Children love to pretend! Whether it’s flying like an airplaneor galloping like a horse, the delightful songs in this collection,set to both classical and contemporary music, will encourage everychild’s imagination to soar!
百岁经典童谣,留住我们共同的童年 早教培训师精心设计并录制手指操视频 精选100首百岁经典童谣,轻柔低缓的摇篮曲,热闹喜庆的节日时令,童稚有趣的日常游戏,诙谐幽默的趣味生活,如诗如画的田园牧歌,给孩子更好的语言启蒙; 著名儿童文学作家、民俗学家、三次国家五个一工程奖获得者孟宪明撰写导读和注释 ; 早教培训师candy精心设计并录制手指操视频,锻炼宝宝的动手能力和协调能力; 100幅精美中国风插图,给孩子更好的艺术启蒙; 孩子的语言启蒙,大都从 听 开始。一个正在学习开口说话的宝宝,*初的语言启蒙大都来自于祖辈和妈妈吟唱的歌谣; 童谣是语言和声韵的结合。短小精炼的篇幅,朗朗上口的歌词,轻松活泼的韵律,不仅能帮助孩子培养语感,体会词汇的语音规律,更能激发孩子对语言的兴趣,在潜移默化中为孩子打
Trace Moroneys enchanting series of 3D nursery rhyme boardbooks have been strong sellers in all markets across the world. Nowthis collection is featured in a mini board book format andpackaged in a gorgeous colourful box set featuring some of TraceMoroneys most loved and endearing characters.
Halloween is a delightful time for children. With everythingfrom spooky songs, silly songs, and pumpkin songs, to fingerplays,circle games, and even tasty recipes, here is the perfectcollection to help with the Halloween festivities.
Thirty years of silly songs, rhymes, lullabies, classics, andjust plain favorite music come together on this reissue of the 25thAnniversary Celebration. Chosen from among the hundreds andhundreds of songs that Wee Sing has collected over the last 30years, this treasury is a fitting tribute to the best-selling namein children’s music!
This bestselling collection of classic nursery rhymes includesfavourites such as 'Pat-a-Cake', 'Rock-a-Bye Baby', 'Baa, Baa,Black Sheep' and 'Humpty Dumpty', as well as ABCs, lullabies,finger games, counting rhymes, cumulative tables and nonsenseverse. Illustrated in glorious colour by Faith Jacques.