本书以风趣的语言,对馆藏在12个省的23件国家级珍贵文物进行详细介绍,并配以精致的手绘文物高清插图,以及可爱搞笑的小故事、典故、知识点插图。正文生动幽默地讲述了许多文物背后鲜为人知的故事、制作工艺、相关的历史文化等等,兼具人文性、知识性和艺术性,令读者爱上国宝,爱上中华文明。This book gives fascinating details of 23 national level cultural relics treasured in 12 provinces and autonomous regions of China. Hand-drawn high definition illustrations are accompanied by anecdotes, notes and dialogues. With humor and insight, the book traces back each artifact s history, technique, cultural and historical background. The book is a fine combination of humanity, knowledge and art, helping young readers to fall in love with the national treasures and the Chinese civilization.
中国人习惯用生肖来计算年龄,而且这一习惯已延续上千年了。生肖陪伴人们那么久,由它回望古代先民,能看到生活智慧的光芒。本书从生肖的来历、排名开始,再分别介绍十二生肖。十二生肖,一个生肖一年,十二年轮回,正体现着古时的天文历法、岁时礼俗。而每一个生肖又有自己的历史、不同时代的不同作用以及人们赋予的文化内涵。Chinese people are used to count age by the zodiac animals, and this is a habit thousands of years old. Through the time-honored Chinese zodiac, we can catch a glimpse of the ancient wisdom in everyday life. Starting from the origin and the order of the zodiac, this book introduces and digs deep into the twelve zodiac. Each animal represents a year, and each has its own history, function and cultural meanings in different times. Altogether, the twelve animals form a twelve-year cycle, reflecting the astronomical calendar and cultural customs of our ancestors in
自2006年开始,黄永玉先生为每年都创作14幅图文生肖作品,当中结合着文化掌故、历史典故、传说故事、社会问题的思考,也融入了黄老个人的生命体验与艺术态度,12年共创作168幅,整整十二生肖一个圆满,幽默诙谐中不失诗意趣味,灵动鲜活中包孕生活智慧与哲理,同时也以黄老自己的创新意识入画,契合现时代吉祥文化心理需求,以及民俗文化心理需求,很好地诠释了 生而肖似 的生肖文化理念。
中国人习惯用生肖来计算年龄,而且这一习惯已延续上千年了。生肖陪伴人们那么久,由它回望古代先民,能看到生活智慧的光芒。本书从生肖的来历、排名开始,再分别介绍十二生肖。十二生肖,一个生肖一年,十二年轮回,正体现着古时的天文历法、岁时礼俗。而每一个生肖又有自己的历史、不同时代的不同作用以及人们赋予的文化内涵。Chinese people are used to count age by the zodiac animals, and this is a habit thousands of years old. Through the time-honored Chinese zodiac, we can catch a glimpse of the ancient wisdom in everyday life. Starting from the origin and the order of the zodiac, thiook introduces and digs deep into the twelve zodiac. Each animal represents a year, and each has its own history, function and cultural meanings in different times. Altogether, the twelve animals form a twelve-year cycle, reflecting the astronomical calendar and cultural customs of our ancestors in the
本书以风趣的语言,对馆藏在12个省的23件珍贵文物进行详细介绍,并配以精致的手绘文物高清插图,以及可爱搞笑的小故事、典故、知识点插图。正文生动幽默地讲述了许多文物背后鲜为人知的故事、制作工艺、相关的历史文化等等,兼具人文性、知识性和艺术性,令读者爱上国宝,爱上中华文明。This book gives fascinating details of 23 national level cultural relics treasured in 12 provinces and autonomous regions of China. Hand-drawn high definition illustrations are acpanied by anecdotes, notes and dialogues. With humor and insight, the book traces back each artifact’s history, technique, cultural and historical background. The book is a fine bination of humanity, knowledge and art, helping young readers to fall in love with the national treasures and the Chinese civilization.