《利玛窦》是一个人的传奇,更是一个时代的剪影。十六世纪地理大发现之后.中西文化交流进入了一个全新的时代。一五八三年.意大利传教士利玛窦运用“文化适应”的传教策略,成功地进入了中国内地,从而揭开了明末清初中西文化交流的高潮。《利玛窦》讲述的就是这位传奇人物为了实现他在晚明中国传教的梦想,不断认识、不断适应中国文化的故事。 面对当今中西文化交流的诸多困惑,把眼光放长一点,回到利玛窦时代,来重新认识与思考中西文化的异同.这可以让我们用一种历史的、客观的眼光来给传统文化定位,用开放的、发展的眼光来看待文化交流与冲突。
The Battle of Iwo Jima, fought in the winter of 1945 on arocky island south of Japan, brought a ferocious slice of hell toearth: in a month's time, more than 22,000 Japanese soldiers woulddie defending a patch of ground a third the size of Manhattan,while nearly 26,000 Americans fell taking it from them. The battlewas a turning point in the war in the Pacific, and it produced oneof World War II's enduring images: a photograph of six soldiersraising an American flag on the flank of Mount Suribachi, theisland's commanding high point. One of those young Americans was John Bradley, a Navy corpsmanwho a few days before had braved enemy mortar and machine-gun fireto administer first aid to a wounded Marine and then drag him tosafety. For this act of heroism Bradley would receive the NavyCross, an award second only to the Medal of Honor. Bradley, who died in 1994, never mentioned his feat to hisfamily. Only after his death did Bradley's son James begin to piecetogether the facts of his father's h
Ben Macintyre’s Agent Zigzag was hailed as “rollicking,spellbinding” ( New York Times ), “wildly improbable butentirely true” ( Entertainment Weekly ), and, quite simply,“the best book ever written” ( Boston Globe ). In his newbook, Operation Mincemeat , he tells an extraordinary storythat will delight his legions of fans. In 1943, from a windowless basement office in London, two brilliantintelligence officers conceived a plan that was both simple andcomplicated— Operation Mincemeat. The purpose? To deceive the Nazisinto thinking that Allied forces were planning to attack southernEurope by way of Greece or Sardinia, rather than Sicily, as theNazis had assumed, and the Allies ultimately chose. Charles Cholmondeley of MI5 and the British naval intelligenceofficer Ewen Montagu could not have been more different.Cholmondeley was a dreamer seeking adventure. Montagu was anaristocratic, detail-oriented barrister. But together they were theperfect team and created an ingenious plan: Get a corp
As a young boy he re-enacted historic battles with toysoldiers, as a soldier he saw action on three continents, and asthe Prime Minister only a direct edict from King George VI couldkeep him from joining the troops on D-Day. Churchill's War Lab reveals how Churchill's passion for militaryhistory, his unique leadership style, and his patronization ofradical new ideas would lead to new technology and new tactics thatwould save lives and enable an Allied victory. No war generatedmore incredible theories, more technical advances, more scientificleaps, or more pioneering work that lay the foundation for thepost-war computer revolution. And it was Churchill's doggeddetermination and enthusiasm for revolutionary ideas that fuelledthis extraordinary outpouring of British genius. From the coauthorof Cold War comes an exciting new take on Churchill's warleadership and the story of a complex, powerful and inventive warleader.
Victor David Hanson, author of the highly regarded classic TheWestern Way of War, presents an audacious and controversial theoryof what contributes to the success of military campaigns. Examining in riveting detail the campaigns of three brilliantgenerals who led largely untrained forces to victory overtyrannical enemies, Hanson shows how the moral confidence withwhich these generals imbued their troops may have been assignificant as any military strategy they utilized. Theban generalEpaminondas marched an army of farmers two hundred miles to defeattheir Spartan overlords and forever change the complexion ofAncient Greece. William Tecumseh Sherman led his motley army acrossthe South, ravaging the landscape and demoralizing the citizens inthe defense of right. And George S. Patton commanded the recentlyformed Third Army against the German forces in the West, nearlycompleting the task before his superiors called a halt. Intelligentand dramatic, The Soul of Battle is narrative history at it’s best
"Brilliant . . . Indispensable." LosAngeles Times Here is the story of the rise and fall of the notorious Bonannocrime family of New York as only best-selling author Gay Talesecould tell it.
In the tradition of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, the authorof the highly acclaimed The Winter People tells the moving, searingstory of the betrayal and brutal dispossession of the CherokeeNation. "(A) beautifully written and emotionally mature book . . .a must."--New York Newsday.
Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of Rome (27 BC AD 14),brought peace and prosperity to his city after decades of savagecivil war. This selection from Cassius Dio's Roman History givesthe fullest de*ion of that long struggle and ultimate triumphdetailing the brutal battles and political feuds that led to thecollapse of Rome's 400-year-old republic, and Augustus' subsequentreign as emperor. Included are accounts of military campaigns fromEthiopia to Yugoslavia, and of long conflict with Antony andCleopatra. With skill and artistry, Dio brings to life manyspeeches from the era among them Augustus' damning indictment ofAntony's passion for the Egyptian queen and provides a fascinatingaccount of the debate between the great general Agrippa andMaecenas on the virtues of republicanism and monarchy.
First published in 1946, History of Western Philosophy went onto become the best-selling philosophy book of the twentiethcentury. A dazzlingly ambitious project, it remains unchallenged tothis day as the ultimate introduction to Western philosophy.Providing a sophisticated overview of the ideas that have perplexedpeople from time immemorial, Russell's History of WesternPhilosophy offered a cogent précis of its subject. Of course thiscannot be the only reason it ended up the best selling philosophybook of the twentieth century. Russell's book was 'long on wit,intelligence and curmudgeonly scepticism', as the New York Timesnoted, and it is this, coupled with the sheer brilliance of itsscholarship, that has made Russell's History of Western Philosophyone of the most important philosophical works of all time.
In this galvanizing account of the most dramatic of theArab-Israeli hostilities, Abraham Rabinovich, who reported theconflict for the Jerusalem Post, transports us into the midst ofthe 1973 Yom Kippur War. Rabinovich’s masterly narrative begins as Israel convinces itselfthere will be no war, while Egypt and Syria plot the two-frontconflict. Then, on Yom Kippur, Saturday, October 6, 1973, we seeArab armies pouring across the shattered Bar-Lev Line in the Sinaiand through the Golan defenses. Even the famed Israeli air forcecould not stop them. On the Golan alone, Syria sent 1,460 tanksagainst Israel’s 177, and 115 artillery batteries against Israel’s11. And for the first time, footsoldiers wielding anti-tank weaponswere able to stop tank charges, while surface-to-air missilesprotected those troops from air attack Rabinovich takes us into this inferno and into the inner sanctumsof military and political decision making. He allows us to witnessthe dramatic turnaround that had the Syrians
An acclaimed historian offers an optimistic view of the futureof the United States in the light of Roman history Maybe the end of the American ascendancy is not upon us. Maybethe U.S. will continue to dominate the world for centuries. Nowaward-winning historian Thomas Madden delivers an optimistic viewof our nation's future. Madden shows that the power of the ancient Roman republic and theU.S. was built on trust between allies, not the conquest ofenemies. The far-reaching implications of this fact are essentialreading for anyone who cares about the challenges we face now andin the years ahead. Packed with stories from Roman history that offer amazinglyobvious and explicitly stated parallels to our recent history,Empires of Trust is a narrative pleasure and a hopefulinspiration.
A "compact, engrossing narrative"* that vividly reimagines theevents that led to the outbreak of the Civil War What separates historian Nelson D. Lankford's engagingexamination of the causes of the Civil War from other books on thesubject is its willingness to consider the alternativepossibilities to history. Cry Havoc! recounts in riveting detailthe small quirks of timing, character, and place that influencedthe huge trajectory of events during eight critical weeks fromLincoln's inauguration through the explosion at Fort Sumter and theembattled president's response to it. It addresses the what-ifs,the might-have-beens, and the individual personalities that playedinto circumstances-a chain of indecisions and miscalculations,influenced by swollen vanity and wishful thinking-that gave shapeto the dreadful conflict to come.
Shrewd, witty, and highly readable, this concise, accessibleanalysis by a professor of International Relations at Oxfordsurveys the volatile politics of the Middle East--and the role theUnited States and other great powers are playing in the region.
“Much more than a military history, this book is a detailedde*ion of daily life in wartime China.”— Air SpaceMagazine "A fine addition to our knowledge ofWorld War II, especially war in the Far East. . . Relatively fewFlying Tigers have written and published their view of 'how itreally was.' For readers interested in the China-Burma-Indiatheater in World War II or for those interested in exploring theflexibility of airpower, this book is a must.”— Air SpacePower Journal
The Road to Serfdom remains one of the all-time classics of twentieth-century intellectual thought. For over half a century, it has inspired politicians and thinkers around the world, and has had a crucial impact on our political and cultural history. With trademark brilliance, Hayek argues convincingly that, while socialist ideals may be tempting, they cannot be accomplished except by means that few would approve of. Addressing economics, fascism, history, socialism and the Holocaust, Hayek unwraps the trappings of socialist ideology. He reveals to the world that little can result from such ideas except oppression and tyranny. Today, more than fifty years on, Hayek's warnings are just as valid as when The Road to Serfdom was first published.
Africa has witnessed the birth of many important developmentsin history. Human evolution, including the use of fire, foodproduction via plant cultivation and animal domestication, as wellas the creation of sophisticated tools and hunting weapons fromiron took place in Africa. Other historical events such as theslave trade, which played a critical role in Western economicpower, the rise of Islam as one of the world's dominant religions,and colonization and struggles for independence occurred on Africansoil. Africans and Their History chronicles in fascinating detailAfrican history from prehistoric times through the present. Thisconcise and authoritative overview of the diverse peoples andsocieties of Africa now covers recent events, including theemergence of a free South Africa and its landmark enactment of aconstitution that recognizes even more rights than the Americanconstitution. The dynamic history and the relationship Africanshave with the rest of the world is revealed in Africans and TheirHistory
Lawyer, philosopher, statesman and defender of Rome'sRepublic, Cicero was a master of eloquence, and his pure literaryand oratorical style and strict sense of morality have been apowerful influence on European literature and thought for over twothousand years in matters of politics, philosophy, and faith. Thisselection demonstrates the diversity of his writings, and includesletters to friends and statesmen on Roman life and politics; thevitriolic Second Philippic Against Antony; and, his two most famousphilosophical treatises, "On Duties" and "On Old Age" - acelebration of his own declining years. Written at a time of brutalpolitical and social change, Cicero's lucid ethical writings formedthe foundation of the Western liberal tradition in political andmoral thought that continues to this day.
Case one: A little girl goes missing in the night. Case two: A beautiful young office worker falls victim to amaniac's apparently random attack. Case three: A new mother finds herself trapped in a hell of herown making - with a very needy baby and a very demanding husband -until a fit of rage creates a grisly, bloody escape. Thirty years after the first incident, as private investigatorJackson Brodie begins investigating all three cases, startlingconnections and discoveries emerge . . .