《沙特历史图集》是沙特建国100祝活动秘书处发行的众多出版物中的一种,力图清楚地表明,这个节日是一个科学、求知的活动。 这部图集用地图、图片和简短的文字记录了沙特在建国不同阶段的大部分史实和事件。从伊历850年,以马尼·马尼迪为首的沙特家族回到阿拉伯半岛中心的哈尼发谷地起,到建设迪里耶,使之成为沙特王国。伊历1157年到伊历1233年的第二沙特王国。伊历1240年到伊历1309年为建立第三沙特王国所发生的大事件。此外,还介绍了在诸位国王的努力下取得的突出成就。 (本书地图翻译程度较低,仅有说明文字被译出)
《沙特历史图集》是沙特建国100祝活动秘书处发行的众多出版物中的一种,力图清楚地表明,这个节日是一个科学、求知的活动。 这部图集用地图、图片和简短的文字记录了沙特在建国不同阶段的大部分史实和事件。从伊历850年,以马尼·马尼迪为首的沙特家族回到阿拉伯半岛中心的哈尼发谷地起,到建设迪里耶,使之成为沙特王国。伊历1157年到伊历1233年的第二沙特王国。伊历1240年到伊历1309年为建立第三沙特王国所发生的大事件。此外,还介绍了在诸位国王的努力下取得的突出成就。 (本书地图翻译程度较低,仅有说明文字被译出)
《沙特历史图集》是沙特建国100祝活动秘书处发行的众多出版物中的一种,力图清楚地表明,这个节日是一个科学、求知的活动。 这部图集用地图、图片和简短的文字记录了沙特在建国不同阶段的大部分史实和事件。从伊历850年,以马尼·马尼迪为首的沙特家族回到阿拉伯半岛中心的哈尼发谷地起,到建设迪里耶,使之成为沙特王国。伊历1157年到伊历1233年的第二沙特王国。伊历1240年到伊历1309年为建立第三沙特王国所发生的大事件。此外,还介绍了在诸位国王的努力下取得的突出成就。 (本书地图翻译程度较低,仅有说明文字被译出)
The Battle of Iwo Jima, fought in the winter of 1945 on arocky island south of Japan, brought a ferocious slice of hell toearth: in a month's time, more than 22,000 Japanese soldiers woulddie defending a patch of ground a third the size of Manhattan,while nearly 26,000 Americans fell taking it from them. The battlewas a turning point in the war in the Pacific, and it produced oneof World War II's enduring images: a photograph of six soldiersraising an American flag on the flank of Mount Suribachi, theisland's commanding high point. One of those young Americans was John Bradley, a Navy corpsmanwho a few days before had braved enemy mortar and machine-gun fireto administer first aid to a wounded Marine and then drag him tosafety. For this act of heroism Bradley would receive the NavyCross, an award second only to the Medal of Honor. Bradley, who died in 1994, never mentioned his feat to hisfamily. Only after his death did Bradley's son James begin to piecetogether the facts of his father's h
Nominated for the National Book Award, this book is set incolonial Massachusetts where, in 1704, a French and Indian warparty descended on the village of Deerfield, abducting a Puritanminister and his children. Although John Williams was eventuallyreleased, his daughter horrified the family by staying with hercaptors and marrying a Mohawk husband.
"Brilliant . . . Indispensable." LosAngeles Times Here is the story of the rise and fall of the notorious Bonannocrime family of New York as only best-selling author Gay Talesecould tell it.