw the product of a destitute childhood in Victorian London become one of Hollywood’s first millionaires and the owner of his own studio before he was 30. His supreme gift was to transform his experience and knowledge of the human lot into comedy, for which his invention and skill have never been surpassed.

    • ¥68.6 折扣:8.8折
    • SWIMMING FOR TOTAL FITNESS(ISBN=9780385468213) 英文原版
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    • Jane Katz 等著 /1993-04-01/ Random House US
    • A progressive program for those who want to learn to swim,as well as for swimmers at every level. Katz explains how to swimin detail and offers drills to improve stroke techniques, tops onimproving starts and turns, and a series of progressive workoutsdesigned to increase the athlete's strength and stamina. Linedrawings throughout.

    • ¥63.8 折扣:3.5折
    • HEALING DIGESTIVE DISORDERS(ISBN=9781556437434) 英文原版
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    • Andrew Gaeddert 著 /2008-11-01/ Random House US
    • Irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, colitis, hepatitis,heartburn—these are only a few of the gastrointestinal disordersthat affect tens of millions of Americans. Despite theirprevalence, these conditions have proven difficult to treat withstandard medical approaches. In this updated guide, Andrew Gaeddertoffers a wealth of natural remedies and lifestyle changes that havehelped thousands to alleviate symptoms and heal their bodies, onestep at a time. Drawing on his extensive clinical experience,Gaeddert covers such topics as herbs and vitamins, Chinesemedicine, meditation, and environmental triggers that affectdigestion, helping the reader make sense of the daunting array ofnatural healing techniques. Case studies illustrate how the author’s clients were able toreduce or eliminate their digestive problems, enjoy greater energy,and reduce discomfort by learning how to identify foodsensitivities, develop a tolerance for certain foods, preventnegative reactions to food, and use rotation diets and a

    • ¥57.8 折扣:3.5折
    • Plain, Honest Men(ISBN=9780812976847) 英文原版
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    • Richard Beeman 著 /2010-02-01/ Random House US
    • In May 1787, in an atmosphere of crisis, delegates met inPhiladelphia to design a radically new form of government.Distinguished historian Richard Beeman captures as never before thedynamic of the debate and the characters of the men who laboredthat historic summer. Virtually all of the issues in dispute—theextent of presidential power, the nature of federalism, and, mostexplosive of all, the role of slavery—have continued to provokeconflict throughout our nation's history. This unprecedented booktakes readers behind the scenes to show how the world's mostenduring constitution was forged through conflict, compromise, andfragile consensus. As Gouverneur Morris, delegate of Pennsylvania,noted: "While some have boasted it as a work from Heaven, othershave given it a less righteous origin. I have many reasons tobelieve that it is the work of plain, honest men."

    • ¥55 折扣:3.5折
    • FRENCH DON'T DIET PLAN, THE(ISBN=9780307336521)
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    • Dr. William Clower 著 /2006-12-01/ Random House US
    • Wouldn’t you rather savor a buttery croissant instead ofinhaling an artificially flavored diet shake? Isn’t taking arelaxing stroll preferable to pounding out early morning miles onthe treadmill? The French live this way, yet stay thin and healthy.Now, with The French Don’t Diet Plan, you can, too! In his groundbreaking book, The Fat Fallacy, Dr. Will Clower wasthe first to present a theory of how the French maintain lowobesity and heart disease rates despite their seemingly “unhealthy”lifestyle. Dr. Clower learned that the French don’t worry aboutdieting but rather are more concerned with how they eat. That meanspaying attention to the taste, pacing, and enjoyment of meals,instead of counting calories, cutting fat and carbs, or takingguilt trips to the gym. With The PATH, his revolutionary weight-loss plan, Dr. Clower hashelped thousands of people lose weight, lower cholesterol, andincrease energy. Now, in The French Don’t Diet Plan, Dr. Clowershows how easy it is to incorpor

    • ¥60.5 折扣:5折
    • MAXIMUM HEALING(ISBN=9781556439223) 英文原版
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    • H. Robert Silverstein M.D. 著 /2010-09-01/ Random House US
    • Based on his CAIM(Complementary-Alternative-Integrative-Medicine) approach, Dr. H.Robert Silverstein outlines a program that integrates modernmedical practices with alternative and ancient forms of healing.Recalling the work of Andrew Weil and Larry Dossey, the book arguesthat our self-healing mechanism—the immune system—is more powerfulthan we think. If we make wise diet and lifestyle changes, saysSilverstein, the immune system can function at an optimal level,restoring health and preventing future illnesses. Part I explores the five keys to health—five critical domains thataffect the immune system: the quality of our air, water, and food;the degree of physical activity we engage in; and the degree ofpositive feelings and stability in our psychological and emotionallives. Providing a clear de*ion of the immune system, the bookdetails the elements of good health, which include healing foods,minerals, antioxidants, herbs, physical activity, and the avoidanceof unrealistic thinking. Part II contains a t

    • ¥51.9 折扣:3.6折
    • French Cheeses
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    • Kazuko Masui 著 /2000-10-01/
    • The magnificent illustrations in this book are characteristic of the "Eyewitness Handbook" series: glossy color photographs, so finely reproduced that the subtlest shades of white, beige, gray, yellow and brown come alive. A complimentary foreword by the great chef Joel Robuchon concurs. Beyond the excellent visuals, however, is voluminous information on over 350 cheeses made in France. A concise introduction serves not only as a guide to interpreting each entry's economically arranged information but also to alert the reader that attention will be given to methods of production, aroma, taste, fat content, milk-type, and the ideal accompanying drinks. Included are a small glossary, a short bibliography, and even a directory of French cheese shops and markets at the end. Don't be put off by the somewhat narrow subject?here is a necessary selection for any collection with a sophisticated respect for food.?Wendy Miller, Lexington P.L., Ky. Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc.

    • ¥52.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Audrey Hepburn Amazing Grace 奥黛丽-赫本
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    • F X Feeney 著 /2006-09-01/ Taschen
    • The Hollywood Icon series: People talk about Hollywood glamour, about studios that had more stars than there are in heaven, about actors who weren't actors but were icons. Other people talk about these things, TASCHEN shows you. Hollywood Icons is a series of photo books that feature the most famous movie icons in the history of cinema. These 192-page books are visual biographies of the stars. For each title, series editor Paul Duncan has painstaking selected approximately 150 high quality enigmatic and sumptuous portraits, colorful posters and lobby cards, rare film stills, and previously unpublished candid photos showing the stars as they really are. These images are accompanied by concise introductory essays by leading film writers; each book also includes a chronology, a filmography, and a bibliography, and is peppered with apposite quotes from the movies and from life.

    • ¥68.6 折扣:8.8折